September 2016




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May. 8th, 2016


I can't have been kidnapped.

Company I was in, I'd be the last one they'd want to grab.

That said, I don't know if any of the company I was in are here?

May. 7th, 2016


What's going on?

What is this?

Rose? Where are you?

Feb. 8th, 2015


So this is the perfect end to the worst birthday party ever Or maybe second worst Most of our parties are terrible

So...I'm in Maine? Because of portals? And...fairytale magic? Must be Thursday

This is real and not some weird...I don't even know...purgatory type place or illusion or...something?

Feb. 3rd, 2015


My Squirtle is no longer a Squirtle.

...amazing and newsworthy, I know.

Also, this is amazing.

Jan. 26th, 2015


This is certainly an unexpected turn of events.

Rose? They said you were here.

Oct. 25th, 2014


Well, this isn't Tahoe. I'm sure my friends will worry about me.

Oct. 4th, 2014


[Filtered to Adrian & Lissa]
I've found another feeder for both of you. I know things have been okay, but I wanted to see if I could find anyone else that was willing to be a feeder so that those currently willing didn't get over taxed. She's available on Thursday morning only.

[Filtered to To Whomever Runs the Garage, ]
To Whomever Runs the Garage,

My name is Sydney mel Sage. While I've been here a little while now I wanted to reach out and see if you were in need of any assistance with your garage. I have an extensive knowledge of classical cars and can fix anything while speaking-. My mother was is a mechanic and I've learnt a great deal from her. I could also assist with book keeping and any other tasks.

If you require references I can present two that are present. I would also relish in the chance to work as a trail to see if I am someone you would want to hire.

Thank you for your time.
Sydney Sage.

[Filtered to Adrian]
I reached out to the garage in town for a job. I know, it's not exactly in my very ridged view on what to do, but I don't know what to do here. The community college while it does provide me with an academic outlet, it's not enough. It's really not nearly as challenging as I would have hoped. I'm being crazy aren't I?

Sep. 23rd, 2014


It's back. Spirit is back.

Sep. 9th, 2014


Call me crazy, but I think something weird is going on.

( Vampire Academy Peeps )
My fangs are gone.

My magic is gone.

But I can still hear her



( Filtered to Lissa )
Lissa? Liss, where are you. I can't-

The bond is gone. Like completely gone.

Aug. 31st, 2014


To all our teenaged residents, consider this an official reminder that high school classes pick up for the year on the second. Also a reminder that superpowers, fangs, claws, robots, guns, and pets aren't allowed in the halls. Also gum.

[Locked to Nick Fury & Melinda May]
I blame you both for the hangover I had for what felt like a year, just so you know. But for the record, Clint found another home for the baby and we'll revisit the topic later.

Nick, if somehow this town manages to swap Clint into a female and knock her up, I am blaming you, and I will murder you, somehow. Nothing personal.
[/Nick & Melinda]

[Locked to Spysassin Home]
Why did I not rebel against the idea of running a high school full of superpowered teenagers and just go live in the woods?

Aug. 21st, 2014


Um, what?

I was walking through one of the stores in town today and I saw this. I know there are fairy tales and super heroes here and stuff and those girls don't even look like me and Lissa, but it's still really weird. That movie is basically my life, with someone playing the part of me who definitely isn't me.

Damn. I need a drink.


I am under the impression that posting on the network here is the most common way to communicate. I prefer text or email, but as this is the form that appears to be the most common, I'll go ahead with it.

I'm new to town, and while I do not pretend to understand everything, I am versed on the basics. I would be very interested in talking to those in charge so that I may find suitable employment (as that is clearly necessary) and acquire more information.

Thank you?

Jul. 23rd, 2014


Would law enforcement be against using the Force against the one who refers to himself as Deadpool?

...what about anyone else?

