September 2016




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Jul. 25th, 2016


When you finally remember to pull your head out of studying forever because you're seriously considering writing wedding vows to your biology textbook, you have to finally admit something is wrong. So, barring the low probability of transdimensional whisking away of things. Does anyone want to go out for tacos? Is there even anywhere to go out for Tacos?

If not, does anyone want to come over and help me not burn down the apartment making tacos and subsequently helping me eat the likely way too much food I'll make?

Jul. 14th, 2016


spoilers for civil war II )

Jun. 26th, 2016


So, apparently, weird gay porn books aren't just about dinosaurs anymore. There's totally a book about gay sex with...the concept of money? Giant coins with your own face? British mistakes? Who even knows.

Tommy. Are you going to write lesbian money porn now? Because I think it would be hilarious.

Oh! So, F/M/K, Civil War Edition. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark or T'Challa. Let's see if Rogers or Stark cry when people choose to kill them. Because let's be honest here, nobody's choosing to kill T'Challa.

Also, feel free to torment one another with your own F/M/K questions in the comments. I encourage it.

May. 7th, 2016


I was told when I arrived there are others here I know. How did I come to this place? It should not be possible.

My name is Wanda.

Apr. 25th, 2016


Well, that was a thing.

(ooc: please see this.)


april, come meet my dork brother before he gets bored and vanishes again to go do nerd things, or has an existential crisis because his boyfriend isn't here yet.

katie kates, you come too. you can tie him down or something so he can't fuck off.

actually everyone come. we'll do a party. bring food and stuff.


Everything about this gives me a headache.

But I'm 80% sure it's not my fault.

My boyfriend, the king of space, is not going to be happy about this

Mar. 11th, 2016


heeeeey. so civil war. it blows.

but i'm experienced and wise so i'm taking small voluntary donations to tell people how it'll end. or not small donations. cash and objects of value only, no credit or bitcoin or whatever. i have standards.

tommy industries is not responsible for any weeping or yelling or dramatic punching that happens after we inform you of what the fuck happens. it's not our fault that your life sucks, we're just helping you stay informed.

did you know if you turn a mixer up high when you're trying to mix stuff for cookies the flour can hit the ceiling? because now i know that and the ceiling is white.

Jan. 27th, 2016


I think for the first time in years I may actually be experiencing something like boredom with all of this idle time. I've been told there are job opportunities all over town. Any suggestions? I'd offer my resume but I have a sneaking suspicion many of you already know my experience.

How did your meeting with that young man go? He gave me an odd feeling. I couldn't place it.

I know we've only just touched on training but what do you think about starting in earnest now?

Jan. 22nd, 2016


It's lonely here.

It makes me kind of miss home despite home having zombies. At least I knew people there.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Hooray for Christmas break. No school. So... what am I going to do with my free time?

Dec. 19th, 2015


Just when you think it's alright to go to the movies again..

Captain America: Civil War. It might have been easier to swallow if I knew I could do something to stop it from here.

Nov. 28th, 2015


Small little Maine town. And here I was starting to think maybe I'd just made this whole place up. Small miracles I guess. Except for the part where I miss thanksgiving. Are there leftovers available anywhere because I am starving.

Nov. 13th, 2015


i'm gonna write a song. it's called "everyone leaves and it blows". first i've got to learn how to write songs and play music but how hard can that be? i mean musicians do it.

but first i watched food network for like four hours and they made a baked state dessert that you set on fire and i'm going to make that. i'm pretty sure i can and if not fire goes out eventually.

my brother is nerding somewhere. i can feel it. he's nerding and i can't mock him for it.

Oct. 27th, 2015


Where is my sister?

Oct. 26th, 2015


Okay so Halloween's on Saturday. What do teenagers do on Halloween? Is someone going to throw a party? Someone should throw a party and hope nothing terrible happens. And there should be costumes because otherwise it's not a Halloween party BUT you can't wear your usual costume if you're a super hero type because, again, that's not a Halloween party.

Oct. 14th, 2015


I think Logan's gone. Again. I'll be in the w


May's gone.

Fuck this place

I'm going to go set something on fire.

Oct. 12th, 2015


Look, world, I made it to 18.

Sep. 15th, 2015



So. I want to punch you less than I want to punch most people, even when you're annoying. And you aren't entirely terrible facewise.

Do you maybe want to go see a movie or something? Like as a date? Or something?

