September 2016




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Oct. 1st, 2014


I thought I just wasn't going to get hit by whatever this round of weird is that's hit Storybrooke. Nothing was making itself super obvious.

And then I picked up Mjolnir without thinking about it.

Thor, how come your hair never gets this frizzy? Is it an Asgardian thing?

Aug. 25th, 2014


You know what would be fun? A night out on the town. First round of drinks are on me.

So who's in?

Jul. 30th, 2014


Jane, as I understand it, the residents of this place have organized a large gathering of sorts in the coming days.

Would you care to attend it with me?

Jul. 29th, 2014


It looks like we should have good weather for the block party or whatever we're calling it this weekend. Which is great, because nothing is sadder than a block party in the rain. Soggy popcorn is nobody's friend.

I could use some help constructing the waterslide, though. All the plans and parts are set, we just need to build it, and I'm just one rather shrimpy woman. Anybody with construction experience is extra welcome.

Jul. 26th, 2014


Filtered to Avengers

Avengers )

Jul. 15th, 2014


I need to find a late-night place for pizza.

Or milkshakes.

Or pie.

Or all three.

Jul. 7th, 2014


Greetings, I am Thor, of Asgard, Son of Odin.

Though such a means was not how I had intended to return, I suppose the good fortune means I should be without complaint. Instead I find myself quite thankful that I have landed among such a considerate group of people, people who have informed me that this device will connect me to many of the others of you who have ended here the same as I?

Perhaps then there might be one of you here who could point me in the direction of your delicacy known as pancakes? I find them to be the best choice, when one is forced to deal with a sudden and unexpected arrival in any realm. Your assistance would be most appreciated.

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Let's just ignore anything I may have said or done.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


People are changing back? I don't want to change back


It appears I have returned to this place once again. Strange that I had thought it to be a place only of my imaginings, and yet here I am again.

In case I am not remembered, though not much seems to have changed. I am Thor, Son of Odin. I spent time in this place once before. Are any of my friends and allies still present?

Dec. 18th, 2013



How would you like to escort a friend to the ball? I know you miss Jane but everyone is going and it'll do you good to have some fun.

Dec. 11th, 2013


You know, it's sad, but this is not the weirdest thing that's happened to me this year.

I was told there are other Avengers here?

Nov. 30th, 2013











Nov. 27th, 2013


In the excitement this day of celebration, I went to find Jane only to discover it appears she has departed.

I still plan to feast, even if the occasion is less festive than I'd have liked. Darcy, you are still more than invited to have a place at the table.

Perhaps I shall finally consult the counsel of this 'internet' as to how one prepares a turkey.


Jane, Darcy, I understand there is a Midgardian feasting tradition that is rapidly approaching. As it is common for such feasts where I am from, and I have not had such a proper thing since arriving in this strange place, I would very much like to observe this tradition.

So, feast with me on this upcoming day of Thanks?

Nov. 26th, 2013


So, I was flipping through channels tonight and I sort of saw part of your show, Grant. Don't worry. I changed the channel. It seems weird to watch friends' lives.

But I just have to say...congratulations on your abs. They're really impressive.

Are you photoshopped? Because forget six pack. I'm pretty sure you had like...a ten pack or something.

Oct. 30th, 2013


I just realized that tomorrow is Halloween. I should probably pay more attention to the dates.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has handed me cash upon arrival in their town.

Oct. 21st, 2013


Well, that was certainly fascinating. Do people often undergo hard genetic recodings here? Just from a point of scientific curiosity.

Speaking of, I was wondering something. It is my understanding that the individuals from this town are originally from another sort of world entirely, unless I was misunderstanding something. And I was wondering if one of you might be willing to donate a sample, blood sample...tissue...anything really, so that I could see how you might differ from a baseline human from this world, genetically speaking. I really want to know if the potential of people from your world for magic is something that is coded into your genetics, or if it is some outside influence that allows you to use it.

I would just really appreciate it if you could help me out.

Oh! And Thor? I would love to do some tests if you have some time. To establish a baseline for Asgardian genetics and physiology. And also to see if your arms are like Maria...I mean...Deputy Director Hill said Just...while the opportunity is available.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Well, this is an interesting little place. I'm not sure I love being stuck here, but ohmygod the coffee. I don't know what you guys put in it, but that stuff at the coffee place is amazing.

Sep. 8th, 2013



For those who knew her my best f Darcy Lewis was sent home.

Thor, I'll be at the lab late tonight.

Sep. 5th, 2013


Just because school's started doesn't mean we're not doing practices anymore. It's still in the training grounds in the woods, starting at 6:30.

If any new arrivals want to join us, feel free! We do a lot of sparring, both armed and disarmed, with sword training, hand-to-hand and basic self-defense.

