September 2016




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Apr. 7th, 2015


Alright. So. I'm Doctor Victor Whale, as many of you who've been here for quite sometime know already. Unfortunately, I've never really had the time to get around to actually posting on this lovely little network here, because I've been far too busy making sure that all of you wonderful displaced people get all of the special medical attention that you require.

Speaking of special medical attention, if you're a vampire, remember, you must come down to the hospital and register your name at desk, so that we can put you on the list so you get your blood. And again, sorry, but not really, it's rationed, because we need blood for other important things here too, like life-saving surgery.

Also...Jo, are you pregnant? Because you called out the other day with a "stomach flu", you were pretty mean to me the other day, oh, and your breasts are bigger. Also, I'm a doctor. I notice these things. And, if you are pregnant, I know that boyfriend of yours used to be a vampire, so you might want to check into the possibility that you're carrying an antichrist or whatever other kind of baby former vampires and a witch are capable of making.

Feb. 8th, 2015


So this is the perfect end to the worst birthday party ever Or maybe second worst Most of our parties are terrible

So...I'm in Maine? Because of portals? And...fairytale magic? Must be Thursday

This is real and not some weird...I don't even know...purgatory type place or illusion or...something?

Oct. 15th, 2014


(pretend this was actually posted at a reasonable hour on Wednesday morning and not at 3am)

Wow, this was so not what I needed right now. Please tell me that whole being stuck here was just a fib, because I really need to get back like ASAP.

Anyway, right, manners. My name is Caroline Forbes and they told me there were people I knew here, so Mystic Falls peeps, sound off!

Sep. 30th, 2014


Does anyone else have conflicting feelings about being here? I mean, I want to go back home, I miss my brother and my friends, but I also kind of... like the break. Everything in my life has been so horrible lately, it's nice to get some distance. And hey, I seem to have appeared during the middle of a magic crisis of some kind, so it almost feels like home. I'm sure I'll change my mind after a while, but for now I'll just... enjoy the feeling it while it lasts, I guess.

Anyway. Hey, I'm Elena.

Jun. 11th, 2014


professor? bobby? blink?

did it work?

where is this? or where is this hospital i mean

Jun. 10th, 2014


Everyone is always bored or missing people on this thing. Including me. So screw it.

Top five people in town you'd sleep with. Everyone tell me theirs. (I don't care if they're married/dating/into the wrong gender/from a world where they're actually a rabbit. It doesn't have to make sense.)

No picking people who aren't here anymore, because then it's not as funny.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


It's... surreal to be the only one from my world here. I have a couple friends that I made when I was brought here, but I miss everyone from home. It's hard to keep my head up, sometimes.

Who else here is the only one from their world? Maybe we should start a club.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


I don't understand.

I mean, I got the explanation from the person who gave me this phone thing, but it still doesn't make any sense. This can't be a simulation, but

Mar. 31st, 2014


Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman, and Jenna Sommers are all gone. If any of you knew them, I'm sorry.

[ stiles ]

Mar. 18th, 2014


I realized I haven't really come out and said it, so there's probably a lot of people even in my social circle who don't really know.

I'm a vampire now.

Before anyone gets worked up, it was my choice. I was dying and losing my mind and possibly had an evil parasite thing inside me, and now I'm fine. I'm good. I mean, sure I'm technically dead, but it's better than being completely dead, as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I know, I'm sixteen. I don't know what I want. I don't care. I like being alive.

And no, it isn't easy. Cravings are hard, and I'm definitely worried I'll slip up and eat someone. But there are resources here to help and it's probably easier than it would be somewhere that I'd have to hide what I am now. It definitely sucks not being able to go outside during the day, and I'm kind of going a little stir crazy around the apartment, but Cora's been good about bringing me my school work, so it gives me something to do. I guess the weirdest part is that I sort of feel like everything's turned up to eleven. Not just senses, which is kind of a given, but In general.

But...yeah. I'm a vampire now. Deal with it.

Mar. 12th, 2014


I did something yesterday that I never wanted to do in my life. It was just as terrible as I thought it would be, but... I saved a friend's life by doing it. Does that make it better, or is it still just as terrible? I don't know. I wish I did. I wish I knew how this would end up, if I did the right thing. I hope I'm up to this...

It's taking a lot of concentration not to say the thing I did, wow.

Feb. 15th, 2014


So this place was real?

It wasn't a dream?

Feb. 11th, 2014


Sometimes, everything just sucks.

