September 2016




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Feb. 15th, 2014


I have lots of yummy half-off Valentine's candy.

Who wants some? I'm more than willing to share. I might have gone a little overboard.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Holidays aren't really my thing, but you know what? Valentine's Day has chocolate. So it's fine by me.

Though come to think of it, every holiday has a lot of chocolate. Huh.

Jan. 17th, 2014


Okay seriously. Whoever is having a party right now and blasting music you need to stop, like pronto.

Some of us have to fight a Cyclonian army in the morning.

Jan. 15th, 2014



Man... I hope I don't turn into a kid again. I was really hyper back then. And I wasn't tall enough to go on any rides.

Dude, being a kid is like... really depressing when you think about it.

Jan. 14th, 2014


I'd be happy to watch over any little ones that need watching over.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Don't get me wrong! I enjoy snowball wars and forts just as much as the next person. At least there wasn't an erupting volcano threatening the town to cut the fun short. Ah, sorry. That's definitely a "had to be there" things. I'll be happy when it starts to melt, though!

No sign of Radarr yet, so I can only hope that he's safe wherever he is. Piper will take care of him. Junko would, too. Stork...well, he might try or end up testing him for mind worms.

So, hey! For you folks working over at the garage and training center, I'll see you here and there. Took up a part-time position in both places. Hopefully I can offer some decent help. The vehicles around here are pretty weird, but I guess not everything runs on crystals.

Dec. 27th, 2013


I think I was just like, in a cookie coma or something dudes. It TOTALLY wasn't my fault though. People just kept like, giving bags of cookies to me and stuff, so like what was I supposed to do y'know? I had no choice but to eat them all and hide from that crazy little elf thing. It like, kept surprising me and stuff, being a festively secretive. Elves are terrifying. I mean... IT NEVER BLINKED!!!

But I'm pretty sure I've got like this whole holiday thing down. So check it:

Christmas = totally some Jesus dudes birthday but like, people give presents to each other, which is like seriously not cool and unfair to Jesus. I mean.. it's his birthday. I'd be totally bummed if on my birthday I was the only one NOT getting presents.

New Year's = It's, y'know, a new year and stuff. OH! And at midnight everybody starts kissing strangers. Which honestly guys, is like the best. holiday. ever. created.

Dec. 17th, 2013


Omg. Are you freaking kidding me? You couldn't wait to portal me somewhere until after Christmas? Dude. Not. Cool. I had presents waiting for me at Xavier's and in L.A. I didn't even get a chance to get yelled at for supergluing the training uniforms to the jet! Do you know how long it took us to do that? What kind of horribly malicious force ruins a girl's holiday like that? You are full of suck, portals. Full. Of. Suck.

Anyway, hi. I'm Jubilee. Well, Jubilation Lee, but everyone calls me Jubilee. Now someone please tell me they at least carry Sugar Bombs at the grocery stores here. You have stolen me away from my year's supply of Count Chocula and I have to have a suitable replacement or things could get messy.

Dec. 14th, 2013


Whoa. Okay so like.. that welcome kiss was totally awesome. Is that how you greet people here? Because I've just like.. been saying hey and stuff...

This place is SO different than Atmos! Well sort of. I mean the weather is seriously just like Terra Blizzaris, but you guys don't have Leapers here. Which is probably a good thing because that means you'd have Raptors eventually.

I'm Finn, sharpshooter and wingman of the Storm Hawks.