Personally, I'd love to spar with someone whose style I'm not familiar with. And sometimes Thor shows up.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Voice Post

This is not the battle field I was expecting. I must return to Asgard, and I have little time or patience for anyone of this realm.

Aug. 19th, 2013


Nat's gone.

Just figured people would want to know. Not sure how many people outside the team knew her, but yeah. She's just gone. I guess, back through the portal or whatever.

Aug. 17th, 2013


My friends, battle-brothers and sisters, I must request an audience with you as soon as you are able. It had come to my attention there are matters that must now be discussed. Jane, Darcy, I should like you both to be present as well, and any others who feel they may have rightful grievance against my Brother, Loki, of Asgard.

When may we meet?


[Thor] )

They show films on screens of much greater size in town than the TV's in rooms, at the cinema. I think I'd like to see. Lady Cassie, care to accompany me? Or any others who seek something to occupy their hours.

Aug. 12th, 2013


Hey, everyone.

My name is Kitty Pryde. Back in my own reality, I was the Headmistress of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Here in Storybrooke, I've been working with Mayor Mills to set up a communal space for all the youth, both local and displaced.

Basically, the point is that the Storybrooke Youth Center will be opening soon, to give the kids and teenagers in Storybrooke a place to hang out and have fun in a safe environment. There will be areas for athletic activity, as well as places to socialize, and even to study once school rolls around. What we're hoping is that we can create a space where the young people in town can interact in a safe environment that promotes positive attitudes.

The point of this post is that the center will need staff. I will be running things, along with my colleague, Logan Howlett, but we definitely need more people in order to get this operation up and running. If you're interested, please contact me here, or you can email your information to me at We really appreciate any support that we can get.

Also, classes will be staring at the Elementary, Junior High and High Schools, as well as the Community College, on September 3, the Tuesday following labor day. All children and teens under the age of eighteen are required to register for school. Please use the following form to provide your information, or that of your child, and we'll get them into the system so that they're registered for classes.

We'll be doing one on one counseling for high school and college students, to help them pick classes. We will also be working with any students who have special requirements outside of typical academic programs, in order to best help them.

Thank you all very much and we appreciate your help and cooperation.

Aug. 10th, 2013


Wait. Who assigned me a room on the bottom floor?

People in charge. Does the word penthouse mean anything to you?

Followed up with, you know who I am, so fix it. Fix it as in, room reassignment to something above the fifteenth floor.

You people have google right?


Thank god Tony finally worked out how to keep these things from melting

That was really getting irritating

I managed to destroy three of those stupid devices before

Storybrooke seems very accommodating so far. As far as recent kidnappings go, this one is actually very nice. I could use a vacation. Lord knows that mess with Killian is going to leave me with so much paperwork when we get back

Dr. Banner, it looks like Tony and I will be staying with you. I hope that won't be a problem. I know we haven't really gotten a chance to get to know each other yet, but I always look forward to meeting Tony's friends.

Aug. 8th, 2013


I was curious, is there anyone else here from New York? I guess I'm curious about the differences between my New York and other dimensions or universes or whatevers New York. Does that make sense? Then again, a lot of the stuff that happened in my New York, mortals wouldn't have even known exactly what was happening.

[Filtered to demi-gods]

Are any of you guys like really restless? I know that the likelihood of a monster attack here is low, at least not like at home, but I keep finding myself looking over my shoulder when I'm out.

Aug. 4th, 2013


So, I've decided. This place is the coolest place ever and I never wanna leave it!

Aug. 1st, 2013


So what kind of career options are available to an immortal Hunter/archer here? I'm really good at shooting or stabbing monsters until they don't move anymore. Also, I read and write Ancient Greek.

Jul. 29th, 2013


There is no purpose to this. It is not a game, there is no score. Just scores of babbling mortals.

I will not remain confined for long.

Jul. 28th, 2013


My dear Elizabeth has informed me that I need a job and that working in a bar is a bad idea.


Jul. 26th, 2013



SO, before I lose my god damn mind with alternate universes and timelines and all that shit, I figured this was just a much easier way to go about it.

I'm Jessica Jones. I have been, in this order, Jewel, Knightress and Power Woman. My husband is Luke Cage, AKA Power Man. He is, the last time I saw him, an Avenger and I have been one multiple times. The point of this post is to find out who knows who and what we all know because I don't know about you all but I could really use some people I trust. Besides Danny and Logan.


Voice Post

Greetings, people of Earth and the town of Storybrooke. I have been told that this device will transmit my voice? I am Thor, Son of Odin. I do not know how it is I have been called to your realm, but do not panic. I swore once, long ago, to defend your realm from all who would seek to do it harm. I will find the answers soon.

I was informed, however, that departure is not an option, so I must ask..where are your feasting halls and is there any of your coffee to be had?