September 2016




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Aug. 2nd, 2016


I'm sort of at peace with my whole retirement from superhero shenanigans. I loved being Batgirl, but there's no need for that here. And, yeah, I could leave town and go be a vigilante somewhere but I have a family and a job I love and a normal life. And that's pretty freaking cool.

You should marry me already.

I was going to wait and let you ask, but I realized if I do that, I'll turn 87 and die of old age before you get past your 9 million self-worth issues and do it.

What do you say? Wanna shack up all official?

I know. That was super romantic and sappy. But try to stop swooning long enough to answer.

May. 6th, 2016


Yay. The magic wall is down. Awesome. Really.

And now there are shiny portals that my two year old is absolutely fascinated with. So that's another thing to have to worry about all the time.

Also her favorite word right now is 'no'. Because of course it is.

And I can't find my keys and I can't prove she didn't hide them or feed them to the dog.

And there may or may not be oatmeal in my hair. Again. And I can only find one of my shoes.

I'm running away to Jersey. Not that I think I'll be any more of a functional human there. But I'm curious if they have anything like Gotham. I almost miss smog. Plus I might get to kick a mugger in the face.

Matt, can I have time off? Will you be okay without me? Will you remember to eat and not somehow end up in a dumpster? Frank, will you babysit Matt if I take a vacation?

Jul. 14th, 2015


Well, I guess I'm back.

Is Alfred still here?

Jul. 12th, 2015


So the other Murdock in Murdock & Murdock had disappeared. This isn't a very good start to our law offices. If anyone else has legal experiences I'm looking for another partner. I'm even willing to give you first billing since I'm used to it being Nelson & Murdock.

Frank has been telling me about the new 'Ant-man' movie coming out. I'm disappointed it's not about Pym but I guess Hank wouldn't be.

Castle also has a stalker. He doesn't know this because his stalker is actually pretty good at trying to be stealthy. I wouldn't have noticed myself but the mechanics make such a racket. I swear he's not Brock Rumlow. He's nowhere near tall enough.

Jul. 11th, 2015


Well isn't this quaint.

Jun. 26th, 2015


so i was bored and on tumblr which is so gross in like the best way but also has all these pictures of food that always make me hungry. but anyway people had this and this and now i'm grossed out because i guess i'm into asgard types and no. like the mini loki is all right but i don't want to do him. and thor is giant and there's more beard than face sometimes and the hammer does not do anything for my hammer okay. not even in the top ten.

plus i think they only use like the movie guys. which is wrong because that cuts out a million superhero people.

internet quizzes are wrong on the internet.

hey billy, i have two chapters for you to read.

May. 30th, 2015


So now that I have an office in the works I thought I'd put feelers out for anyone who might be interested. I'm looking for a secretary. Or, hell, anyone who might be interested in working in an office.

Mar. 18th, 2015


Bruce is gone. I went to pick him up from school and he was just gone.

This sucks.

Are you still here? I really hope you are.

Look, if you are, would you maybe want to stay with me and Loki and Joy? We'd love to have you around and we have the room. I don't want you to be alone

I'm asking Alfred if he wants to stay with us. I don't like the idea of him being all alone, and we could always use an extra set of hands with Joy. You know he loves her.

Dec. 20th, 2014


Christmas sweaters for babies are pretty much the most adorable thing ever. And Joy seems to like the ones I've gotten her. Of course, she's not even a year old yet, so I'm probably just guessing on her opinion here. But she looks super cute.

Loki, I may or may not have gotten you some Christmas sweaters. They're all green and varying levels of ridiculous. You're welcome.

Bruce, you did not escape this.

I think tonight is a good night for a Christmas movie marathon. The tree is decorated. Presents are all bought. Yule isn't until tomorrow. I'm thinking stop motion movies and hot chocolate.

Dec. 14th, 2014


( filtered to Steph and 616 Loki )

Can we watch the Grinch?

Nov. 17th, 2014


I need to get back to Gotham.

Sep. 17th, 2014


God damn you, Jason Todd. Just... seriously.

Sep. 1st, 2014


Of course this place is real. Anyone I know still here, Steph, Cassie, Other-Roy?

And for those of you I don't know...hi, Storybrooke. I'm Mia Dearden.

Aug. 20th, 2014


I love the fact that I get to spend time with Luke and Leia here. I wouldn't have had that chance back home.

They are wonderful creatures and I love them dearly.

Aug. 17th, 2014


I shared a coke with Stephanie today.

