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Apr. 19th, 2015


WHO: Ariel and Regina
WHERE: The Beach
WHAT: Regina finds Ariel on the shore.
WHEN: Some point today
STATUS: Ongoing

Curious, she surfaced, and was incredibly surprised at what she found. )

Oct. 15th, 2014


WHO:Caroline Forbes and OPEN!
WHAT: Arriving in Storybrooke
WHERE: Main Street & on her way to housing towers
WHEN: Early afternoon, Wednesday October 15th
RATING: TBA but should be tame

--- )

Mar. 25th, 2014


Who: Regina Mills and Fred Weasley
What: He disapproves of her face. He brings her tea.
When: Sometime this past week.
Where: Her office
Rating: PG for snark and awfulness?
Status: Incomplete

What are you doing? )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Who: Henry Mills and Regina Mills
What: Catching up after the run in with Laura Hale
Where: The Mills Home
When: After school
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete.

Read more... )


Who: Regina Mills and Sarissa.
What: A perfunctory check-up.
Where: Outside Tower Two.
When: 9/9/2013.
Rating: Benign.
Status: Incomplete.

Sarissa, isn't it? )

Sep. 1st, 2013


Who: May Parker / Spider-Girl and Regina Mills / The Evil Queen
What: May is new in town, and she's off to meet the Mayor
Where: The Mayor's office
When: September 1st, Late afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: In progress

Two portals in two days..the life of a Parker was anything but dull )

Jul. 27th, 2013


Who: Thor Odinson and Regina Mills / The Evil Queen (Open to Henry too I imagine)
What: Thor visits her office to introduce himself, be polite, and possibly give her a warning
Where: The Mayors office
When: Saturday, July 27th. Evening.
Rating: PG, at worst.
Status: In Progress

He'd learned a lot since his visit to the desert, and not just about not smashing cups. )

Jul. 24th, 2013


Who: Regina and Henry Mills.
What: Reunion.
Where: Town hall, her office.
When: Afternoon, following his miraculous return.
Ratings/Warnings: Low rating, but wow Regina is the saddest puppy ever, so there are some mentions of her forced marriage and a whole lot of misery.
Status: Incomplete.

It was funny that after all this time, Regina hadn't lost her taste for apples. )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Who: Regina Mills and Belle.
What: Stupid idiot "good" person doing stupid idiot "good" thing. Just another day in Regina's life.
Where: The library.
When: July 23, following this.
Ratings/Warnings: Likely low, though there might be a little magical violence.
Status: Incomplete.

Regina didn't greet Belle. As a rule, she didn't greet people not worth her notice. )

Jul. 16th, 2013


Who: Hermione and Regina.
What: Hermione is seeking employment.
Where: Town Hall.
When: Shortly after this post [backdated].
Warnings/Ratings: TBA
Status: Incomplete.
Having found herself in a strange situation, being thrust through a magical portal against her will, and thrown into another world not her own, Hermione was currently trying to make the best of her situation. )