September 2016




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Jul. 5th, 2015


So I was thinking about Tommy's stupid post and how people kind of liked it. And then I found this post and figured whatever.
Malia Hale has a reputation for a remarkable talent at intimidating people. Additionally, she possesses the power to read the memories of others, however she must speak words of power to do so. Malia Hale is known for her marvelous knack at fighting in the dark and she is able to communicate with sloths in any language. She resists assailants wielding an accurate stinger that also grants a startling combat sense and she developed the talent to make hats appear from nowhere. Lamentably, Malia Hale is infamous for being woefully unskilled at seduction.

May. 27th, 2015


So now that it's warming up and school's mostly out I've been thinking of starting a running club. That's something people still do, right? I still need ways to fill all this spare time. I think I found the perfect shirt, too. I'll take other suggestions though.

Apr. 15th, 2015


[ filtered away from sam; ]

If anyone gets the smart idea to mention this "Supernatural" show to my brother, I will cut your throat. Don't think I won't. I'm not trying to be mean here or anything, but it's just a request. Me, asking a bunch of random people for a favor. He can't know.

[ public; ]

I think I need a job, I'm almost out of beer money. And the locals are starting to catch on that I'm hustling them.

Oct. 12th, 2014


I feel like the genie at the end of Aladdin after he's been freed. WISH ALL YOU WANT. I AM FREE.

Oct. 1st, 2014


Pluto's finally a fucking planet again. Idiots taking it off the list never made no sense. Screwed up the that My Dear AUnt Sally thing.

Roy have you turned up with powers yet? If they're the power to keep the living room free of your shit, it'd be a miracle. Also don't touch the putty. I need to put it into the windows.

Sep. 30th, 2014


Well, turns out, I'd make a terrible genie.

For the duration of this, nobody wish for anything around me. Verbally or in your head. It'll just...end badly.

Sep. 22nd, 2014


Well, this town sure is picturesque. So...what's the catch?

Jul. 25th, 2014


This again.

I guess there are worse places to be. Not exactly the best timing, but portals aren't really known for that.

Jul. 8th, 2014


I hate math.

I hate math and science and history and I don't understand why these equations have all these letters in them. Why does math need letters?

And why am I supposed to care what happened 1612.

This is all stupid.

Jul. 5th, 2014


Hey, Stiles.

So you were talking about that movie again the other day and I was thinking, maybe we can do a movie night. And watch that Star Wars movie.

I want to see what happens with the Jedi and the Vulcans.

Would anyone want to come to that?

Jun. 26th, 2014



I'm looking for a girl.

...Not just any girl, I do have a specific one in mind. Brown hair, brown eyes that are sometimes bright blue. She may have said something that sounded mean. She means it but she probably didn't mean to say it out loud. We're working on that.

Jun. 10th, 2014


Everyone is always bored or missing people on this thing. Including me. So screw it.

Top five people in town you'd sleep with. Everyone tell me theirs. (I don't care if they're married/dating/into the wrong gender/from a world where they're actually a rabbit. It doesn't have to make sense.)

No picking people who aren't here anymore, because then it's not as funny.

May. 12th, 2014


Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

When is national Orphan's day?

Holidays suck.

May. 7th, 2014


Shopping for prom dresses is ridiculously hard. They're all so ruffly and pastel.

I just realized I didn't ask. Did you want to go to prom? We can just stay home if you would rather.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


I don't understand.

I mean, I got the explanation from the person who gave me this phone thing, but it still doesn't make any sense. This can't be a simulation, but

Apr. 8th, 2014


I need a doctor.

Mar. 31st, 2014


Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, and Jenna Sommers are all gone. If any of you knew them, I'm sorry.

[ stiles ]

Mar. 18th, 2014


I realized I haven't really come out and said it, so there's probably a lot of people even in my social circle who don't really know.

I'm a vampire now.

Before anyone gets worked up, it was my choice. I was dying and losing my mind and possibly had an evil parasite thing inside me, and now I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, sure I'm technically dead, but it's better than being completely dead, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I know, I'm sixteen. I don't know what I want. I don't care. I like being alive.

And no, it isn't easy. Cravings are hard, and I'm definitely worried I'll slip up and eat someone. But there are resources here to help and it's probably easier than it would be somewhere that I'd have to hide what I am now. It definitely sucks not being able to go outside during the day, and I'm kind of going a little stir crazy around the apartment, but Cora's been good about bringing me my school work, so it gives me something to do. I guess the weirdest part is that I sort of feel like everything's turned up to eleven. Not just senses, which is kind of a given, but In general.

But...yeah. I'm a vampire now. Deal with it.

Mar. 9th, 2014


cut for mentions of suicide )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


I miss my mom and I wish she was here.

I hate it when I get like this. She's been gone for so long and I should be used to not having her in my life by now.

Feb. 21st, 2014


This is a really nice town you have here and everything, but I really, really need to get back to Beacon Hills. Like, as soon as possible.


Feb. 18th, 2014


This place is real. Of course it's real. You'd think I remember that the third time around.

Mom? Stiles? Alison? Issac?

Please tell me you're all still here. And okay. Yeah. Okay. That's the big one. Please tell me you're all okay.

Feb. 15th, 2014


So this place was real?

It wasn't a dream?

Feb. 11th, 2014


Sometimes, everything just sucks.

( Lydia )
Hey. I need you to do me a favor.

( Danny )
I need to talk to you about something. I know I'm not exactly your favorite person, but my girlfriends gone and my best friend is gone and I need to talk to someone.

( Isaac )
I need a favor. Sort of a morbid favor.

( Derek )
How are you holding up?

( Peter )
Life sucks.

( Elena )
Do you want to get ice cream?

