September 2016




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Mar. 11th, 2014


I miss my butler, Jervis. And having lots of money to shop. I hate admitting that because it's not something I'd normally do ~ the shopping part at least.

Also apart from dogs and cats, the animals in this world are really boring and less intelligent than most Pokemon. Yet the trainers here are still getting mauled and bitten on a constant basis.

And I can't cook.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Your animals are all so small here! Especially the birds and domestic cats! It's so strange.

You know, a kitten or a puppy would make perfect Valentine's Day presents for you and your significant other!

Someone has to adopt them soon or I'm going to have an apartment full of animals and I'm pretty sure there's a law against that sort of thing. I can't help it though ~ I just can't get enough of these little ones!
cut for adorableness )

What we have back home is more along the lines of: Read more... )
But from what I understand here they're not really kept as pets or companions.

Feb. 7th, 2014


I hear people mentioning something called Valentine's Day.

What exactly is it?


Is there a pet store around here? Or better yet, a place to adopt pets?

I miss my dog, and I need something to cuddle.

Jan. 19th, 2014


Hello, my name is Cynthia and I'm a new arrival to your little town. When the portal brought me through it shorted out all four of my poké balls. I was able to locate my Lucario, thanks to a wonderful new friend, Sam. However, we can't seem to find the other three of my pokemon. They go by:

Glaceon, Garchomp, Togekiss

If anyone has seen them, please, do let me know? They're not dangerous creatures unless they are attacked. They might be scared, and not answer to you or get close, but any information on their whereabouts would help greatly. Also, are there any shelters in town that I could check out? They might have ended up there.

[posted a couple hours after this. feel free to say your characters have seen them, or that they're out causing havoc - it's a giant gryphon-like bird and a walking shark afterall]