( Lydia )
Hey. I need you to do me a favor.

( Danny )
I need to talk to you about something. I know I'm not exactly your favorite person, but my girlfriends gone and my best friend is gone and I need to talk to someone.

( Isaac )
I need a favor. Sort of a morbid favor.

( Derek )
How are you holding up?

( Peter )
Life sucks.

( Elena )
Do you want to get ice cream?

Not like that. I know you have a boyfriend. And I have a girlfriend, even though she's not here.

But I could really use a break. And maybe someone to talk to

( OOC: Some definite spoilers for things revealed in tonight's Teen Wolf probably coming in comments, so be mindful. )

Feb. 3rd, 2014


This is a dream This has to be a dream I'm going to wake up and she's going to be here This is just a dream wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wakeup wakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup

Cora's gone. I can't find her anywhere.

I can't I don't know what to I can't breathe WAKE UP

Jan. 30th, 2014


And with the end of January, so begins the most dreaded two weeks in all of the year.

Jan. 28th, 2014


BONNIE BENNETT! Where are you? I'm back. We need to celebrate! LEXI! ELENA! THAT MEANS YOU TOO!

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I guess I'll take this over having my eyeballs cut out, but... I really would prefer to be home. Anyone from Mystic Falls here? I could use some help.

[ damon ]
Damon? Please tell me you're here.

Jan. 16th, 2014


I guess having everyone become younger or older is still better than waking up the other gender. I hope I'm not testing my luck but thankfully this one hasn't hit me either. Maybe vampires get skipped over in the magical epidemic.

Anyway, Valentine's Day is coming up. I've already bought some decorations to decorate the apartment and the coffee shop. Sorry Bonnie. Hope you don't mind!

Jan. 11th, 2014


I guess this place isn't so bad. At least people seem somewhat safe here.

[Filter to Elena, Bonnie and Caroline]

How are you three doing?

We should have a girls night soon.


Dec. 24th, 2013


Well, it would appear this place is not so bad after all. My brother Kol is here, and just in time for the Holidays.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


Well, well, well. This certainly beats being on the other side.

I hear there's a few familiar faces That have missed me terribly.

Dec. 16th, 2013


I'm pretty excited for the ball everyone is talking about. I mean...come on. It's being thrown by Prince Charming and Snow White. Fairy tales and balls just go together. I'm pretty sure it will be a ball to remember. And I think I found the perfect dress.

I demand you save me a dance! Or three!

[Bonnie & Elena]
Girls night this weekend?

Dec. 11th, 2013


Our tree is up! Lights, ornaments, candy canes. And Christmas music playing continuously. Yes. I love Christmas!

[Caroline, Elena and Bonnie]
The ball is fast approaching. We need dresses yesterday.

And I need a date.

Dec. 8th, 2013


You have got to be kidding me.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Can't believe I"m saying this, but I miss New Orleans.

Not the people. Not entirely.

So if I come from a bloody television show there's really no point in secret keeping is there?

Dec. 5th, 2013


cut for vampire diaries spoilers )

Dec. 3rd, 2013


One plus side to watching myself on tv every week is that I get to see how cute a new haircut looks on me before I go get it done.

Filter: Elena
So, Elijah wants me to make Lexi a daylight ring.

Filter: Caroline
We need a tree. And lights. And things.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


What the bloody hell is this all about then? I've seen magic at work and they don't create some bloody portal to another world.

If this is some sort of joke, Niklaus it is not funny.


Sweet! This is so much better than the other side.


I know I'm new to all of the mystical and supernatural things that have been happening around me, but this is a lot. I mean, at least I'm not standing in a ring of fire anymore...

But, Jeremy and Elena better be safe.

Nov. 22nd, 2013


TVD Spoilers )

Nov. 18th, 2013


I really love the fall. It's colder than Mystic Falls, but it's still so pretty here. The colors are gorgeous.

Now, if I could just get the radio to play something else. I'm never going to get Blurred Lines out of my head at this rate.

( filtered to TVD/TO crew )
So, Thanksgiving is coming up. We should totally do something as a group. Yes, I know, most of us are vampires who don't have to eat, but it could still be fun. Just spending time together and being thankful for what we have. I just think it would be nice, after all the craziness we've had to deal with the past few years...or past few hundred years in some cases.

Yes? No? Ideas?


{ Filtered: Elena and Caroline }
I think we need a girls' night. ASAP.