Do you look for names?

Jun. 10th, 2014


Everyone is always bored or missing people on this thing. Including me. So screw it.

Top five people in town you'd sleep with. Everyone tell me theirs. (I don't care if they're married/dating/into the wrong gender/from a world where they're actually a rabbit. It doesn't have to make sense.)

No picking people who aren't here anymore, because then it's not as funny.

May. 12th, 2014



This is rather unexpected. Now to find whomever was childishly toying with the spell. I don't suppose anyone could just tell me...

May. 5th, 2014


I hate technology. Why do people keep insisting on me using technology for everything. What happened to going to the local bar and having a few drinks as a way to get to know people? Now it's all interwhatsis this and online that. Even fighting crime online now...thankfully that's what my partner is for. But even she insists on this technology stuff.

Where's a girl to get some civilian clothes, and a cheeseburger around here? Somehow running around in my uniform just seems like a bad idea.

Apr. 30th, 2014


I'm just about 9000% done with papers and school and everything.

I'm going to go take a nap for a year.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


I miss having monsters and supervillains to stop on a weekly basis.

Apr. 19th, 2014


I personally cannot wait for this school year to be over. Though I'm going to need something to keep me occupied during the summer.

Someone in this town should put on a summer fair. With carnival rides and such. That might be fun.

Mar. 8th, 2014


not filtered, cut for potentially triggery discussion of torture )

Mar. 4th, 2014


You know what? I'm glad Roy doesn't know me. I'm glad he's from some weird alterna-world where I apparently don't exist. Roy really hates me where I'm from right now, and I don't really blame him. I still kind of hate myself for letting that happen to Lian. I shouldn't have left her alone in the house. I should've gone back for her, and gotten her out. I should have died, not her.

Feb. 4th, 2014


I'm a terrible person. There are apparently three people I'm friends with from back home here. And I've been here for a week and didn't even notice. Steph, Cassie, Tim, I'm sorry I didn't say hi earlier. Or really haven't been paying much attention to anything after arriving here. Roy not freaking knowing me and being some weird alterna-Roy really freaked me out. So if I missed any marriages, births, or alien takeovers, I'm sorry. I'll buy pizza to make up for being a bad friend? And chocolate?

Jan. 24th, 2014

[info]spoiledbat, I'm back to being me. Well, regular me. I was still me before, just shorter.

I also...still have a baby. So, that's a thing.

I guess she's sticking around.

Anyway, I named her Joy. It seemed like a pretty name...and happy, which is really nice. I'm babbling Joy Cara Brown. So...yeah.

She's so tiny I can't believe I ever gave this up Holy crap, what if I screw this up

( Loki - 616 )

I know this isn't exactly what you signed on for. So, I get it, if this is too much.

I mean...we can still be friends. I hope so anyway.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


( intended to be filtered to tim, actually public )
I think my water just broke.

Jan. 21st, 2014


I'm very glad I'm not younger. It wouldn't be very good, if I was suddenly a child from my time on Krypton, and my superpowers suddenly kicked in. I don't like to think of the damage I'd cause.

At least it's somewhat comforting to know that if I was an adult, I'd at least age well, since Karen's basically an older me from another earth.

Oh well.

Jan. 18th, 2014


Oh my god.

What's going on?

My mom is going to kill me.

Robin Alvin? Are you here? Please say you're here.

Jan. 13th, 2014


I'm bored. It's times like this I miss Gotham. Even with the smog and the psychopaths, there was always something to keep things interesting.

I could really go for a game of rooftop tag. Tim? Cassie? Kara? Any of you in? Girls, mind your crazy super strength around us humans. I'm looking at you, Cass.

Kate? America? Other Cassie? You can play too.

Really, I'm cool with anyone joining as long as you can navigate rooftops and handle possibly getting kicked in the face.

Dec. 20th, 2013


I found my dress for the ball, thanks to Kate. Seriously, she is a shopping goddess.

We sort of got waylaid by some mistletoe - A+ kissing, Kate - but we did find something eventually.

cut for image )

I'm pretty happy with it. It's got just enough purple, without being like...a punch to the face.

Dec. 15th, 2013


Ugh. All this talk about the ball just reminds me that if I go, I'm going alone.

So, I'm just going to take a chance here. Anyone want to go? I'm probably setting myself up for potential public embarrassment here, but I figure screw it. Fortune favors the bold, or whatever.

