September 2016




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Mar. 18th, 2015


Can anyone confirm where the supply shipments to Storybrooke actually originate from? Fascinating though these little mobile computing devices are, forgive my skepticism if I venture to suppose that they are not manufactured here in our little city.

I ask chiefly in the interest of science; as it happens, I'm having some difficulty locating several of the supplies I need to rebuild my Contraption within city limits, and -- pleasant as I'm sure some of you may find this provincial little town to be, I'm eager to be on my way. I can offer free passage through a tear to another reality to anyone who can provide substantially valuable assistance in rebuilding my machine.

R. Lutece

Mar. 17th, 2015


All right, I've seen some unusual phenomena since I got here, but - a column where light just ends? It's like daylight just... vanishes. I wish I had my beacon equipment here, I'd love to see what happens when you fire the signal into it, but -

- did anybody cast a spell or invoke something to make it happen?

Feb. 7th, 2015


I miss Thor

This is worse than when

If he comes back, will he even remember

This cold weather is not good for my instruments. The winter sky is great when it's not cloudy but we've had so many storms it's not even like I'm getting that much data.

Darcy )

Nov. 1st, 2014


I have a request. If people are up on the rooftops to try and snipe the zombies from above, can you please be careful of my equipment? Some of it's very sensitive and I haven't had a chance to go out and collect it all for safekeeping. What with, you know, the zombies.

Oct. 1st, 2014


Pluto's finally a fucking planet again. Idiots taking it off the list never made no sense. Screwed up the that My Dear AUnt Sally thing.

Roy have you turned up with powers yet? If they're the power to keep the living room free of your shit, it'd be a miracle. Also don't touch the putty. I need to put it into the windows.


I thought I just wasn't going to get hit by whatever this round of weird is that's hit Storybrooke. Nothing was making itself super obvious.

And then I picked up Mjolnir without thinking about it.

Thor, how come your hair never gets this frizzy? Is it an Asgardian thing?

Sep. 21st, 2014


I had a dream once where I woke up in some town full of wacky characters....but that was because I dropped a house on some green girl's sister and everyone called me Dorothy.

I'm getting the feeling that this over the rainbow trip isn't quite the same thing.

Aug. 27th, 2014


Darcy is gone.

How can Darcy be gone? She was just here. She's been here so much longer than me.

Aug. 4th, 2014


So, ah. What's a good way to ask someone out,,,? If you were going to do something like that. With someone. Of course with someone. I'd appreciate some ideas and everyone has a million of them and I'm tapped out.

Jul. 31st, 2014


It's nice having the entire team in one universe... attempting to function like normal people.

So, just curious, does the hardware store here sell sliding locks? I'm pretty sure someone's getting a lock for Christmas.

Jul. 30th, 2014


Jane, as I understand it, the residents of this place have organized a large gathering of sorts in the coming days.

Would you care to attend it with me?

Jul. 14th, 2014


I think I'm in danger of being a hermit. What do people recommend to do around here? Besides walks in the park, I mean.

Jul. 7th, 2014


Greetings, I am Thor, of Asgard, Son of Odin.

Though such a means was not how I had intended to return, I suppose the good fortune means I should be without complaint. Instead I find myself quite thankful that I have landed among such a considerate group of people, people who have informed me that this device will connect me to many of the others of you who have ended here the same as I?

Perhaps then there might be one of you here who could point me in the direction of your delicacy known as pancakes? I find them to be the best choice, when one is forced to deal with a sudden and unexpected arrival in any realm. Your assistance would be most appreciated.

Jun. 30th, 2014


So I've been poking around this thing for a couple of days.

I can't say I understand how I got here and I can't get over the feeling that I have to make a mission report.

Uh. Hi? I'm Steve Rogers. Is there a manual?

Jun. 23rd, 2014


I'm starting to think I'm just not roommate material. Which is kind of sad since I think I'm pretty easy to live with. You know what? I didn't want a roommate anyway.

