September 2016




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Aug. 4th, 2016


Apparently it's that time of year where I miss my other best friend. I blame movie theaters.

Jul. 29th, 2016


I want to go somewhere.

I also want a drink.

If anyone is up for either of those things...

Apr. 30th, 2016


I am going to assume that leaving Storybrooke doesn't mean that I can go back to Westeros.

Feb. 15th, 2016


I was just roaming what they call the Internet and came across this.

Thanks for the warning, Storybrooke.

Nov. 5th, 2015


I really need the magic of this place to send back Phil.

Oct. 16th, 2015


I need a drink to celebrate Cersei's lack of arrival.

Anyone want to join me?

Aug. 13th, 2015


Is there anything to do around here?

Aug. 12th, 2015


So, I've been through somethings in my life.

I am in fairly decent shape for a non-super powered human.

Why the hell am I so damn tired? Classes are wearing me out. Why can't we just reinstate SHIELD? What if I just work at a grocery store instead? I could be a bouncer.

I need a bath and a drink.

Jul. 29th, 2015


( Filtered to Regina George Mills )

My lady,

I hear you are what amounts to the ruler of this quaint town. I was wondering what it would take to gain employment as what would amount to the King's Hand here.

I have experience working for the government of Westeros, and would be more than willing to take whatever position you have available.

Thank you for your time,

Tyrion Lannister

Jul. 23rd, 2015


Magic portals to small towns in Maine where you're greeted by one of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs. Definitely unexpected.

And sadly, still not one of the strangest things to ever happen to me.


Bobbi is missing. I'm trying to not think about what she's going through. It's not really working.

I either need a drink or to punch someone.

Jul. 17th, 2015


[Filtered to Steve Rogers (616)]
Hi. I was wondering if maybe when you had time sometime we could do another cooking thing? Natalia said that you make really good pancakes, so I said I'd ask if you'd teach me sometime, so I could make them for her?

If you don't mind, I mean. And only when you're not busy. Thanks.
[/Steve Rogers]

[Filtered to Natasha Romanoff, and the Bartons (MCU)]
Hi. I know everyone is busy so I didn't want to bother you but would it be okay if the Bucky who used to live here comes over and we use the kitchen some night? Or day? If not that's okay. He was going to show me how to make stuff, is all. But I mean there's a lot of people here so I don't want to get in the way.

Where did the girl who lives here go? Does she just hate me so I never see her? Did I do something to make her hate me? Should I say sorry?

[Edited to Add Later]
And you probably already know this because I sort of just thought she was avoiding me, but I think the girl - Allison? - who was here isn't, now. Or at least she hasn't been.

I just thought I should say. Just in case you didn't know.
[/Natasha, Bartons]

[Filtered to Francis Barton]
Somehow I don't even know if I like cooking or am any good at it and I'm doing it with multiple people I'm related to or sort of related to. Now I'm worried I might set something on fire. I mean I didn't so far with Steve but maybe it was a fluke?

How do you know if someone hates you enough to just never see you? If someone was there first and hates you should you move out so they don't have to see you?

Okay. I looked it up because I'm not stupid, but I still don't get it, and Tony never told us about it.

What is a meme exactly? Because I mean it seems like it's five hundred different things that don't make sense.

Jul. 15th, 2015


I'm not exactly sure what I am doing here. Someone tried to explain it, but... well, at least it's better than King's Landing.

Jan. 30th, 2015


I think one of Snow White's dwarfs tried to pick me up today. I think that calls for drinks.

Barton, I heard a rumor you guys keep talking about karaoke night, and you owe me one of those for that time when we had to leave. Someone find the man a microphone.

So is there any actual real work that I should be doing while I'm here, or do I actually need to take a normal person job? I've never done that without an alias or some other ulterior motive.

[Lance, Jemma, & Clint Barton (MCU)]
So there's a kid here named Francis and I think some other universe version of me is his mom.

