September 2016




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Oct. 8th, 2013


So with all this gender swapping going around, is there a possibility I could interest anyone in a sex change operation? I work cheap.

Sep. 21st, 2013


Firefly Crew
Since Inara and Kaylee are both newly arrived do you think a get together might be a good idea?

Hospital Workers
I've been told I need to find someone to take my shift tomorrow night - I've worked too many in a row. Any volunteers?

Sep. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to any and all of those currently in or with a background in Government, Medical, Animal Care, Military, and Law]

I want to request a list of people currently in these fields or with a background from where they came. I think it would be nice to have a solid foundation of who has the expertise in which areas and perhaps even Sheriff Swan and Mayor Mills could find the information useful.


Groups listed by Expertise )

Sep. 9th, 2013


I've decided that fandoms officially creep me out and I shouldn't have looked myself up online. At least not without a copious amount of booze within reach. That being said, I haven't decided if Tumblr is an abomination or not.
Things to do in town. What are they and do any of them involve karaoke, 80s music, and plenty of alcohol?


Right. So, let me get this straight. There are 'portals' that bring you here and there's no leaving?

And ... computers that allow you to talk to people over long distances?


Anyway, uh, hi...? I'm Marty, and I don't suppose there's a single one of you here that's from Hill Valley? Preferably a crackpot, eccentric, white haired inventor?

Aug. 9th, 2013


Let's see, I found a magical portal (or it found me) and now I'm in Maine. There are random dogs running around and Meredith brought one home. At least he hasn't peed in my shoes.


I'm Cristina Yang. Hi Storybrooke.