For those of you who knew her, Peggy Carter seems to have been sent home. From the looks of it she wasn't the only one. I'm sorry for that.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


Helloo? Anyone out there? The bloke from the weird interdimensional welcome party said I could contact people on here...

Hi, my name's Mitchell.

Jun. 21st, 2014


[Private to Jane Foster]
If I may have a word...

[Private to Darcy Lewis]
How would you rate your current boredom?

Jun. 7th, 2014


The only thing I find myself hating about this place is that when you need to get away, there aren't many places to go. I thought about going camping but I don't think me in the woods is good plan.

So, if anyone needs me, I'll be building a telescope on the roof. Don't worry, the only thing I've drank today is tea and soda. There will be no bottles falling from the sky this time.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


Magic is not an explanation I'm going to easily accept.

Either way, it looks like I'm stuck here. Against my will. My name is Cosima, and do I know anyone here?

May. 29th, 2014



It isn't every day one finds a magical portal through an underground bunker in New Jersey. Hello, then. Storybrooke seems a rather picturesque and sleepy town. Of course, seems can be quite deceiving in a world which offers the likes of time and space travel as an regular and ongoing occurrence. I suppose I'll just have to get used to it.

The name is Carter. And if it's all the same, I'd be glad to get to know you a little more.


As far as portal trips and orientations go, I can't complain. Storybrooke seems like its used to handling a little oddness. To those I don't know yet, I'm Steve Rogers. Regardless of the circumstances, I'm looking forward to making your acquaintance.

Avengers, I was told some of you were here. Check in?

May. 12th, 2014



This is rather unexpected. Now to find whomever was childishly toying with the spell. I don't suppose anyone could just tell me...

May. 8th, 2014


Apparently I got here just in time to fill the slot of a physics professor at the community college before the summer session starts, which seems awfully convenient. Suspiciously convenient. But I guess when we're all being brought here by wormholes and then trapped there's a lot that's suspicious.

Speaking of which, I'm trying to rebuild my monitoring equipment but there's a lot of components that are harder to get. Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, do you have any leads you might be able to offer?

Apr. 30th, 2014


That portal was fascinating - I wish I'd gotten a better look at it, but I don't suppose there's a way to replicate it if we're really stuck here? Do people come through at the same place every time, or is it random? Is there any observation set up to measure this?

Is this still Earth?

Nov. 27th, 2013


Jane, Darcy, I understand there is a Midgardian feasting tradition that is rapidly approaching. As it is common for such feasts where I am from, and I have not had such a proper thing since arriving in this strange place, I would very much like to observe this tradition.

So, feast with me on this upcoming day of Thanks?

Nov. 14th, 2013


Why's the radio playing Christmas music? Did they forget there's a whole holiday between Halloween and Christmas? And how do I make it stop since apparently I can't shoot it?

( filtered to Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Alex Udinov, Nick Fury, Melinda May, Maria Hill, EDITED TO ADD: Also Fitz-Simmons, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis )
My alternate universe less dead brother may or may not have invited me to Thanksgiving, which I declined because fuck that.

That said, you guys are invited (not you, Nat, because invited implies you can say no) to the annual Barton-Romanoff Secret Agent Thanksgiving Dinner. By dinner we mean takeout, vodka and poker. We can assure you with reasonable certainty nobody will die and the barrier pretty much prevents international incidents.

RSVP. Or don't. Whatever. I may open this up to Science Babies and Avengers, but I'm not sure they'd really enjoy our idea of holiday festivities. Yes there is a non-SHIELD person on the list, but she's basically a mini-Nat, so deal with it. I collect Russians.

Also, THOR IS NOT ALLOWED TO BRING HIS BROTHER. This shouldn't require saying, but I'm saying it.

( filtered to Natasha )
Also, you have a date Friday night.

( filtered to Phil )
Also, I may have set Nat up on a blind date with a guy from work. So if I get disappeared, that's why.

