September 2016




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May. 21st, 2016


voice post

This isn't...

I'm not...


(Warning for possible Civil War spoilers in comments)

May. 3rd, 2016


You know I'm actually a little disappointed I haven't found any of the themed Doritos this time around.

(I bought some anyway, for the record)

Assuming everyone hasn't already spread to the four corners of the world, I'm thinking that the Avengers and Co. should Assemble for a barbecue or something before whatever happens happens with the movie that we're all trying to ignore.

That includes anyone on the sidelines fortunate enough not to be a part of the whole mess.

How about it? Takers?

Mar. 10th, 2016


Dear Marvel...

That was the worst birthday gift ever. Take it back.

Feb. 7th, 2016


Damnit, Super Bowl commercials, I thought we were friends.

Feb. 1st, 2016


Be warned.

Winter Storm Bucky Approaches! )

Nov. 21st, 2015


Ready to spend a winter glaring at the snow and grossly cuddling, Stevie?

Aug. 30th, 2015


Not to distract from all the politicians politicking but inquiring minds want to know.

What actually happened with the laser tag thing? Winners? Losers? Friendships ruined forever?

It's not like there's much else going on around here.

Jul. 26th, 2015


Important life lessons from the past two weeks or so: Curiosity leads to a lot of frowning. Movie 'dates' end horribly, especially if you go see a movie that should have NOTHING to do with you but is still Marvel. Tinfoil and sharpies don't make a convincing arm and often lead to you needing to go out and buy more tinfoil. Pink star > Red star. Jack and I can't both be Jefferson. Heroic blondes. Steven Grant Rogers we need to talk.

Jul. 13th, 2015


Filtered against Loki (mcu)

It's either been a really bad few days or I'm still not right in the head.

[Filtered against Steve (mcu) and Sam]

Show of hands. If I fell to my death who'd come look for me?

Jul. 11th, 2015


Well isn't this quaint.

Jul. 4th, 2015



I hope you like the way Sam and I redecorated the apartment for your big day. The place is extremely patriotic now. We thought you'd be proud.

There might be actual presents later.

Jul. 1st, 2015


For Steve's birthday I thought about throwing him a party. Maybe trying really hard to recreate the feel of a dance hall. But... the fourth of July isn't really the time to try and hold a birthday party. Everyone has their own thing coming.

So... now I'm thinking I'm just going to replace all his underwear with American flag and Captain America ones. That sounds easier and will probably make sure I never pull laundry detail again.

Jun. 8th, 2015


I hated this place on principle when I first got here. But after being stuck here for a while, its grown on me, in small ways. There's not much I miss about home, but home wasn't very welcoming for me when I came from. It was mostly made up of a few small rooms and a firmly locked door.

I hadn't expected to actually miss anything from there, but oddly, I do miss my sister. Much to my surprise.

But the best part of this place is the freedom. People say whatever they want. Even when it would probably be smarter not to, they still can say it.

What does everyone else miss most from their home? Or like the best here?

Yes, people from low-food worlds. I know the food is good.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


Thursday, 6 o'clock. We're having supper at my house. Bring a date if you want.

May. 25th, 2015


So. How do you tell someone you killed them?

May. 21st, 2015


So bright shiny future where they've got half the world at people's fingertips, but people are still driving around on the same basic four wheels.

Where can I get some tools around here?

May. 20th, 2015


Filtered to the Spysassin House

So I've been thinking about moving in with Steve and Sam. And not just because I realized we've all been awkwardly flirting with each other. I mean. That's points for not moving in with them.

May. 18th, 2015


Now this one I did not see coming....

Getting that out of the way, I would like to take a moment to make a formal declaration of thanks to the Storybrooke welcoming committee for helping prevent what could have been a very confusing time, and for providing me with this nice way to get in contact with the general population. I understand that this transplanting process is pretty common here and I have to say I am impressed with the way it's being handled. Having done this on more than one occasion myself, I can tell you it almost never goes this smoothly.