Jul. 8th, 2014


Emotional roller coasters, in essence, suck. Particularly when you can't help the

Jul. 6th, 2014


((after she's found Lissa and stuff))

So, I've apparently been transported from Montana to Maine by a magic portal, I've been here before, even though I don't remember it and there's some kind of barrier around this place that keeps us from leaving.

It's really sad that I have to admit I've actually had stranger days.

Anyway, hi, I'm Rose Hathaway. If I knew you before, sorry I don't remember you.


Getting kidnapped to Maine by a magical portal is definitely not on the list of things I expected to happen today, but I guess that portal has some pretty good timing, all things considered.

Uh, that fairy, though, that was a hallucination, right?

Anyway, hello, Storybrooke, I'm Allison. Are they serious about the whole being stuck here thing? I was kind of in the middle of something. Like dying, but that's beside the point.

May. 15th, 2014


Without Rose here I'm I think I'm losing my mind.

Mar. 31st, 2014


Has anyone seen Rose Hathaway?

Mar. 18th, 2014


I realized I haven't really come out and said it, so there's probably a lot of people even in my social circle who don't really know.

I'm a vampire now.

Before anyone gets worked up, it was my choice. I was dying and losing my mind and possibly had an evil parasite thing inside me, and now I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, sure I'm technically dead, but it's better than being completely dead, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I know, I'm sixteen. I don't know what I want. I don't care. I like being alive.

And no, it isn't easy. Cravings are hard, and I'm definitely worried I'll slip up and eat someone. But there are resources here to help and it's probably easier than it would be somewhere that I'd have to hide what I am now. It definitely sucks not being able to go outside during the day, and I'm kind of going a little stir crazy around the apartment, but Cora's been good about bringing me my school work, so it gives me something to do. I guess the weirdest part is that I sort of feel like everything's turned up to eleven. Not just senses, which is kind of a given, but In general.

But...yeah. I'm a vampire now. Deal with it.

Mar. 12th, 2014


[ accidental voice post ]

--Please! You don't understand. I need to leave. I don't want to hurt you, any of you! I can't control this. I've never been able to. Please, just, stay away!

I need go. Please, just, let me leave. I don't want to cause an eternal winter here too! Arendelle was enough. Anna was enough. Why am I even saying all of this? Just stay away from me! For your own safety.


So, I'm in love with Sydney Sage. We've been dating for the past couple of months, actually. And yeah, Sydney's human, and not just ANY kind of human, but an Alchemist. I realize that both the Moroi and the Alchemists think this is basically the most disgusting thing ever, but that is such hypocritical bull shit it literally makes me want to punch someone in the face. I mean, where the hell did our half-vampire, dhampir friends originally came from then? Oh, right, FROM MOROI AND HUMANS HAVING SEX! I know, I know. How crass. Biology is so scandalous.

HOW does it make any sort of sense that this would have been okay if you plopped us in the 14th century, but now it's like, totally taboo and "wrong" and blah blah blah. Makes no sense.

Well, let me tell you something. I really don't give a shit. What are "my people" going to do anyway? Sneer at me when I come to Court? Wow. I'm so terrified. Most of them think I'm a joke anyway, so I'm sure everyone would just be like, "That Adrian Ivashkov's really pushing the envelope this time, huh? Shameful", like all I'm trying to do is make some sort of statement or get people's attention or something. Well, I'm not. I really love Sydney, and why wouldn't I? She's smart and interesting and a good person and she just so happens to be beautiful on top of all of that. She's a better person than I am, and she makes me a better person. I'm so inexplicably happy when I'm with her. There's no one else I'd rather spend time with or talk to. So how can anyone tell me that's wrong or unnatural? It's not like we forced this. It just happened, it's just how we connected- isn't that the very definition of natural?