I may have made a huge mistake.

I asked someone out.

I blame you and your weird boy issues.

Sep. 3rd, 2015


Okay. Time for a few announcements won't actually matter to anyone except my family probably. But I don't care. I feel like making announcements.

1) Given I'm beyond confused about my age at this point, with all the being here and then going back to that same point in my personal timeline back home right before I get dead by explosion, I am just going to declare that I'm the same age as May, whatever that is at this point. May, how old are you again? I can never keep track. It's only fair, since we're twins. Besides, it's not like my age ever made sense anyway, what with all the symbiote hybrid clone stuff.

2) I'm changing my codename. Because reasons. Namely...
A - Mayhem sounds like a supervillain name. be fair...
B - It also sounds like a terrible pun on May's name. be fair...
C - No codenames you pick at 16 are good codenames...
D - My whole family gets spider codenames, so...
Anyway, I'm going to go with Scarlet Spider, because sorta-maybe-clones have AWESOME luck with that one.

3) I'm starving. Who wants pizza?

4) I also kind of want to punch someone in the face. Any takers?

This whole post and its...everything is probably why I have like...two and a half friends.

Aug. 12th, 2015


Laser tag. We're in.


Ugh adults. Just. Blegh.

Jul. 29th, 2015


billy and teddy are gone.

cassie, kate? you still here? eli? may? april?

this sucks.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


I get done doing the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life and suddenly I'm kidnapped and dropped off in fairytale land.

The universe has a sick sense of humor.

Jul. 21st, 2015


What is this place? How do you exist out in the open? I haven't seen a wall or a guard tower anywhere along the perimeter...

Jul. 14th, 2015


fuck yeah, i can do magic now.

i've got magic summoning powers. so step right up. twenty bucks a pop and i'll wish your favorite people into this weird ass magic town for you.

unless your favorite people are assclowns, then i have veto power and will refund your twenty.

i'm magic. sorry billy, make room on the magic throne.


Can we quit with the back and forth already?

I mean, I'm not exactly enjoying going back to right before I apparently die. Seriously, portals. Worst trip ever.

May? Peter? You guys still here?

Jul. 13th, 2015


I want to learn to drive.

I mean, that's a thing teenagers do, right?

Someone teach me to drive.

Oh! I totally didn't fail out of school, so I'm going to be a senior. Go me.


Filtered to Tommy Shepard:
So. Hi?

Filtered to Gwen Stacy:
I think I want to hide in a physics textbook forever.

Jul. 11th, 2015


Well isn't this quaint.

Jul. 10th, 2015


So. Trapped in an alternate dimension. Must be the summer time.

I'm Franklin Richards, I know some of the Avengers are here?


It's probably not normal to have step one of this process being making new social networking but HOW CAN I NOT. This place is super Instagram-able. I never was really good at the whole camping thing, but whatevs. I'll make do.

Also super honored to be fictional or whatever. I mean, if you're with the likes of Captain America or Iron Man, it can't be all that bad, right? I'll just shelf away my mental breakdown and identity crisis to the side for now. Hi I'm Darcy!

Jul. 5th, 2015


So I was thinking about Tommy's stupid post and how people kind of liked it. And then I found this post and figured whatever.
Malia Hale has a reputation for a remarkable talent at intimidating people. Additionally, she possesses the power to read the memories of others, however she must speak words of power to do so. Malia Hale is known for her marvelous knack at fighting in the dark and she is able to communicate with sloths in any language. She resists assailants wielding an accurate stinger that also grants a startling combat sense and she developed the talent to make hats appear from nowhere. Lamentably, Malia Hale is infamous for being woefully unskilled at seduction.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


So...Tommy? It's Tommy, right? You talked about racing a while back and I think I'm really up for that. Because I'm bored and I have way too much energy and I need something to focus on other than how I'm the worst at everything, and you're the only other speedster I've ever met who doesn't want to murder me in the face You still want to? If you're not too busy writing lesbian dinosaur porn

Wanna come cheer me on if he says yes?

And maybe go out again after?

How are you settling in?

We should hang out sometime. I'm really glad you're here. And we're friends. I mean...I think we're friends. We're friends, right? But we should definitely hang out.

How do I...anything really?

I have way too much energy and it's driving me crazy. Want to spar sometime?

