September 2016




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Apr. 27th, 2016


I understand everyone's excitement about the town barrier being down, I really do. It's not exactly a way home for many of you, but it must be nice to know you can venture out and explore beyond this town. I'm sorry we don't have more answers about what you will find out there.

Because we don't know so much, I urge you to be careful if you do venture outside of town. Please don't go off alone, take some means of communication with you, such as a cell phone. We don't know how far our network will extend and we want you to be able to call for help if you should need it.

We've managed to get by this far by all sticking together and we need to do that now more than ever. I know we won't get the answers some of you need about what's waiting outside the town line without exploring and I'm not telling anyone not to leave. I just want you all to be careful. We are all Storybrookers, no matter what realms we originally came here from. We're a family and I think it's more important now than ever that we remember that.

That said, how do you feel about checking out some portals with me?

Jul. 3rd, 2015


It's weird watching the show in this world based on your life after it's already happened. So many things make sense now. Dottie disappearing. The whole sudden switch between Stark being a traitor then a hero which I never bought. Why Peg's meathead coworkers came looking for her.

It's so strange to think it's been decades since I've seen my mom. Seen my friends. Decades since I've been on a date. Which is sad in itself because I'm adorable. I think I need a change.

Ruby? Will you take me shopping?

May. 4th, 2015


So...does anyone here want to claim a drunk asshole jerk?

I just had a guy show up and glare at me while holding a sword. He wasn't pointing it at me or anything, just kind of holding it. He kept trying really hard not to look at my breasts and muttering in French, and then he stole a horse and rode off with a bottle of wine under his arm. He sort of looked like maybe he was a medieval hobo. Anyway, then he fell off the horse, got in a fight and got arrested. So he's in jail right, now being angry and French. Just figured someone might want to know. The horse is fine, by the way, just very unimpressed.

Apr. 7th, 2015


Alright. So. I'm Doctor Victor Whale, as many of you who've been here for quite sometime know already. Unfortunately, I've never really had the time to get around to actually posting on this lovely little network here, because I've been far too busy making sure that all of you wonderful displaced people get all of the special medical attention that you require.

Speaking of special medical attention, if you're a vampire, remember, you must come down to the hospital and register your name at desk, so that we can put you on the list so you get your blood. And again, sorry, but not really, it's rationed, because we need blood for other important things here too, like life-saving surgery.

Also...Jo, are you pregnant? Because you called out the other day with a "stomach flu", you were pretty mean to me the other day, oh, and your breasts are bigger. Also, I'm a doctor. I notice these things. And, if you are pregnant, I know that boyfriend of yours used to be a vampire, so you might want to check into the possibility that you're carrying an antichrist or whatever other kind of baby former vampires and a witch are capable of making.

Aug. 25th, 2014


You know what would be fun? A night out on the town. First round of drinks are on me.

So who's in?

Aug. 3rd, 2014


This place is far too normal for my taste.

Jun. 21st, 2014


I think I might need to find a job. But I don't think I have anything that qualifies as experience. Unless princess counts.

Jun. 19th, 2014


So....since it's now summer.

We need to have a block party.

Complete with food, games, and a water slide.

Because no summer block party is complete without a water slide.

Any takes?

May. 21st, 2014


It's such a beautiful day out. I'll go for a run on the beach tonight? Anyone want to join me? I can provide dinner and drinks for anyone who wants to come along with me. Sometimes it's nice to have the company.

May. 20th, 2014


I wonder if I could ask a favour of someone, please. People keep referring me to ‘the internet’, and I’m afraid I have absolutely no idea how to use the thing.

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? I’ll be happy to provide biscuits, if that’s any incentive.

Apr. 3rd, 2014


So who wants to take me exploring?

Mar. 23rd, 2014


Today I got called an old maid by one of our regulars.

I'm 25 not 85. Just because everyone I'm closest to are getting together and having babies and getting married doesn't make me an old maid.

...I love my friends but god I need some single ones.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


How's this for a confession...

I'm happier in Storybrooke than I ever was at home.

Jan. 20th, 2014


So...I need to find a job. I've got training as a waiter and bartender. I can host as well.

Any leads?

Dec. 21st, 2013


I've been kissed so many times these past couple of days, I'm starting to get a complex.

I've no date for the ball but that's for the best. I like being able to dance with many different people.

My dress. )

Yes, it's red. What did you expect?

Dec. 11th, 2013


I'm offering up my expertise fashion advice to anyone who wants help shopping for this ball.

Shopping this weekend. Take it or leave it.

If there are other people going alone and want to go in a group, let me know.

Oct. 31st, 2013


What is this place, and why are there children in ball gowns roaming the strange stone streets?

Emma Swan, Snow White, is it true you are here, and this is where you hailed from?


You know, I just realized... There are a lot of kids in this town. I don't remember a bunch of kids in fairy tales other than Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood. And since Red's an adult here, I'm guessing the other two would be as well. So. Who are all the midgets?


