September 2016




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Oct. 26th, 2013


I guess that settles it. What would it take to move to this town permanently?

[ooc: spoilers for new episode of Haven in comments]

Oct. 21st, 2013


Well, that was certainly fascinating. Do people often undergo hard genetic recodings here? Just from a point of scientific curiosity.

Speaking of, I was wondering something. It is my understanding that the individuals from this town are originally from another sort of world entirely, unless I was misunderstanding something. And I was wondering if one of you might be willing to donate a sample, blood sample...tissue...anything really, so that I could see how you might differ from a baseline human from this world, genetically speaking. I really want to know if the potential of people from your world for magic is something that is coded into your genetics, or if it is some outside influence that allows you to use it.

I would just really appreciate it if you could help me out.

Oh! And Thor? I would love to do some tests if you have some time. To establish a baseline for Asgardian genetics and physiology. And also to see if your arms are like Maria...I mean...Deputy Director Hill said Just...while the opportunity is available.

Sep. 16th, 2013


So...small town in Maine where strange things happen?

That's different.

I'm still not sure if this is real or if I've finally cracked.

So, where's the bar in this town? I could stand to make a few bucks

Sep. 1st, 2013


Small town in Maine to...small town in Maine. I've got one friend disappearing, another probably dying, and this fucking thing takes me down the goddamn road?!