This place likes to throw some curve balls.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


This place is magnficent! It has so many shops, so many types of cocoa and milk! So many kinds of drinks. I have found one named tequila. It's almost as good at the stuff back home. So many kinds of ale! And everything is in one place! Most amusing.

However the doors are short and very narrow. Was this place built only for the smaller races?

I am called The Iron Bull, and yes, the horns are real. I really need to find some horn balm.

Jan. 13th, 2015


At least I'm back here.

I'd hate to run into Cersei after all that.

I am kind of glad this wasn't a hallucination.

Jan. 9th, 2015


Well. Now that it's become quite evident I'll be staying for the foreseeable future I may have to find work.

I don't suppose anyone is looking to hire a butler? I cook, clean, take care of laundry, drive, and I'm bloody good at making sure your children don't climb up on things they aren't supposed to.

Dec. 14th, 2014


Well, this place is certain quaint. It's almost charming.

I don't suppose anyone has seen a very purposeful young elven woman about. Probably fighting a dragon or doing something equally ridiculous and heroic?

Dec. 13th, 2014


Most of us are aware that it's the holiday season, so I'm here to ask some questions that could be helpful for some of the newer residents. I'm hoping any answers will be especially useful for anyone new to the neighborhood that have no idea what is going on, what to do, or why Santa may have thrown up Christmas cheer on everything.

1. Is Storybrooke doing anything special this year for the holidays or New Year's Eve?
2. What events are happening that some people might not be aware of?
3. Does anyone need volunteers for anything?

And last but not least, does anybody want some randomly knitted things or food? Muffins? Christmas cookies? I have too much of everything in my efforts to get into the spirit of the season. For god's sake, I have even knitted some gun holsters. ...I may have taken this hobby too far...

Dec. 2nd, 2014


I may regret asking this, but someone tell me about Game of Thrones.


You really don't remember anything when you go back home. What's the point of that?


Well... I guess Fitz and I are the only ones lagging now. I haven't been watching lately. I don't know what's coming.

Who's up for drinks?


The weather is a welcome change. It reminds me of my childhood, what little I recall of it. The Anderfels were always cold like this, and often with snow. Perhaps things will take a similar turn here. The snow from before was nice enough that I would not mind a repeat.

( rumplestiltskin )
This is foolish Nathaniel will I have been told that you are capable of feats of magic that others cannot achieve, and that you are willing to use that magic for other people, at a cost.

( nathaniel )
It is quiet here without Hawke or Fenris. It seems everyone has been keeping to themselves of late. Even the Commander, if such a thing is possible.

Nov. 16th, 2014


Hang on. This is actually Storybrooke. Proper, real, magical town that has got the portals that pull everyone in from all across the universes, Storybrooke?

I never thought I'd end up back here again especially after what happened.

Well, then. There's only one question to ask. What have I missed?

Sorry, no, two questions. That one and one more. The Grimes family, are they still here?

Oct. 21st, 2014


( Clara Oswald )

I'm going to The Rabbit Hole tonight if you'd care to join me.

Sep. 24th, 2014


Anyone up for drinks? I could use a distraction.

Sep. 11th, 2014


Former Hand of the King.

Former Master of Coin.

Currently a dwarf.

Currently interested in books, whores, food.

And sleeping.

Job opportunities for such a person?

Sep. 9th, 2014


Before you ask? Yes, I'm still a genius. It isn't my superpower.

Yes, I'm still fucking awesome.

Yes, my liver is still working now someone go get me another bottle of scotch, I'm starving.

In case any of you forgot: I'm just this awesome naturally. No abilities or superpowers here.

Sep. 3rd, 2014


This place is quaint and strange. I'm not sure that I like it.

I understand it is not possible to return to my ship?

Aug. 25th, 2014


You know what would be fun? A night out on the town. First round of drinks are on me.

So who's in?


This is not where I was supposed to go.

I keep half expecting Cersei to appear around the corner.