Just because I'm working Halloween doesn't mean I have to wear a costume. I don't care what anybody says, I'm not trying to tend bar while dressed up as something else. I spend three nights a month not myself, I don't need to dress up in a costume

Do you want to do something tonight for Halloween if I can get off early?

Do you want to share my apartment? I like having the place to myself but I know that not having a roommate means I might get assigned to share with Eric if he ever comes back somebody I don't get along with. And I know I can get along with you. Plus, it'll make it easier for you to keep an eye on Sookie since she's next door.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I'm really glad that sorted itself out. I wasn't looking forward to unstable magic just changing things. or arrogant kids assuming they can just fix magic

( Friends and family of Neal and Emma )
Em and I didn't want to say anything while things were such a mess, because the timing wasn't really right, but you should all know now that I asked Emma to marry me. And she said yes.

Oct. 19th, 2013


Granny is kicking me out of the Diner for a few days. For the first time in...well, a very long time, she's decided I've been working too hard.

So, who wants to go out? Drinks? Dancing? I don't know. It's been ages since I did anything fun.

Oct. 18th, 2013


If anyone wants to return any of the clothes they bought when they weren't their correct gender, I believe most of the stores are giving full refunds.

Or you could just keep them. With the magic still unstable, we can't say if this sort of thing won't happen again, or not.

Doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?

Sep. 1st, 2013


I can't believe I'm just getting around to doing this now. Things have just been so busy at Granny's. Anyway, I'm Ruby and I'm glad to have met so many of you already. If you have a specific dish or something you've missed from your world, I'm sure Granny would be willing to give it a shot.

I know it's scary to be in a new place but I just want you all to know that for the most part, Storybrooke is a friendly place for our kind. If anyone gives you trouble though, please come to me or anyone at the Sheriff's office. They're good friends of mine and they'll help.

Aug. 13th, 2013


[Filter: Aurora, Belle, Snow, Ella, Neal, Ruby, Henry, Mulan, Phillip, Emma]
What would you say to holding a ball next month, perhaps as a celebration of Snow and Henry's birthdays?  It won't match the celebrations we had at home, of course, but even still...  It has been too long, and we're overdue a reason to relax and enjoy ourselves, even for one night.

Aug. 1st, 2013


I have to say, it's good to be back.

Wasn't sure I'd ever make it back, to be honest

Think I could get set up with one of those apartments, Em? I'm not sure staying at Granny's again is the best option. It was fine when I was planning on heading back to Manhattan, but even if I could leave, I think it's time to put down some roots.

( Emma )
Maybe you could join me there. You and Henry both.


Today is my birthday.

I don't know that I'll be throwing any kind of grand celebration, but some pie at Granny's wouldn't go amiss.

Jul. 30th, 2013


Is there anywhere in town to swim, aside from the bay itself?

Jul. 26th, 2013


This is so cool.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


You know, when I was thinking that I needed a vacation from being king...this was not it.

Still, at least it's not Orlais. I can do without a place full of attempted assassinations, uprisings, fancy parties with stinky cheeses. Please tell me there will be no parties with stinky cheeses.


The lovely Isabela and I have decided to throw in together, and we shall be opening a proper tavern down on the docks. So don't be alarm at the remodeling going on at one of the buildings down there. We're just doing our part to better the town as a whole.

Jul. 20th, 2013


I just wanted to take a minute to extend a warm welcome to all of our new neighbours here! I know Storybrooke is a small town, and very different to what a lot of you are used to, but I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.

My name is Belle, and I'm opening the library under the clock tower once it's up to scratch. It's still a little dusty in there, and I have a lot of books to index before the place is fit for the public. I want to set up a few fun events for the library for bookish types, like a book club, or meetings for fans of particular series, that sort of thing. I'm going to be looking for some staff to help me run the place too, so if you're interested, drop me a line!

Additionally, if anyone brought books with them that they would like to share with other people, I'd be happy to set up a system for that!

Jul. 8th, 2013


We've been really busy over at Granny's, but I finally got a break and I just wanted to come online to say hello to all of the newcomers today. Or say hello to the ones I haven't already greeted in person. My name is Red (or Ruby if you like that better) and Granny Lucas is called that because she's my Granny. She's really more like everyone's Granny, but I'm the only one that shares the same blood as her anyway. Granny's is the local diner and the only place you can get a room for the night in town too. The food is A+ if I do say so myself. You should really try her strawberry rhubarb pie.

Granny's is going to be staying open late tonight just in case we get any stragglers who come through a portal starving or something, but we usually close at 9pm on weekdays and 10pm on weeknights. If we start getting enough business who knows though? We might be able to hire more people and stay open later. Drop by the diner and come say hi to me! I promise I don't bite. ha ha, Ruby, very


If you're seeing this, I suppose you've seen the Storybrooke Welcoming Committee by now, but on the off chance I've missed you, it seemed proper to introduce myself.  I'm Charming- or David, if you prefer- and I'm the Sheriff's Deputy here.  If you need anything, just let myself or Sheriff Swan know.

In the meantime, all you really need to know is that the best food in town is at Granny's.  And stay away from Regina Mayor Mills.  Trust me.