For those of who aren't familiar with me, my name is Steven Grant Rogers, Captain. There's a pretty good chance you might know me more by the work suit than the street clothes, and I apologize for the lack of the latter. I promise it's something I'll fix, since walking around as Captain America doesn't seem like the most comfortable thing in the world. I understand it there's a youth center here as well and a gym? I'd assume that, besides Granny's, this is likely where you can find me easily from time to time.

To those of you who do know me?

Sorry I'm late. You know how us old men can be.

May. 16th, 2015


So Age of Ultron wasn't that great but the next movie should be great, right? I'm already excited and I'm not even sure I'll be in it. There's some awesome pictures though...

Like this one of Sam looking good in his new costume.

Or this one of Rumlow making me sad all day.

But then there was this one of Steve's new costume and... I don't know. I'm not sure it offers enough protection.

May. 13th, 2015


Cut for Ultron Spoilers )

May. 2nd, 2015


Filtered to Steve Rogers

Warning: Age of Ultron spoilers behind cut and in comments )

Apr. 28th, 2015


Filtered to Grant Ward )

Filtered to Steve Rogers )

Apr. 27th, 2015


This loose ends thing isn't working out so well for me, because now I'm just inventing new weird kinds of mug cakes to try in the microwave, and it doesn't work out that well. So I went and got a job counseling at the high school. Not my area, but as much as some of the kids have been through, I figured I might be able to help out a little here and there.

Still way too much free time though. Anywhere around here need volunteer manpower or anything?

Hey, Rogers, you still standing firm on your blackout on your own movie nonsense? Because I'm going to cave, I know it, so I'm going to plan it for when you're not around and then be annoyed about myself. Barnes, you still with me in masochism?

Apr. 21st, 2015


You know what's kind of weird?

Finding pictures of yourself on half the products in the grocery store. That's pretty weird. Although those cool ranch Doritos aren't half bad.

Apr. 20th, 2015


Oh. Oh my.

I had forgotten about this.

Fitz? Are you still here? I do hope you are.

The thing is, I really did mean to post to this sooner, but I found a man in a dumpster just after I arrived. And he had a rather alarming number of injuries, which was really very worrisome when you take the dumpster into consideration. And the sensible thing to do seemed to be to take care of him first.

So he's on the sofa. My sofa, obviously. It was a bit difficult getting him back, but I managed. He's resting now.

Apr. 16th, 2015


I still don't like having another version of me running around out there. It's unsettling. How do we differentiate? Is he Bucky or am I Bucky?

Apr. 12th, 2015


If I am dead, I am haunting Bucky Barnes for the rest of his life.

I mean, seriously, fairy tales? Where am I really?

Mar. 30th, 2015


The future is amazing. I'm actually starting to think being stuck here won't be so bad. Got a job at Granny's and a decent apartment. Granted it's not the mansion Stark gave me and Peggy but still, it definitely beats the Griffith.

Speaking of, rumor has it, that Peggy Carter is here? If that's true, please tell English that Angie is looking for her. I think I'll watch tv. It's so much better than that garbage Captain America radio show.

Mar. 10th, 2015


So. Update.

I have a dog. Not sure on the name but open to suggestions that aren't puns.

Best birthday ever.

Mar. 7th, 2015


I've finally come to accept the fact that I'm not going to wake up and find a certain someone here. He's gone. He's left. And every time he's come back things have been different. I'm the only one hanging onto something and it's just not happening. It's time to face facts and move on. With that in mind I've decided I should probably start dating or flirting again because why not?

Also, I should probably get a job to afford things.

Also, should I have not announced my intention to get back out there over this thing? That's not normal, right?

Also, how do you flirt?

Also, someone teach me to people.

Also, I want a dog. We can call it my therapy dog and I'll name it, like, Alex or Brock or Steve but none of those names because I just remembered they're terrible. The job will probably need to happen before the dog with the terrible name.

Feb. 17th, 2015


Has anyone watched their movie or television show? Because it's on all the time and I

Feb. 14th, 2015


All right. I'm findin' a barstool for a few hours. Any takers? Ya' might even get me to buy.

