weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[Oct 3rd, 10
12:33 am

Really, this BAMF doesn't need an introduction. You all know him already. He's been here since day one, bitches. He's just gotten an upgrade/promotion from NPC, is all. Yeah, that's right. I'm just posting this for your benefit, in case you were living under a rock this whole time. This? Is Ser Talfryn Armstead, aka Ser Awsumsauz. He's the Knight-Captain of Gwaren. He serves the Teyrna, with whom he has never been and never will have an affair. They're just BFFLz, is all. He's married to an ex-hooker, but don't let anyone know that, because she's a classy broad and he loves her and she makes amazing stews. He also has three great kids that he misses. And now he's on some crazy quest to help end the Blight and keep an eye on his surrogate son, Coan, even if the boy is grown-ass man/Grey Warden now and doesn't really need a babysitter (except he totally does). He really just wants to go home to his wife and his bbz...but he's gotta kick ass and take names first. Sorry, Armsteads.

Yeah. That's pretty much it. He's been chilling with Group One for like...this entire game already. But you're still welcome to harass me about plotz and backstory and whatnot. If you dare. 8| (no, really, i'd love it. HARASS ME.)

Returning [Oct 2nd, 10
6:48 pm

After discussion, which I'm very glad for, I'm happy and honored to say I'd like to return. I'd like to pick up in posts as required, and will have them out ASAP. If there is anything that anyone would like to resolve or discuss, my contact post is always open and I am updating my OOC info as we speak. Thank you, everyone.

modly post #23 : activity check & plot updates [Oct 2nd, 10
11:11 am

Sooo it's been way over a month by now, but here's your activity check!

ACTIVITY CHECK FOR ALL MEMBERS: If you are active and are not marked down as being on official Hiatus according to the directory, please reply to this thread with ONE of your journals, and list the names/journals of your characters if you have multiples. If you should be listed on Hiatus and are not, please let us know this as well. Just to reiterate what this means, a Hiatus indicates that you will be unable to post for a significant period of time, upwards of 2 weeks. Everyone has until SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9TH to respond to this entry; after that point, we will be contacting players with removal warnings. If we do not receive a response to these warnings within 72 hours, we will assume that the player is no longer interested in participation and they will be removed, with their characters handled in an appropriate manner by the moderators. Please continue to post as your normally would during this period.

PLOT PROGRESS: Under the cut. )

That's all, folks. We are still open for applications and have resumed normal review schedule. If there's something we've missed about G3, please let us know, as we've been having a harder time keeping track of those threads than others, since it's such a huge group. As usual, if there are any questions, just PM us or leave a note in the drop box. Thanks!

Song Meme, Take Three! [Sep 28th, 10
5:54 pm

Okay so, for our new members, and for our old members with new characters, we did the song meme, which the original post can be found here. Check it out, feel free to add songs for the characters in that meme, or in the runner up, here.

For new characters go ahead and post a reply on this thread, with your character's name, and then people will reply to your comment with song suggestions. This can help you if you have trouble making a soundtrack, or just for plain fun!

So, have at it!

[Sep 27th, 10
5:13 pm

I'm not falling off the world or anything, just wanted you to know that since my health is a little wobbly, so is my replies at the moment.
I had the plague (or something) and now I got a little worse again, and I feel bad for not writing as much as I'd like.
But there will be replies, just at a slightly slower pace right now. Or until my sinuses stop hurting like hell.

modly post #22: admin update [Sep 21st, 10
6:56 am

Just a few things for you all to take note of. Any pending applications, or applications sent in the next few days/week, or questions posed through faq or pm, will have to wait until both Beth and myself have the energy to get to them. Also, as some of us haven't done this in a while, now is as good a time as any for you to update your F-lists. So please do so on all of your character journals.

update: If you've already run it since I've posted this, please run it one more time. I left a few tags out.

[Sep 20th, 10
7:34 pm

I'm going on hiatus for a little while. I can't handle this right now. I didn't want to be a hypocrite and let everything get to me or let OOC drama dominate my ability to write or participate in the game, but the current level of stress I'm undergoing in relation to thinking about it means that it is not at all healthy for me to be looking at this game.