Oct. 30th, 2013


I just realized that tomorrow is Halloween. I should probably pay more attention to the dates.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I would just like to say right now that I am not responsible for any of this. It wasn't me and I'm certain it wasn't Reed Richards and I'm not allowed to meet Tony Stark but I'm guessing it's not him either. So, it's either magic or an unknown source. I'm sorry. I'm sure you all are probably aware of the possibilities. It's just...I'm better with science problems.

I'm Leo Fitz. Where's Simmons? is she here?


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has handed me cash upon arrival in their town.

Oct. 21st, 2013


Well, that was certainly fascinating. Do people often undergo hard genetic recodings here? Just from a point of scientific curiosity.

Speaking of, I was wondering something. It is my understanding that the individuals from this town are originally from another sort of world entirely, unless I was misunderstanding something. And I was wondering if one of you might be willing to donate a sample, blood sample...tissue...anything really, so that I could see how you might differ from a baseline human from this world, genetically speaking. I really want to know if the potential of people from your world for magic is something that is coded into your genetics, or if it is some outside influence that allows you to use it.

I would just really appreciate it if you could help me out.

Oh! And Thor? I would love to do some tests if you have some time. To establish a baseline for Asgardian genetics and physiology. And also to see if your arms are like Maria...I mean...Deputy Director Hill said Just...while the opportunity is available.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Well, this is an interesting little place. I'm not sure I love being stuck here, but ohmygod the coffee. I don't know what you guys put in it, but that stuff at the coffee place is amazing.

Sep. 8th, 2013



For those who knew her my best f Darcy Lewis was sent home.

Thor, I'll be at the lab late tonight.



Apparently this device doesn't appreciate the jiggery pokery of the sonic. What kind of rubbish is this then? Was only trying to boost the signal to reach my ship.

Seems I'm stuck here. Genius, me, getting stuck some place. It's what I deserve, I suppose, when in the middle of chasing a Slitheen I think, oh, look, there's a portal, I'll just have a quick pop then get back to it.

So, what's this then, with the portals? And don't say magic.

Aug. 17th, 2013


My friends, battle-brothers and sisters, I must request an audience with you as soon as you are able. It had come to my attention there are matters that must now be discussed. Jane, Darcy, I should like you both to be present as well, and any others who feel they may have rightful grievance against my Brother, Loki, of Asgard.

When may we meet?

Aug. 10th, 2013


Wait. Who assigned me a room on the bottom floor?

People in charge. Does the word penthouse mean anything to you?

Followed up with, you know who I am, so fix it. Fix it as in, room reassignment to something above the fifteenth floor.

You people have google right?

Aug. 6th, 2013


Hi sciencey type of people! I don't know how many of you are here which is why I haven't filtered this! Anyway Doctor Carol and I have talked in passing about possibly using science to understand the magic that is happening here! I mean obviously if we're all from different worlds there will be a lot of different sciences and understanding of magic here - Hey! Maybe any magical people want to get involved in this too?

Anyway just some thoughts!

Jul. 26th, 2013


Voice Post

Greetings, people of Earth and the town of Storybrooke. I have been told that this device will transmit my voice? I am Thor, Son of Odin. I do not know how it is I have been called to your realm, but do not panic. I swore once, long ago, to defend your realm from all who would seek to do it harm. I will find the answers soon.

I was informed, however, that departure is not an option, so I must ask..where are your feasting halls and is there any of your coffee to be had?

Jul. 25th, 2013


Well, this doesn't invalidate my other theories on trans-dimensional travel, but it does add some new, interesting wrinkles. It's well worth being stuck here for the time being to analyze it firsthand.

It's all simply fascinating.

Rosalind Lutece. Would someone be so helpful as to point me towards the town's best laboratory facilities?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Voice Post

So many new people showing up it really is a wonder that you're all able to keep it together so well...