Feb. 9th, 2015


Spysassin House

I think... maybe we should just leave the blanket fort up. Like permanently.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


The last time I wound up in a strange new place I missed out on sixty-six years, give or take. I guess I should consider this an improvement. I appreciate all the orientation information but I was in the middle of something important I'd really like to get back to.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


I take it a thing occurred with your American football and there was much grousing and griping of men with multi-million dollar paychecks? Yes, I suppose, your sporting arrangements have always held some odd fascination for me.

As for myself I've been camping in the woods for nigh a week n


I don't know whether to be angry or just unsurprised. No. Angry. I'm definitely still angry. Of course those cheating sons of bitches won. I wouldn't be surprised if they paid Wilson to take a dive. Though it seemed like the entire Seahawks team was taking stupid pills by the end of it, so it might have just been a case of collective idiocy. The Pats shouldn't have made it this far anyway. Them and their sanctified asshole of a quarterback and dirty dealing coach. That whole outfit is crooked. But what the hell do you expect to come out of Boston?

Jan. 30th, 2015


If anyone is in need of a tutor in the sciences, I wouldn't mind helping out.

I am far too bored here and it isn't safe.

Jan. 26th, 2015


Has anyone seen Steve Rogers?

Jan. 11th, 2015


So, magic city comes with wi-fi. That updating fairy tale trend isn't gonna die off any time soon, is it?

A fairy nun just gave me a phone and a heads up there's people here I know, so ... someone want to explain the nun thing? And the magic and fairy would be good too, but the nun threw me first.

Nov. 26th, 2014


You know... a long time ago, back when I was a boy and dinosaurs roamed the earth, it was illegal for stores to have any sort of Christmas display prior to Thanksgiving. These days no one seems to really care about Thanksgiving. The stores I've been into have had Christmas stuff up as soon as Halloween ended. It's the little things that constantly amaze and occasionally make me frown.

Nov. 5th, 2014


Okay. Best of a really weird sudden cold snap.

Snowball fight? I call Fitz and Clint for teams.

Nov. 2nd, 2014


What the hell is going on?

One minute I'm working and the next I'm in some random town and there are zombies.

Oct. 2nd, 2014


So. It's October 2 and 134 years ago today one of the greatest comedic legends of all time was born. I'm speaking, of course, of Groucho Marx. Even if you're unfamiliar with the name you might still be familiar with his comedic stylings or trademark look. His influence has kind of lived on in a way that makes me incredibly nostalgic for days I only sort of remember.

If you aren't familiar with him (or don't think you are) I was to share this clip with you from Animal Crackers. Which came out when I was 13. Steve and I may have snuck in to see it. I'm looking to see if I can find these films somewhere because it would be nice to see them again.

Sep. 24th, 2014


My strength is back, my arm works and is no longer just dead weight. If anyone's up for sparring I need to get out and up and moving.

Thank you, spysassin house, Felicity, and Steve (you know which one) for cheering me up. Grant... I'm sorry I spent a night being moody and telling you I wasn't crying when I may have been.

Sep. 9th, 2014


Well, the way I see it, there's only one appropriate response to all the super powerful people suddenly not having powers.

Paintball tournament.

Sep. 8th, 2014


Just going to hang out in bed for a few days. No big deal.

Sep. 5th, 2014


So if the greeters are to be believed, I'm trapped in a town that shouldn't exist, surrounded by the strange and the fictional.

It's still an improvement, if not a believable one.

Aug. 31st, 2014


Well, since I've finished Sam's wings just in time for his real ones to show up...

Who would like to try them? He said he's fine with me letting others use them. Though I'm not supposed to let Bucky if Sam is flying that day. Something about letting him tear his new ones apart?

Also I've been thinking of finding a place to teach a class on robotics. Would anyone be interested?

Aug. 16th, 2014


Clinton Francis Barton, you are officially no longer allowed to tease me about crying at Disney movies. I mean, who cries over a youtube video that's not a puppy trapped in a sewer grate or kittens being rescued from a well?

From what I could see, those were two attractive, well dressed people just talking to each other. What could be so upsetting about that? And don't tell me you had something in your eye. The only thing you had in your eye were tears.

Aug. 15th, 2014


I need to get out more.

Is there a place I can go dancing? People do that right? Dance? Who wants to come with me?

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