I will be back, but I need a few days to clear my head and stop making myself physically ill and depressed. So I apologize to everyone who is waiting on a post from me and for all of the plots that require my attention. I'm not giving up, but I just can't function right now.

Grey Wardens: Love Makes the World Go 'Round [Sep 20th, 10
8:29 pm

You guys are probably all tired of drama topping your F-Lists, so I propose a little something. I dunno if I'm part of some clique, or just friends with a whole lot of awesome RPers. But really, I've had wonderful interactions with everyone here, even those who are currently MIA. I have sooo many active threads because I honestly love this game, and I love playing with you all, and chatting with you all.

So in light of overlooking any drama, and remembering why we remain:

Love Makes the World Go Round

[Sep 17th, 10
10:35 am

Yo. It's Hughes with her second character, the lovely Brennan Wulfe.

Brennan is also from the same village as Imenry, and is an old friend of hers. He is tall, 31, single and likes long walks around Lake Calenhad ... oh wait, I mean ... He is a mage, a battlemage specifically, and will be joining up with Group 1. He has been wandering Fereldan (mostly the north-western part but we can stretch that) for the past year, and spent most of the two years before that in Orlais.

He's incredibly friendly, and likes to know people. He teases people and enjoys pushing people's buttons. He doesn't trust easily, but when he does he'll be loyal to the death. While he is kind and compassionate normally, in a fight he can be vicious and unforgiving. He is not too fond of Templars, given his experiences with them over the years, since he is an 'apostate'. He firmly believes in his gods, and finds the Chantry's views to be odd and incomprehensible, although he has learned to not be vocal about it. He can be manipulative, but he hates it despite the fact it has become a necessary part of his life. He can be quite the charmer, oftentimes completely unintentionally, and loves women. Elves and Dwarves are still new to him so he finds them fascinating.

Backstory? Future plot?

[Sep 16th, 10
7:53 am

HI! Soooooo this is character number two for me (Æolyn). I couldn't help myself. I fell in love with the name Roran when I read "Eragon" and had to use it so here she is (yes I realize Roran was a dude in the books, but its better name for a girl imo)!!

And because of my unholy love of numbered lists and the fact that I'm trying to update my boyfriend's iPod here is an overview of her personality:
1) she's 24 years old
2) born in Redcliffe to a barmaid
3) father was a traveling rebel that her mother thought she was in love with... ahhhh young love -__-
4) mother remarried when she was six to a Redcliffe guardsman
5) Tristan Langley (step-father) started teaching Roran to fight when she was nine
6) Kahlyn, Roran's mother, discovers she's pregnant with a second child
7) the Fifth Blight begins that year, Ark Eamon falls ill, the attacks on Redcliffe begin and the Warden's save the day, inspiring Roran to want to become a Warden.
8) Tristan is sent off to fight in the battle of Denerim and Kahlyn later gives birth to a son, Brynn Langley
9) Tristan returns home from the war with an injured leg but otherwise unharmed
10) Roran joins the Redcliffe guard and starts training with them while training her little brother to fight as well
11) one evening while sparring with him as their mother washed clothes nearby, their mother is captured by bandits who demand money. Roran gives them everything she has on her (which isn't much) and when the bandits say they should kill her mother out of principle, she yells at them and charges. they drop her mother and run for their lives but when Roran turns back to her mother and brother she finds that her mother hit a rock when the bandits released her and fractured her skull, bleeding out.
12) Roran goes into a depressive state for a week before Brynn finally breaks it and Roran decides its best to pour her emotions over the loss of her mother into her training rather than wasting her life away.

Andddddddd that's her history. as for her personality... she's an Andrastean and doesn't know of other religions, so in her mind her's is the only one that exists. She won't mean to offend anyone with other religions when she learns about them but she probably will. I apologize in advance. She's very loyal to the crown and the laws set forth, including the laws on magic. She believes that magic is evil and that all the mages should be locked away for life. She's rather naive on the subject of mages, which is what breeds her hatred. She believes that any mage outside the Circle is maleficar and is deathly afraid of them. Well she's afraid of any mage really, not just maleficar.

