Mar. 17th, 2009


To the Soul

Title: To the Soul
Characters/Pairings: Farfarello and who ever else you want to see there
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG (on the safe side)
Word Count: 100

There are older ones, faded and white from time. Newer ones--some still healing, others bright pink against pale skin. Holes, lines, tears all bits and pieces that were once a part of him now define him more so than others.

He no longer feels the pain that comes with these new marks that caress his skin. He does however feel the hot tongue that glides over them, mapping out even the tiniest lines. He feels it in his soul. And this is when he is truly alive, lost in the sensation of touch that only his lover may bring.

Mar. 16th, 2009


Prompt #89

No points were awarded for last week.

This week's prompt is #89 - Touch

This prompt can be used in so many ways. Think about how many items you handle during the day. Think about touch in as limited or as broad a context as you'd like. Keep in mind that if you pervert the prompt and it gets explicit, you should place it behind a cut with proper warnings.

Does Aya think about the feel of leather? Does Schuldig hesitate to touch a child with a runny nose? How does Crawford compare the weight of the gun to the feel of punching someone in the nose? Does Farfarello miss touching things when he is strapped in? How do the different flowers feel in the shop? Does Ken keep the girls at a distance because he dislikes being pinched?

No matter where you take the sense of touch, however, you must write it in 100 words.

April 2009



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