Note, I'm not necessarily going with the first person that comments, since that could end in tears and bloodshed. Just opening the forum for discussion.

If it helps: I'm Steph. I'm nineteen. I bake a lot. I'm kind of a ninja. I love breakfast food, terrible movies, motorcycles and the color purple. I'm majoring in psychology, I waitress at Granny's and I'm a vigilante in my free time. Also, I have little to no brain to mouth filter.

Also, Katie. Dress shopping? I figure it'll go great because we both love purple to possibly unhealthy degrees.

Edit: Officially also looking for dates for friends.

Cassie Sandsmark: Blonde bombshell demigoddess. Daughter of Zeus. Super fun and awesome. Very friendly. Likes animals. Nicest person ever.

Lydia Martin: Foxy ginger genius. Likes shopping and being incredible at everything. Does not put up with bullshit. Probably smarter than you. Deal with it.

Respond to them below. You know you want to.

Dec. 6th, 2013


I love the holidays. I know it's not really Christmas yet, but I'm getting into the Christmas spirit.

And apparently baking way too much.

Does anyone want cookies? Or cupcakes? Or brownies? Because I sort of...overbaked. A lot.

Dec. 1st, 2013


Guys. Pretty sure this wasn't part of the plan. Who accidentally opened up a trapdoor to New England? And why was I handed a smartphone by someone and told to 'enjoy my stay'?

Nov. 26th, 2013


So, I was flipping through channels tonight and I sort of saw part of your show, Grant. Don't worry. I changed the channel. It seems weird to watch friends' lives.

But I just have to say...congratulations on your abs. They're really impressive.

Are you photoshopped? Because forget six pack. I'm pretty sure you had like...a ten pack or something.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


accidental voice post.

Great. Plenty of equipment but no connection. Fat lot of good the protocols do me when there's no way to exercise them.

[ inaudible muttered words before he starts speaking normally again. ]

This is the last thing I need right now.

Oct. 29th, 2013


Anyone else going stir crazy because we can't leave and explore the rest of this world, or is it just me?

Oct. 25th, 2013


Holy magical portals, Batman!

So...just to be sure I got this right, I'm in Maine and this is a magical town full of fairytale people? Just checking...but I'm not going to wake up to chipmunks dusting am I?

Sep. 6th, 2013


I never thought I'd say this, but...I think I made too many waffles.

I was de-stressing after the first week of classes at the community college, and decided to make waffles. And...yeah. I made a lot.

Anyone want some waffles?

Aug. 11th, 2013


So far so good about finding enough locations with handicap ramps. This place could do with a decent place to buy electronics though.

Does anyone want to get pancakes?

[Filter: Stephanie Brown]

Want to go shopping? Or at least window browsing. To make our room more.. us. We also should look around to find a new base.

Jul. 21st, 2013


Um, hello. My name is Barbara. This is definitely not the strangest thing that's ever happened to me though.

If there are any places/buildings that don't have handicapped ramps, can someone tell me now? That way I don't get all the way there and realize I can't get in.

There's a school around here, right?

Jul. 17th, 2013


Normally, I have no real problems with magic. Sometimes, knowing a magic user comes in handy.

When I'm pulled through magical portals into alternate dimensions with no way of getting back home, however, then I do have problems with magic. Especially when I have important things to do back home.

Jul. 13th, 2013


I just woke up in the armor in the middle of Bumfuck, Maine.

Good God. What the hell did I drink?

Jul. 12th, 2013


I'm beginning to get real sick and bloody tired of sodding magic bouncing me around from here to there. First that shiny bauble somehow got me to LA from Sunnydale then whatever this was that brought me here. And who names a town Storybrooke? Didn't think there was anything worst than Sunnydale. Anyone know where a guy can get some pig's blood around here?


Every time I think things can't get any weirder, it happens.


I have to say, I prefer New Orleans. However this will do until I can go back.

What's there to do in this charming little town?

Jul. 11th, 2013


You know...I wanted a break from Jersey. But I didn't really mean like this.

Ugh. I'm going to fail out of college and my mom is going to kill me.

Jul. 10th, 2013


Right then.

My name is Emma Swan, and I'm the Sheriff here in Storybrooke. You've all met the Mayor, and been given your welcome kits, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or my deputy, David Nolan.

And if you could all fill this out for me, so I get a feel of who's who, that would be great.

[OOC: Characters, can try to lie, but Emma has had the Blue Fairy charm the form with a spell that prevents people from doing so!]
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