She's a tomboy because of the lifestyle she's chosen. Growing up she'd rather have play fought than have played with dolls, so she's always been seen as "one of the boys" and thus has never really had a romantic relationship. She probably wouldn't even realize she had feelings for someone if that were to happen. She might think she has indigestion or something. She's rather short for a human (4'11") and a woman, so those are her two main faults. She's always trying to compensate for those facts and pushes herself the extra mile even when she may not need to. She over thinks things because of those qualities and it sometimes costs her time and judgment.

That is Roran in a nutshell. It's better written in her bio as I'm sure you all know. She's never left Redcliffe so she'll be joining Group One. I'm game for any lines with anyone really so lets hear what you have to say!!! :D

[Sep 15th, 10
10:38 pm

Hey yall. I know I have a few threads that could use a reply from me, but unfortunately I'm going through a really tough period in my life right now. I don't want to get into the messy details, but suffice to say, my mental health takes priority over the game.

This is a precaution just in case I go really scarce in the coming days. This isn't a hiatus; I could post tomorrow! But I wouldn't bet on it.

So yeah, I just wanted to give you a heads up.

[Sep 12th, 10
4:47 pm

soooooo. I think I'm done with this, and I should probably stop my obsession and actually go...do stuff. ANYWHO. I have no cover art for this silliness I cobbled together today, instead of doing anything productive. I might make something up way later, maybe not. Either way, this is full of lolz and I'm insane. I wish there was a song for EVERYONE, but...alas. At least most major groups have been taken into consideration, with a few special songs.

Without further ado, I present to you all:
GREY WARDENS: the animated musical )

I'M IN THE BAND! [Sep 12th, 10
11:33 pm

Jo here, who plays Jill and I never thought I'd see the day, but here I am with a second char!
This is Elsa Zerbino Vargas, an Antivan mage who until recently had lived all her life in the Tower there. Due to a sudden pregnancy she fled and ended up getting thrown off the ship when the crew found her. She survived, but lost the baby and her memories too. Since then she has been wandering Ferelden aimlessly, something telling her to keep going even if she can't remember what.
She has pretty interesting dreams, since she does not remember being a mage and does not understand that she enters the Fade at night. Her magic is still as strong as ever, but her grasp of it is not very concious, she acts more on impulse and in self defence.

As far as personality goes, Elsa has rather little of that, since she does not remember who she is. She sees everything with fresh eyes, and is able to find even the most mundane things interesting. She comes from a culture where women has a weak standing, but as she doesn't actually remember this, she is learning to be more of her own person.

And since I'm sleepy, just check out her bio for all the details I'm too sleepy to cram in here. I'm really looking forward to having another character, and a mage at that. Sadly, she hasn't travelled until the last 2-3 months, so backscenes might be hard to manage, but I'm hoping for many interesting present day interactions! :)

Plague of death [Sep 12th, 10
9:41 am

Just a quick note to all that I've come down with some kind of deathly plague that I caught from my boyfriend. It's definitely some kind of flu, and while I am feeling better (i.e., my fever, aches, and chills have passed) it's given me a bad case of lost-my-voice-entirely and hack-up-yellow-stuff-every-five-minutes and eyes-draining-constantly-making-blurry-vision. Which mostly leaves me manning the couch (I am taking it over pirate-style, I am sure Vi would approve). I owe a plot!tag to the G3 dead elf thread and will hopefully get to it within a couple of days, but this is just a sick notice.


P.S. If you can, I would suggest getting your flu shots this year from your friendly neighborhood Walgreens. The flu has hit FL very early in the year, and if this is the one that's going around, it totally SUCKS. Do not go through it.

[Sep 3rd, 10
8:50 am
Okay, summer's over, which, somehow, means a whole lot less stress at work for me, and more writing time, despite school. That makes no sense at all, but whatever. I will finally get to that damn bar thread today. Right now, hopefully, and, other stuff. fml.