Hi. Are you still an asshole who doesn't remember me? Asking for a friend

Hey. How are you doing? How's your not-Victorian detective boyfriend?

Jul. 1st, 2015


I went on Tumblr.

I don't like Tumblr.

Derek, stop making people on the internet think you want to have sex with my boyfriend. It makes me sad.

Stiles, stop making people on the internet think you're in love with my cousin and want his werewolf babies. I'm pretty sure you can't have babies, not even werewolf babies.

Jun. 26th, 2015


Ramadan Mubarak everyone!

I know I'm extremely late but it's been difficult in celebrating this month without my family. I'm doing my best to fast accordingly--I even prayed on time each day, holy cow--but then iftar comes around and then the realization that I'm here and my friends and family aren't hits me and yeah it hurts. But I decided to not let it get me down! So if anyone is interested in joining me for iftar--that's the moment Muslims break their fast with loads of food when the sun sets for all of the non-Muslims out there--let me know. I might not be the best cook but I have a few tricks up my sleeves.

We can even make it a potluck.


so i was bored and on tumblr which is so gross in like the best way but also has all these pictures of food that always make me hungry. but anyway people had this and this and now i'm grossed out because i guess i'm into asgard types and no. like the mini loki is all right but i don't want to do him. and thor is giant and there's more beard than face sometimes and the hammer does not do anything for my hammer okay. not even in the top ten.

plus i think they only use like the movie guys. which is wrong because that cuts out a million superhero people.

internet quizzes are wrong on the internet.

hey billy, i have two chapters for you to read.

Jun. 7th, 2015


So now that school's letting out and I won't have a million activities going on anymore I need to find something to do with my time.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Yeah. That was painful to watch. Pink streaks again?

May. 30th, 2015




all the people that show up here from like, weird things.

how come there's no miss piggy here?

how come i had to go to a magic place full of people from fictional stuff and i still haven't gotten to meet miss piggy?

someone get the hell on getting some muppets around.

gonzo freaks me out though. he's just way too in to chickens. like when you think about it, would they let someone have a chicken screwing fetish on kids stuff now?

oh and hey captain america wanted to know how i had sex.

May. 22nd, 2015


What do you do when everything falls apart? What do people do around here, in general? I mean, since you can't leave.

May. 20th, 2015


I don't suppose anyone wants to come over and help me eat all these cookies I've made for reasons we're totally not going to talk about?

( Dad )
You showing up would be pretty great. April's gone home. Again.

( Francis )
Hey. Could we hang out tonight?

May. 18th, 2015


Now this one I did not see coming....

Getting that out of the way, I would like to take a moment to make a formal declaration of thanks to the Storybrooke welcoming committee for helping prevent what could have been a very confusing time, and for providing me with this nice way to get in contact with the general population. I understand that this transplanting process is pretty common here and I have to say I am impressed with the way it's being handled. Having done this on more than one occasion myself, I can tell you it almost never goes this smoothly.

For those of who aren't familiar with me, my name is Steven Grant Rogers, Captain. There's a pretty good chance you might know me more by the work suit than the street clothes, and I apologize for the lack of the latter. I promise it's something I'll fix, since walking around as Captain America doesn't seem like the most comfortable thing in the world. I understand it there's a youth center here as well and a gym? I'd assume that, besides Granny's, this is likely where you can find me easily from time to time.

To those of you who do know me?

Sorry I'm late. You know how us old men can be.


So I'm thinking of heading out tonight to take some pictures of the night sky. Lately I've been looking into pictures of the Milky Way, so hopefully it'll be a clear night for some nice pictures. Anyone wanna come with?

May. 10th, 2015


yeah great. hey billy, think our mom's actually younger than us this version?

not at all weird.

even for us.

screw this.

May. 9th, 2015


When school lets out I think I'm going to spend most of my summer at the shooting range. Gotta make sure I don't get all rusty. Plus Frank Castle seems pretty cool


This is certainly very strange.

Steve? Natasha? The man who claimed to be a dwarf from Snow White said you were here.

[OOC: Definite spoilers for Age of Ultron in the comments.]


Okay, I'm not saying this is anyone's fault, but I'm pretty sure it might actually be Tony Stark's fault. Or Thor's. That trans-galactic travel could be trans-dimensional, right?

Anyone care to disagree?

May. 8th, 2015


So fucking bored. Tell me something I don't know. Or buy me beer. Or offer to spar with me.

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