What I do care about is how the Alchemists feel about all this, since that's what has real consequences. We knew the risks, but it seemed so distant, so theoretical. Sometimes I feel so disgusted with myself for being so reckless, like the rules didn't apply to us. But I really don't know what else I could have done. It was selfish of me to keep pursuing her when she knew better and tried to do the smart, safe thing. I feel really guilty about that. Still, even knowing where it ends up, I can't honestly say I'd go back and do anything differently. I feel kind of horrible for that, for not doing everything I could to protect her- which would really have been to just stay away. But maybe the bigger issue is that I shouldn't have to. This shouldn't be such a risk. It's wrong and close-minded to persecute for something like this. We weren't bothering anyone. It didn't affect anyone's lives. It wasn't any of their fucking business.

Mar. 11th, 2014


I will do absolutely anything in order to survive. It doesn't matter who stands in my way. Though there is no Blight here, I have no problem taking the lives of people who will try to stop me from living. I miss the Blight in a way. Things were simpler. You put on armor, you fought Darkspawn. We killed the Archdemon and everyone survived. No one had to die.

Now we're stuck here where there are always more prejudiced people. Against magic. Against people who don't agree with the things they agree with. Is every world the same? Sentimentality is the downfall of everyone, no matter where they are it seems.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Wow, great. An all-expense paid trip to Maine. Just what I always wanted- said no one ever.

So am I really supposed to buy this crazy bull shit they told me? Or is this some kind of weird kidnapping thing? Because if you're looking for ransom money, you're kidding yourself if you think Nathan Ivashkov is coughing up the big $$$ just to get me back. You guys might be stuck with me for a while.

But, hey, thanks for the apartment all the same. I guess I'll go find that now.

I'm Adrian, by the way.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


I am a vampire too, and I have a power that is at once so amazing but frightening too and I am afraid I will not survive it.

Mar. 2nd, 2014


I have the urge to get something off my chest.

I am not an American named Alexander Grayson.

I am Dracula.

Just thought you ought to know.

Feb. 28th, 2014


Magic portals to smalltown Maine, huh?

Lissa, where are you? I know you're here. I can feel it.

Feb. 19th, 2014


My dad Remus He's gone.

Feb. 17th, 2014


I shouldn't


Jan. 22nd, 2014


I've been here for awhile now, so I should probably try and start making some more friends. I mean, I have some friends here already, but it doesn't hurt to make more now, does it?

To those of you I don't know, my name is Lissa Dragomir. I'm eighteen years old, I'm a college freshman, and queen of the Moroi vampire court where I'm from, but that last part isn't very important here. Would anyone be interested in going to Granny's with me? The food there is very good, and the staff is very kind.

Jan. 19th, 2014


Hello, my name is Cynthia and I'm a new arrival to your little town. When the portal brought me through it shorted out all four of my poké balls. I was able to locate my Lucario, thanks to a wonderful new friend, Sam. However, we can't seem to find the other three of my pokemon. They go by:

Glaceon, Garchomp, Togekiss

If anyone has seen them, please, do let me know? They're not dangerous creatures unless they are attacked. They might be scared, and not answer to you or get close, but any information on their whereabouts would help greatly. Also, are there any shelters in town that I could check out? They might have ended up there.

[posted a couple hours after this. feel free to say your characters have seen them, or that they're out causing havoc - it's a giant gryphon-like bird and a walking shark afterall]

Dec. 31st, 2013


Hot dress... check!
Sexy Russian god... check!

Okay, I'm ready for this ball.

Filtered: Lissa and Dimitri
On a scale of 1-10, how much more fun do you think this is going to be than all those stuffy royal things at Court? I think I can safely say I look way hotter in this dress.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Is it acceptable to go to the upcoming ball alone?

I should very much like to go.

Dec. 22nd, 2013


I can safely say this ranks as one of the weirdest things that has ever happened to me and that's speaking of someone who has technically died. Twice. On the bright side, I don't have to go back to school and the age gap between me and my boyfriend is more normal-sized again.

You know, not that it bothered me when I was 17, but it's nice to be an actual adult.

It seems like I was gone a couple of days. I hope I didn't miss anything important.


