Sep. 22nd, 2007


Hidden Strength

Title: Hidden Strength
Character : Nagi
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

There are many who underestimate me.

They are foolish to do so.

My body may seem weak, but I am stronger than I appear.

I’ve crushed the skull of a man twice my size.

I’d do it again, if it was ordered.

My age is not a factor.

Society sees me as a child, but I am much more.

I’m smarter than most of them.

My teammates know that I can handle myself.

I’ve proven it.

Still, it seems a few of them worry.

I don’t understand it.

Not only can I hold my ground, I can float above it.

Sep. 19th, 2007


My Own

Title: My Own
Character : Schuldig
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

When they take away your shoes and force you to walk barefoot on the broken shards of your memories – it’s hard to stand against the pain.

They like to watch you bleed. They like to make you beg.

They reach into your mind, rearrange it to their liking and leave you to figure out where they put everything.

I wish they would have left me with a real name.

Regardless, I stand against them – on patch of ground I call my own.

I make my own memories.

Fuck Rosenkreuz, fuck Esset.

I am Schuldig and I will fight to stand.



Title: Timequake
Character : Brad x Schuldig
Challenge: Stand my Ground
Team: Weiss
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

A thousand futures blurred behind Brad's eyelids - most too fast for coherence, others too horrid to utter.

Nausea rose in his throat.

The visions caused his world to quake and he lost his footing. Madness fell through the cracks in his mind, pouring like sand into his throat. He choked on its intensity.

Firm hands.

“I’m here Brad. I won’t let you fall.” Let me stand with you.

Brad felt a kiss, heard the words.

An embrace.

He felt solid ground, shivered with the aftershocks of what he Saw.


“Are you all right? W..what did you see?”


April 2009




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