Nov. 14th, 2013


So I gather I'm not the only one from Mystic Falls here? I'm really, really over witches at this point -- sorry, Bonnie. If you're here. Which I'm not sure you are. I'm still not sure this isn't some weird hallucination Tessa's put in my head. I guess it's better than it could be -- she could have put me back in the quarry. Who knows how long it'd take you all to notice I was gone this time?

Nov. 2nd, 2013


This place is very confusing. The metal carriages here move at alarming speeds and I have seen women dressed in a manner not befitting to polite company. I hardly know how this contraption is meant to work, but it was explained to me that it is a means of communication?

Everything about this place is very unsettling. While Mister Salvatore has been very helpful, I would much prefer to be somewhere that makes more sense.

Oct. 31st, 2013



Might I just say I am deeply disturbed why what went on tonight. She might have done many terrible things to all of you in the past, but she did not deserve that. You are fortunate, Damon, that you were brought here from before tonight's events occurred. Otherwise, we might have a problem, you and I.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


I still haven't quite figured out a costume for myself. Bonnie, Elena, have you? If not, I demand shopping! And lunch! We can make it a girls day! And I kind of want to carve a pumpkin. I'm feeling oddly nostalgic. Oh I want candy apples.

Hey...are there any haunted houses or scary hayrides around this town? Because that could be kind of fun.

[TVD/Originals Cast]
I'll be watching the show tomorrow night if anyone is interested in joining me. Sometimes its easier when you have company. And at least its not my life. I promise to have popcorn, pizza and other unhealthy but yummy snacks.

Oct. 18th, 2013


I am so glad to be myself again. That was awful.

( Damon )
Hey, you.

(OOC: Possible TVD spoilers in comments, just by virtue of it being Thursday.

Oct. 6th, 2013


I've been trying to figure out a way to reverse the whole gender mixup thing that's going around (which I had nothing to do with, just saying), but so far I am having no luck. Sorry guys (and girls), you might be stuck that way for awhile.

How many of you guys got hit with the whammy, by the way?

Oct. 4th, 2013


Well, that was fun. Minus how it wasn't.

( Bonnie )
I never even asked when you were from. Did you know about that?

( Damon )
Can we just get out and do something? I don't really care what. I don't want to think about that stupid show any more.

( OOC: You guessed it. TVD and TO spoilers likely in comments. )

Oct. 3rd, 2013


(Possible multiple season premiere spoilers for TVD, Originals, Scandal I'm the comments. You has been warned.)

I think that's the last time I watch TV. At least on a Thursday. Or a Tuesday.


[ooc: TVD S5 and The Originals Series Premiere in the comments]

Would someone care to explain to me what the hell I just watched on the TV?

Oct. 1st, 2013


Somebody better start explaining: Now. I warn you that I'm not a man you want to anger.

Sep. 9th, 2013


Caroline's birthday is on the 20th and needless to say, there's going to be a party. Obviously, we're going to have to keep it secret. Some of us are 18, but I know a lot of you have to deal with that stupid curfew.

Anyway, we're working out the details, but don't make any other plans for the 20th. Trust me, a Caroline Forbes party is something you don't want to miss.

*Please feel free to assume you're included on this if your character would be friendly with Bonnie, either through school, her job at the coffee place or random interaction on the network.


So, I've been dragged through a magic portal that skipped right over summer. Awesome. Way to go, portal. Just once, I'd like a break from this kind of thing

I guess I should see about community college classes while I'm here. anyone around from Mystic Falls?

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I enrolled in the local community college. I figure if I am here I might as well do what I was planning to back home.

At least I managed to keep my classes on Mondays-Thursdays so I won't have class on my birthday. Small victories. Even though I don't technically have a birthday anymore.

In other news, my dog learned not to go after my shoes. It only took forever.

Aug. 17th, 2013


I do sometimes feel like my life is a really badly written novel, but this Narnia bullshit is going a bit far.

Aug. 9th, 2013


You know what's weird? I'd just had my birthday not that long before I ended up here, but I guess I'm about to have another one in a few weeks.

I don't care if I'm not really going to be another year older, I still want to celebrate. I'm not sure how, yet.

Elena, Caroline? Do you guys have any suggestions?

Posted via Journaler.

Aug. 7th, 2013


There are so many vampires here. And several that can walk in the day. Sookie! Sam! How is that possible?

Aug. 6th, 2013


...uh. If you save a small dog from getting hit by a car does that mean it's yours to keep if it isn't wearing a collar...?

I've never had a pet.

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