Anyway, yes, right. Hello. My name is John Smith -- The Doctor -- Whatever -- and I am terribly sorry about my lack of courtesy and introduction to a lot of you, but I have been very busy attempting to examine a lot of the data among the people from my world, in an attempt to extrapolate some form of theory as to how it is we all ended up -- Yes, yes, I know, portals, magic, temporal distortions, Einstein-Rose -- wormhole -- whatevers -- lots of theories, not enough data to draw up a conclusion. That being said, I have a request.

I know many of you are busying yourselves trying to figure out how to adapt -- which makes sense, you're humans, you're brilliant, it's what you do -- right, yes, moving on -- but, among those of you who can spare the time, are there any among you who would be willing to volunteer for a bit of testing? It's all perfectly harmless I assure you -- really, could probably do most of it with my eyes and a bit of questions -- but what I really need is a collected series of data that might provide clues to the causal connectivity of events that led us all to be here through the, uh, portals -- wormholes -- whatever bits of understanding you'd like to call them.

Again, I'm only looking for volunteers. If you're unwilling or disinterested -- which, really, who can blame some of you -- have a lot of you eaten the food here yet? -- it's positively Brilliant -- then there is absolutely no pressure to feel like there's any need, whatsoever, to get involved. I'm just trying to find some answers and, while I respect the Mayor and folk of this wonderful town, I'm not quite so willing to accept this 'no way back theory' not just yet.

After all, nothing's impossible.

Jul. 21st, 2013


I have yet to introduce myself on here, but that's what working with wild magic will do. Takes time. I'm Mr. Gold, I own the pawn shop, among a variety of other properties. I am looking for magical volunteers to investigate the portals, and to possibly give us an early glance at how your magics may interfere with the current tenuous stability.

I suggest any personal questions and concerns you have continue to go to Ms. Swan and Mayor Mills.

Jul. 20th, 2013


I just wanted to take a minute to extend a warm welcome to all of our new neighbours here! I know Storybrooke is a small town, and very different to what a lot of you are used to, but I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.

My name is Belle, and I'm opening the library under the clock tower once it's up to scratch. It's still a little dusty in there, and I have a lot of books to index before the place is fit for the public. I want to set up a few fun events for the library for bookish types, like a book club, or meetings for fans of particular series, that sort of thing. I'm going to be looking for some staff to help me run the place too, so if you're interested, drop me a line!

Additionally, if anyone brought books with them that they would like to share with other people, I'd be happy to set up a system for that!

Jul. 18th, 2013


Wizards and computers get along about as well as flamethrowers and libraries.

This...whatever this an explosion waiting to happen.

As is the tv in the apartment. And the microwave. And the future of the fridge is not looking good either.

Must think happy thoughts.

Jul. 17th, 2013


Strange, how everyone seems to be stranded on top of one another in this tiny place, yet they tell us to speak to one another over this network device. I wonder if it's in the service of seeing what is being said.

But it is convenient. Humans are more creative than I remember.

I am Loki, of Asgard.


What's the point if you've killed off the only Stark with any veritable worth? DROLL. I refuse.

[ooc: GoT spoilers ahead (◕‿◕✿)]


And here I thought I was done with dealing with magical portals.

No such luck, I suppose.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Hello, everyone. I hope you're all settling in as best you can.

With such a large number of new arrivals, our local businesses are expanding and adapting to match the population change, and many of you are taking the initiative and helping out the best way you can: looking for work. However, I understand that for some, the everyday, small town experience is somewhat... New.

To that end, I've compiled a list of possible job opportunities, according to different experiences you might be interested in. Please see below.








Hopefully, this list will inspire those of you who are still looking for a direction. If you have any specific needs or questions, don't hesitate to speak with me.

Additionally, a curfew will soon be enforced by the sheriff department on underage new arrivals.

There will also be no more bonfires without a permit from our Parks and Recreation department.

Jul. 15th, 2013


While the portals that brought us here are similar to an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, they aren't like any I've observed before even if I've only seen one which means they're something completely different, but have the same basic elements. If anyone can shed any light on it or has any theories about them, I'm open to hearing them.

Oh. Right. Introductions. I'm Dr. Jane Foster.