Jul. 8th, 2007


Soccer Field in the Rain

Title: Soccer Field in the Rain
Character : Ken
Challenge: Rain
Team: Weiss
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Gluhen

The rain doesn’t taste sweet anymore. It used to bring life to the wildflowers it bathed.

But now – now it tastes salty. It drowns everything in tears.

I’ve become accustomed to the torrential bitterness that no umbrella can withstand.

Playing football in the rain was the best. You’d be ankle-deep in water and each kick would bring a muck-filled spray. You’d sweat mud by the end of the game and be caked in it. Everyone looked the same when the game was over.

This morning as I stare at the flooded field, I realize that mud stains - just like blood.

Jul. 4th, 2007


The capsules, they do nothing!

Title: The capsules, they do nothing!
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig vs Rosenkreuz
Team: Schwarz
Rating: gee...
Word Count: 100
Series: pre-series

On rainy days he sneaks the medicines he’s pretended to ingest out of his tattered mattress and strolls through the exercise yard, fingers ejecting them one by one through the hole inside his pocket.
The pills are supposed to make him “feel better”.
Schuldig figures he feels pretty good already, and if he felt any better he might just explode with joy or something equally dangerous.
It’s better for everyone if he deals with the mysterious pills in this way.
Unless someday they’re attacked by giant mutant worms or weeds or something-- which still might make him feel pretty good.

Jul. 2nd, 2007


Like spitting in the rain

Title: Like spitting in the rain
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig & Crawford & tPTB
Team: Schwarz
Rating: gee...
Word Count: 100
Series: Kapital~
Author's Notes: Rain on your wedding day *isn't* ironic, dammat! But it is one hell of an omen...

Schuldig spits from the high shelter of the covered balcony and watches the storm drench the street below. It makes him ache, makes him angry, makes work and play a royal pain in the ass.
"Are umbrellas designed to dump water in the fucking car? Perfectly designed to aim it right in your fucking face as you're getting up, or lap as you're getting in?"
Crawford pushes his glasses up with one finger, eyes remaining focused on the computer screen. "Perhaps someone is trying to tell you something."
Schuldig sneers, "Right." Eyes roll and arms cross, "What, learn to swim?"

April 2009




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