weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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modly post #4: plot requests [24 Dec 2009|12:17am]
Though I suspect most of you have been pretty diligent about it, please run your f-buttons to keep them up to date and welcome our new members/characters!

Additionally, while we're still setting up our future plots, we'd love to hear from you guys what you'd like to see come out of this game. Any interesting bits of lore you'd like to explore or personal side quests you want us to incorporate? Don't hesitate to ask us! We're going to try to find a way to integrate as many of these ideas and adventures seamlessly into the long term plans as possible. We've got some ideas sent to us in the main FAQ post, but we've decided to make this one open to just plot related inquiries and requests. All comments to this post will be screened, so you can ask questions or make suggestions without revealing anything of your plans to other players.

Us mods are going to be a bit sparse over the next couple of days due to Christmas, but we'll be back in full force by the weekend. Happy holidays all! :]
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What's that scent you're wearing? ...Death, it suits you. [24 Dec 2009|01:48pm]
Hey there. I'm Justin, and I give you Conlan. Your second-to-last Grey Warden fill. I'm psyched to have him get out there and do some righteous Grey Wardening.

He's a commoner from Denerim; his dad wanted to be a knight, but that didn't work out. Conlan's mostly just drifted around doing odd jobs for whoever wanted to hire a warrior. You know when you play through the Denerim missions, and everyone seems to have eight or nine guys with swords ready to fight you? Yeah, Conlan was one of those guys... or would have been if he hadn't been 14 during the last Blight. And of course, now he can't be one of those guys since he's a Grey Warden.

He's a sword and board warrior, since it seemed like you guys needed more of both. He's a champion, even though there didn't seem to be a need for more, some of those warrior specializations are really hard to come by, unless you just happen to have an ex-Templar Grey Warden King's bastard hanging around who likes you enough to teach you.

Personality-wise, having spent a large number of years fighting for whomever would hire him has left Conlan a bit world weary. He's given up on those dreams of glory and honor. To him the Grey Wardens are just another in a long list of people who have hired him to go out and kill things. That's not to say he's going to be a depressing rain cloud hanging over Amaranthine. The Grey Wardens name may not mean much to him, but the people he fights beside mean the world, and he'll go to great lengths to make sure they all come home. He's basically a good dude at heart. Not that he'd ever admit it.
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