Not like that. I know you have a boyfriend. And I have a girlfriend, even though she's not here.

But I could really use a break. And maybe someone to talk to

( OOC: Some definite spoilers for things revealed in tonight's Teen Wolf probably coming in comments, so be mindful. )

Feb. 10th, 2014


[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

I work tomorrow. Why don't you meet me there after school?

I just... want to make sure you're okay.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Scott is gone...

Feb. 3rd, 2014


This is a dream This has to be a dream I'm going to wake up and she's going to be here This is just a dream wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wakeup wakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup

Cora's gone. I can't find her anywhere.

I can't I don't know what to I can't breathe WAKE UP

Jan. 31st, 2014


So, on a scale of one to ten, how crazy are we all feeling?

Jan. 30th, 2014


You know, life's a boring when people aren't trying to kill you.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Please tell me that I did not get sent back in time.

Stiles? Derek? Laura? Anyone?

I am not going to high school.

Dec. 30th, 2013


For anyone still finding themselves at a loose end when it comes to finding a job, I'm certain I could conjure up a thing or two to occupy a few of you.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Hello, everyone. Charming and I will be hosting a bonfire on the beach Saturday November 23rd beginning at around 4pm. Everyone is invited, no matter your age or origin and we do hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for Fix for the suggestion. It really was a wonderful one.

Nov. 11th, 2013


There is something incredibly creepy about watching a bad horror movie with an actress who has your face in it. Besides the fires, The Purge was traumatizing. I don't know why I watched it while I was alone. Trying to become better about fires. Wasn't expecting all of that.

Nov. 8th, 2013


You know, it sucks that my dad's gone. It really does. I definitely miss him.

But at least I can console myself with the numerous videos I made of Derek Hale singing his feelings at our high school education adviser while they're both dressed like something out of the 1950s. I will treasure them forever.

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Sheriff Stilinski is gone...

[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?

Oct. 30th, 2013


I'm so going to have to step it up for Halloween, now that I've seen Cora's costume.

I'm going to look like an idiot, and she's going to realize she could do better


So, what are everyone's plans for Halloween? I'm not sure but I think Nathan and I are either staying home to hand out candy or taking kids out. I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing. See some costumes?

Oct. 18th, 2013


Apparently my word isn't good enough for my best friend.

Any single guys out there up to experimenting with me until my so called best friend decides I might actually mean it when I say that I think I'm into him?

No, I'm not joking. No haha's here.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Anyone want to go see Carrie tomorrow before she shows up here and it's incredibly awkward?

Oct. 10th, 2013


Never, ever laugh at your friends when they wake up as girls, because you've still got your guy parts intact.

Trust me. Karma really sucks right now.

Oct. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski]

I am going to watch Stephen King's It tonight and you three are going to watch it with me. Or, at least, one of you is going to watch it with me. I hate clowns but it's October so I need to watch it.

Who is with me?

[Filtered to Sheriff Stilinski only]

If the boys don't want to watch it, I'm going to request you be the one I watch it with. Are you up for it?

...are we going for labels now?

Oct. 6th, 2013


Anyone says anything, I can still rip out your throats.

This is Derek. I saw your friend Jess as I was going into my apartment. I wanted to tell you before she told you I had some girl in my place.

Also, can I borrow some clothes? Cora is taller than me.

Sep. 25th, 2013


I miss when Wednesday was more of the how is it only Wednesday variety and less the how did I end up in Maine variety.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Magic portals? I highly doubt I was brought here by any form of a magic portal.

My name is Anakin Skywalker, and I would very much like to be returned home. While I appreciate this... less than mediocre piece of technology and the bit of money given to me upon arrival through the so-called magic portal, I need to return home. So get a portal ready to send me home.

[A few minutes later]

Where is Padme?


Seriously, James?

Like you actually think I'm going to believe this bullshit?

Is this some kind of weird test or are you turning out to be some kind of freaky pedo werewolf? And I thought Hale was bad.

Just so you know, my dad will find me and we have an army of lawyers on retainer. Oh, and my dad's an attorney as well.

So just come out already and tell me how you did it. Gotta say, I'm a little impressed. But mostly pissed off.

Sep. 9th, 2013


Look at small town USA. I don't know if I should look for hidden Mickey ears, or check for Children of the Corn.

[Filtered to Argents]
Chris? Allison? The lunatic who was handing out tech toys and fairy tale stories said you two were here.

Sep. 7th, 2013


I have recently arrived in this place. I would say strange but the strangest thing is it looks so normal but I have been thoroughly informed on it's not-normal status.

I suppose, however, if I know about the things happening back home, I can handle this.

I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I'm John Stilinski, I was a sheriff back home in Beacon Hills. Stiles, who most of you might know, is my son.

I am spending time with him now but I look forward to meeting all of you over the next few days. I will also be looking for a job, to keep me busy and earn an income while I am here.

Thank you to everyone who has helped look out for my son.

Aug. 26th, 2013


Speaking as sort of an expert on the whole finding yourself in a world where you exist in a tv show, I feel like I should give out some pointers. I'm pretty sure these translates to all media.

- Don't Watch Your Show. (Read your book, Your Comic..etc).
- Don't google your name.
- Stay away from fans.
- Don't read anything they might have written.
- Don't look up actors.

Trust me, it'll just mess with your head. Obviously, these are just suggestions but trust me, you'll thank me.

Aug. 20th, 2013


I am so glad there won't be any more of that for a while.

[ooc: possible teen wolf spoilers in comments/]

Aug. 19th, 2013


It sucks when you want to be mad at someone for something but then they do something amazing for you.

ooc: spoilers for the teen wolf finale in comments

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