I wear I'm not usually this eccentric... [Aug 24th, 10
9:47 pm

Hello, hello, hello!!! Forgive my hyperactivity. I had a pretty awesome ride on my horse this evening and then came home to find I'd been accepted here and now my hyper high has beeen extended haha. Onto introductions!

This is Æolyn M'Haaren (alt + 146 = Æ and pronounced as just an "a"). She doens't really have a nickname so you're more than welcome to give her one. She was born to traveling merchants, though when she born they hadn't started traveling. Her mother lived in the alienage in Denerim and met her father when he was on a business trip, bringing one of his cutomers the meat he'd paid for. It was love at first sight... the only problem was that her mother was set to marry someone else in six days. And so the young couple ran away and set up shop in Lothering. Her father had a hunting business where he sold meat and pelts to certain customers. Her mother began tailoring light armor and other pieces of clothing from the pelts and hides they collected and selling them as well.

A year after they moved to Lothering, Æolyn was born. They remained in Lothering for three more years before her father decided to take their business on the road. He had many clients in many cities that would only work with him, so instead of leaving home for weeks at a time, he took home with him. When Æolyn was six she began showing signs of magic. Instead of letting the Chantry take her to the tower, her parents took her to her father's old Dalish clan and asked that they train her. They agreed and so Æolyn stayed with them for the next five years. Two years into her training, the Fifth Blight happened, forcing her parents to abandon their traveling lifestyle and seek refuge with the Dalish. after the Grey Wardens helped the clan, her father was moved to volunteer with the Dalish army. he was injured in the battle of Denerim, but survived. Æolyn was with the Dalish for three more years before completing her training and returning to life on the road with her family.

For her 20th birthday, her parents spent a few days in Denerim. During those days, Æolyn fell in love with city life and told her parents she wasn't leaving. She said it was time for her to figure out what she wanted to do with her life, and so she stayed behind. She was able to live with some old friend's of her mothers and set up a fruit and vegetable stand to make money. Her parents visited whenever they could, but recently she hasn't heard from them and its caused her to become concerned. She has since left Denerim and set out to find her family, starting in her hometown of Lothering.

Growing up, Æolyn has always felt rather protective of those around her and its because of this that she's specialized in being an arcane warrior. When she was little, the first spells she learned were fire and cold and from there she added electricity, death and telekinesis. Along with being protective she's a pretty laid back person. She likes just about everyone and if she doesn't like you its because you're doing something she deems terribly wrong. There are a few people she tolerates, but those are even few and far between. While she's kept her magic pretty secret, she's more than willing to do whatever it takes to find her parents.

And I'm sorry that's reallyreally long (least it seems long to me haha) but like I said... I'm super hyper and totally stoked on getting to play :D

edit;; OH and you can call me Manda... or Æolyn whichever is easiest for you all haha.

Greetings! [Aug 22nd, 10
12:45 am

Hello everyone! This here is Lillian, better known as Lillie! She is a human mage who has spent the last fifteen years living in Rivain and working there in a brothel. Before that she was employed at the Pearl, but due to an unfortunate display of her powers during the attack on Denerim when the Wardens faced the Archdemon there she had to flee the city.

She has since returned, looking for her friend and another Pearl worker, an elven woman who she has maintained contact with via letters. I suspect that she may have been taken by slavers, as this is currently running rampant in Denerim. Lillie herself was borne of an elven mother, though she is fully human thanks to their overpowering genetics in Thedas.

While in Rivain she trained to better use her spells and learned to become a spirit healer. Thus her speciality is in healing and she is definitely more one with gifts of support magic rather than straight up attacks, so she certainly relies on others in battle.

Personality wise she is extremely down to earth. She is a mature woman and despite her station in life harbors no anger about it. She is generally a happy person and while not innocent she is certainly not jaded, even though she is realistic. She sees no shame in being a brothel worker, but nor is she attached to it as an occupation.

I look forward to bringing her into the RP and interacting with everyone! If you're interested in making a connection or learning more please feel free to check out my journal or leave me a comment! You can also usually find me around as I'm Imenry's player. ^_^ Thanks guys!

