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Mar. 30th, 2014


This place again? Great.

Is everyone still here? Allison, please tell me that you're still here.

Mar. 21st, 2014


Well, this is certainly surprising. And unsettling.

Also, this network is complete rubbish. One might think it was designed by a child. I did better work when I was a child. Has no one ever thought to update it?

Mar. 19th, 2014


( Lydia Martin )

Netflix sound good for tonight?

We can watch something new, if you would like.

Mar. 17th, 2014


Science fair projects end up much more interesting but much less scientific when there's magic in town. So far, my favorite was a project obviously done in twenty minutes the night before where they tried to explain why animals are likely to be able to talk. The conclusion was that they probably are already talking, we just aren't listening. Their research was a list of movies that aren't available to watch anymore, so they said we should just take their word.

I'm really glad I don't teach teenagers. At fourth grade, the teacher glare still works. And at least all the truth confessions I'm listening to mostly involve things that don't make me want to buy earplugs.

I still feel like I should avoid all adults until this is over, though. And I know it's probably not fair, but I still blame Regina for everything that goes wrong here.

Mar. 8th, 2014


Bloody hell.

I am not going to confess every little thing I have done wrong in my life no matter how much I desperately want to.

Unless someone buys me enough alcohol.


Wow, great. An all-expense paid trip to Maine. Just what I always wanted- said no one ever.

So am I really supposed to buy this crazy bull shit they told me? Or is this some kind of weird kidnapping thing? Because if you're looking for ransom money, you're kidding yourself if you think Nathan Ivashkov is coughing up the big $$$ just to get me back. You guys might be stuck with me for a while.

But, hey, thanks for the apartment all the same. I guess I'll go find that now.

I'm Adrian, by the way.

Mar. 7th, 2014


I spend too much time indoors here. I miss being in space, a lot. I miss Liara. I miss Tali and Garrus. Hell. I miss everything. Except the Earth being on fire and invaded by Reapers.

I'd like to get drunk with someone soon. Any takers?

Feb. 20th, 2014


I was quite sure that this place existed only in my mind.

I suppose I need to catch up. I'm Dana.

Feb. 7th, 2014


So since everyone I knowI haven't really had time to consider this whole Valentine's day thing is there anyone not doing anything who wouldn't mind someone else tagging along, or would anybody be interested in drinks and chicken dinner?


Is there a pet store around here? Or better yet, a place to adopt pets?

I miss my dog, and I need something to cuddle.

Feb. 6th, 2014


Everything is rubbish and there is no quidditch and I hate everything except whiskey, and we're having a contentious relationship because it doesn't love me back.

Someone entertain me. Entertain me, or I'm telling knock knock jokes for the next week. No talking, just knock knock jokes.

What do you bloody people DO all day when there's no quidditch to argue over and no one wants to kill you?

Well people probably want to kill me, but only in the vague way, not in the way where they're throwing hexes at my head.

Jan. 24th, 2014


Right, I'm all for true love and everything, but is there anything cool going on Valentine's day for those of us who DON'T have a sweetheart?

Or should I just make plans to spend quality time with a pint on ice cream?

Jan. 23rd, 2014


That was absolutely no fun what so ever. Why is every version of me alone?


Filtered against Clint Barton (616)

So we're all slowly turning back and I just

Anyone up for grabbing a drink with me?

Jan. 19th, 2014


Я Александра Udinov, дочь Николая Udinov, и я предлагаю, кто несет ответственность за это вернуть меня к моему дому сразу.


I need a distraction. Any volunteers?

Jan. 15th, 2014


What's with the ancient technology?

Jan. 14th, 2014


It seems my show is also unavailable to view. I'm not thrilled by this. I need to know what's going on back home. I need to know that she is safe...


This does not look like Paris. Nor is this little box something I've ever used before.

I suppose I will not be making my meeting this afternoon.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I think I need a drink.

Actually, let me rephrase. I know I need a drink.

And a job, apparently.

Jan. 4th, 2014


So, I been doin' some thinkin'. Since we're stuck here, Ol' Remy thinks it's about time we had a proper game of cards. So, who's interested, hm?

Dec. 24th, 2013



Isn't this interesting.