Sep. 11th, 2007


Not Without You

Title: Not Without You
Character: Brad Crawford, Schuldig
Challenge: #12 - Trapped
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Heat. Smoke. Burned flesh. It was all making him sick and the need to get out was growing, but he still continued his search.

The building was shaking by the time he found him. Schuldig ignored the body of that Rosenkreuz agent, but he felt like throwing up seeing all the blood on Crawford's clothes.

Lacking the strength to say it out loud Brad spoke mentally. ’There was a chance for you to get out. You shouldn’t have looked for me’

“I don’t care.”

’You'll die here too.’

Schuldig sat down next to him. “I said I don’t care. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

Aug. 27th, 2007



Title: Mine
Challenge: #10 - Nightmares
Team: Schwarz
Characters/Pairing: Ran & Aya-chan Fujimiya, Schuldig
Word-count: 100

Long white curtains. One single bed behind them. A girl sat on the edge of the bed.


“How could you?” she asked glaring at her older brother. “How could you leave me?”

“I’m sorry…Aya…I tried….”

“You abandoned me when I needed you! I hate you!”

Hands wrapped around his shoulders, long red hair fell on his chest and a voice whispered in his ear. “Do you hear that Ran? Your precious baby sister hates you. You're not needed anymore."

"No! That's not true! Aya!"

The red-haired foreigner appeared next to Aya, wrapped his arms around her small waist. "She doesn't need you anymore.
She is mine.

Aug. 18th, 2007



Title: Hiding
Characters/Pairings: Schuldig, Crawford
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: #8 - Scars
Word-count: 100
Rating: PG13

Aside from his power sex was Schuldig’s most favourite weapon. He talked about it during meals mostly to irritate Nagi. He used it to try to seduce Crawford and sometimes it worked, but often he found himself on the painfully hard floor in the hallway. If the targets were interesting enough he played with them; put images in their heads before killing them. Despite all that Schuldig didn’t like to expose his body. You would never see him walk around shirtless and only Crawford knew why.

Emotional scars could be hidden and sometimes overcome, but the psychical would always remain.

Aug. 14th, 2007



Title: Rating
Characters/Pairings: Brad Crawford, Farfarello, Schuldig
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: #8 - Scars
Word-count: 100
Series: the end of Kapitel

Farfarello raised his head high and pointed to the three puncture wounds under his chin that he had gotten from Siberian. They were still bleeding lightly and coated with wet sand. “What do you think? Will they be any good?”

Brad sat on the sand leaning his back against a stone. Schuldig’s head was lying on his lap and Nagi’s body curled up next to him. “Schuldig is the scars expert,” Brad said as he was looking down at the redhead. “Ask him.”

Schuldig opened his eyes and grinned at Farfarello. "Looks good. What happened to Hidaka?"

"Punched his brains out."

Brad smirked. "Good."

Aug. 1st, 2007


Black Pudding

Title: Black Pudding
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: #6 - Black
Characters: Schwarz
Word-count: 100

"I refuse," Nagi said shoving his plate away.

Crawford practically threw his cutlery on the table and glared at the boy. “What is it now?”

“I’m not eating this.”

Schuldig had just finished eating his food and looked at Nagi’s plate licking his lips. “It looks good.”

“It’s disgusting.”

“You should have known that black pudding is sausage made of pig’s blood before you order it,” Farfarello chuckled. He picked it up and took a bite then licked before Schuldig could steal it.

“Hey! I wanted to eat it!” The German cried, trying to grab for the sausage.

“It’s mine.”

“Braaaad, he took it without asking!”

"Shut up, Schuldig."

Jul. 23rd, 2007


Time to Play

Title: Time to Play
Character: Schuldig, Farfarello
Challenge: #5 - Cats
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Series: Kapitel

"They have such stupid weapons. I'm surprised none of them died yet," Schuldig laughed as he watching the four work in a flower shop with the most ridiculous name he had ever heard. Kitten in the House.

Farfarello sat in the passenger seat and just shrugged as a reply.

"And they have stupid code names too." Schuldig continued.


"Yep, they use cat breeds."

"Kitties, eh?" Farfarello chuckled playing with his knife and licked the tip of the weapon. "I like kitties. Can we play with them?"

"We can," Schuldig nodded, smirking, "but Brad said not to kill them. Said they will be useful."

"Did he now?"

Jul. 21st, 2007


Father, I have sinned...

Title: Father, I have sinned...
Character: Farfarello and a priest
Challenge: #4 – Confession
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Series: Kapitel

The last visitor left the church and the young priest started to collect the bibles that some had left lying around on the benches. He looked up seeing a man with silver hair enter the confessional.

"Father, I have sinned. It had been one day since my last confession."

"How have you sinned?" He asked and sighed in mild annoyance. Only one day...

"I killed seven people and loved it. Will your God forgive me?" Farfarello asked as he pulled his poniard out. He didn't wait for the priest's answer and thrust it through the small holes in the wall that separated them.

Jul. 15th, 2007



Title: Art
Character: Nagi Naoe, Schuldig
Challenge: #3 - Broken
Team: Schwarz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Clumsy and pathetic were the first words that had come to him when he first saw the boy. He was filthy, had lice and didn’t speak a word besides Japanese.

He had seen him only twice after their team broke up and the first thing he noticed was that the boy had grown a few inches.

He was proud seeing him now standing motionless in front of the students watching them, listening to their painful screams as their bones were breaking.

Schuldig grinned as he watched him from the roof. Nagi was finally learning that killing was also a form of art.

Jul. 14th, 2007



Title: Mistake
Character : Schuldig
Challenge: #3 - Broken
Team: Schwarz
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

They said you could already tell who would be easily broken just by a mere look. It was like picking out vegetables in the supermarket. The small and weak would be disposed of first. Next were the weak-willed and the stubborn who refused to follow their regime, but sometimes even they could be wrong.

He was small, stubborn and a bit crazy from the voices in his head when he stood in the hall together with other children for the first time.

The training had hurt him, partly changed him into what they wanted, but they hadn't managed to break him.

Jul. 9th, 2007


Bunnies and Kittens

Title: Bunnies and Kittens
Character : Brad Crawford, Schuldig
Challenge: #3 Broken
Team: Schwarz
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Series: Kapitel

Since Schwarz arrived in Japan and got a loft they replaced the expensive dishes with plastic ones. Schuldig had broken almost everything when it had been his turn to do the dishes. Brad did not trust him with the china plates anymore and found the most cheapest plastic that was available. However, the plates were pink and had bunnies and kittens on them.

“Aw, don’t glare at the plates like that, Brad,” Schuldig chuckled lightly looking at his plate with a white kitten on it. “They are actually kind of cute.”

“I hate you,” Brad said shoving his bunny plate away.

April 2009




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