Filtered to magic users
Hello. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Katherine Pierce.

Until recently I was a 538 year old vampire. That was before I was forced to drink the cure for vampirism, which made me a human again. I was fed on by another vampire in my world, which pulled said cure from my body and now I'm dying. My body is rapidly aging from where it left off and it won't stop until I'm dead. At the present rate, I might have weeks, maybe only days.

The nature of the cure was magic, so I'm hoping that magic can reverse the aging process, at least. I know this is asking a lot for a bunch of people who don't know me, but I don't really want to die, so if you can help me.. I'd appreciate it.

Dec. 1st, 2013


In the short time that I've been here, I really like it here. It's a nice quiet little town, and it's actually been pretty nice escaping from the craziness back home for a little bit. I miss my boyfriend and some of my friends, but it's nice here. And all of the locals have been so nice when I've asked questions. So really, I guess there are worse places I could've pulled to through a magical portal.


I was thinking of finding a space to teach some dance classes. Before I do, is there even an interest in that sort of thing? Dance and possibly self defense.

Nov. 15th, 2013


Well, Storybrooke is actually a pretty place, even if it's a completely different town at night than I'm sure it is during the day. I particularly enjoy going to Granny's to sit and people watch or read a book.

Nov. 12th, 2013


Well, this is certainly an unexpected turn of events. I suppose I won't be attending that meeting of the royal council after all.

Rose? Dimitri? They said you were both here.

Sep. 7th, 2013


I forgot how different regular school was from St. Vladimir's. I mean, it's kind of cool getting to take normal classes and all, but I sort of miss my old schedule.

cut, not filtered )

At least there's still the training in the woods and I have my practice sessions with Dmitri. But what REALLY sucks is that I was over halfway through my senior year back home. Here's it's still wall and while the weather is a lot nicer than it was in Montana, I'm not loving having to start the school year all over again.


I think I'm going to go find something stupid to watch on tv. Liss, you should come over. We can make popcorn and veg out together.

Aug. 27th, 2013


We need to come up with a name.

You know what sounds fun? Dancing. Are there actually any places around here kids can go dancing?

Or do we need to have another of our illicit parties at the beach?

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 16th, 2013


There are so many sweet animals at the shelter that need loving homes. A couple of them have seemed hurt or ill. I wonder if I could help them in a small way.

Filtered to Deirdre Barimen

Would you mind if I brought home a kitten or two?

End Filter

Aug. 6th, 2013


FILTERED TO FRIENDS* feel free to assume this is you
There's a girl here who looks like me.

Exactly like me.

I knew it could happen, because other people have dopplegangers here, too, but still.

Officially not a fan.

Jul. 31st, 2013


Filtered to Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov

Let's go exploring! There seem to be so many different things here and different people.

Jul. 13th, 2013


Wotcher, Storybrooke!

I can't rightly say I've ever expected to be pulled through a portal and told to live in another town before. It's going to take some getting used to and I'm going to miss my Mum and Da something fierce, but it's not so bad here, right? At least there isn't a war going on, but it's a bloody shame I'm not there anymore to fight in the one back home anymore.

Right. My name is Tonks and I'm a witch. I was told that's not much of a secret here, is it? That's going to take some getting used to as well, but I can't wait to meet all of the muggles!

Jul. 11th, 2013


While I appreciate the free vacation from my life, this is really not a good time.

I don't suppose anyone has seen a tall, gorgeous blonde running around, answers to the name of Lissa?

I'm Rose, by the way. Rose Hathaway.

Posted via Journaler.

Jul. 10th, 2013


Right then.

My name is Emma Swan, and I'm the Sheriff here in Storybrooke. You've all met the Mayor, and been given your welcome kits, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or my deputy, David Nolan.

And if you could all fill this out for me, so I get a feel of who's who, that would be great.

[OOC: Characters, can try to lie, but Emma has had the Blue Fairy charm the form with a spell that prevents people from doing so!]
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