[Aug 22nd, 10
12:08 am

Hi all you happy people! I be Hughes, and this be Cyril of House Saelac. I am here to join this parade of dreams.

Cyril is (was?) of the warrior caste back in Orzammar, and he came topside to fight off the last Blight. Whereupon he was terribly wounded and it took him about two years to recuperate. The first few months he stayed in Denerim with his cousin (actually his fifth cousin once removed, but who is counting?) because he couldn't be moved. And than after that he stayed because he was already there and going home might make him casteless and even if they didn't he'd have to go back to darkspawn killing. So he stayed.

He's been in Denerim for the past fifteen years, and he's had his shop open for the past fourteen. His shop is one of the few all stone shops in the market, because he's burned it down twice and blown it up once when it was fragile wood construction. He's very eccentric but also good at what he does - mostly making traps for his own amusement and occasionally selling them, although his biggest moneymaker is repairing and refurbishing weapons and armor.

When all is said and done though, he's pretty much ready to get back to Darkspawn killing (being a merchant is only fun for so long...) at least - if he can bring himself to walk outside! He'll be joining group three.

Edit: Pertinent information. He's a dwarf, warrior, Champion. Aged 52, going grey and has enjoyed the surfacer food a bit too much to fit into his old armor. He fights with a greatsword.

Hope to be playing with you all soon!

modly post #21 : monthly activity check/plot update/open for apps [Aug 19th, 10
7:03 pm

It's that time again, folks! Since it's been a little over a month since we last conducted one, we just wanted to get another count of who is active or plans to stick around with us for longer.
ACTIVITY CHECK FOR ALL MEMBERS: If you are active and are not marked down as being on official Hiatus according to the directory, please reply to this thread with ONE of your journals, and list the names/journals of your characters if you have multiples. If you should be listed on Hiatus and are not, please let us know this as well. Just to reiterate what this means, a Hiatus indicates that you will be unable to post for a significant period of time, upwards of 2 weeks. Everyone has until SATURDAY, AUGUST 28TH to respond to this entry; after that point, we will be contacting players with removal warnings. If we do not receive a response to these warnings within 72 hours, we will assume that the player is no longer interested in participation and they will be removed, with their characters handled in an appropriate manner by the moderators. Please continue to post as your normally would during this period.

PLOT PROGRESS: On that note, here's the summary of where we're at when it comes to moving the story along, and where everyone can or should be posting to continue their activity.
Under the cut. )

OPENING FOR NEW CHARACTERS: Tying into the activity check and the fact that we are in a good place to add a few new characters before we reach the POINT OF NO RETURN~ in terms of plot, we will be opening up applications again for SIX (6) new characters -- additionally, we would like for at least half of these positions to open to new members rather than alts from current members. In order for these characters to be integrated immediately into plot, they MUST be able to be recruited by the groups within the following three locations: Redcliffe, Lothering, and Denerim. If you have any friends who were interested in joining earlier, but missed their chance, let them know we're open again!

IN SUM: We're open for applications, plots are moving along, and we're doing another monthly activity check. Please comment to this post with your activity status, and if you have any questions about what's going on, use our drop box or PM us and we'll try to reply ASAP. Thanks all!

Wuv, TWU wuv... [Aug 17th, 10
12:01 am

Just so everybody knows, for the benefit of our folks who don't usually join the irc, I figured I ought to mention in the OOC community that my husband and I are having our wedding reception this coming Saturday! We're already legally hitched of course, but the family wanted a big shindig, so we're flying back to Wisconsin for our party/parents' excuse to have a family reunion. Due to the travel, the event, and a great deal of frantic last-minute preparations for the event that I as the bride am certain to encounter, I'm probably going to be unavailable until sometime next Monday evening (the 23rd), after we've returned to Washington.

To my dismay, I know that in the last month I haven't been able to be very active in the RP, what with the wedding planning keeping me hopping most of the time. When I come back I look forward to getting myself caught up! See you guys next week, and have a good one! <3

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