weisshaupt fortress :: out of character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
weisshaupt fortress :: out of character

When they left Weisshaupt, they had renounced their oaths to the Imperium. They were soldiers no longer: They were the Grey Wardens.
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[14 Dec 2009|10:16pm]
To quote Abraham Lincoln, 'Now it's time to make my introduction on the internet. Boo-yah!'

I'm J, and this bald fella is Walter Vervain. He was born to a pair of apostates and taken into the Circle to learn magic and stuff. After spending a long time there, he weighed up the pros and cons, then decided he wanted to leave and politely informed the senior enchanter that magehood wasn't right for him. Nah, actually he killed a bunch of people, destroyed his phylactery and ran the hell away.

For those of us in the business of looking up TV tropes until being declared legally dead, he's a Retired Complete Monster. He hates the Chantry, and once had the goal to kill the Maker himself by going deeper into the Fade than anyone ever has. He wants to be powerful enough to do it and not become a Darkspawn, although quite frankly he's grasping at straws. Magical, evil straws.

So, to conclude, hello! I am J! This is Walter! He is bad! There are straws involved!
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Greetings from the shady side of Ferelden [14 Dec 2009|10:57pm]
Jess / Amerou here, playing Azabeth Kordura, newly resident sneakthief, gambler, and horrid cheat extraordinaire. :D

Az was born to a scullery maid in a noble house in Denerim, and adopted at a young age by a visiting arlessa, Valeré. Valeré raised Az alongside her own daughter Lelahai, only while Lela got the courtier lessons, Az got taught how to pick pockets and win at cards. :D Unfortunately, when your patron brokers information to the nobility of Ferelden and you happen to be the source of that information half the time, you get into some shady things. Not that Az didn't love every second of it...

... at least till some bastard killed Valeré, and Lelahai branded Az the murder.

Now, our redheaded gambling rogue is on the run from the law, and for once she didn't actually do what she's been accused of! If you're looking to get her attention, start a game of cards or dice in a bar, or flash a bit of coin and see if she'll pick your pocket. ;3 Her loyalty can be earned under the right circumstances, or bought for the right price....

Az can be just about anywhere in Thedas at this time. Drop me a line if you'd like to pick up a cardsharp with a smart mouth and keen daggers!
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greetings! [14 Dec 2009|11:21pm]
Evening everyone! My name is Ash and I'll be playing the lovely Maughlei Ailemer (pronounced Maul-ley; my roommate stared at it for a while before he declared I was insane :D). She's an Orlesian-born noble who wed within the Bann Ailemer family in Ferelden's Bannorn; unfortunately, due to certain circumstances she has requested a divorce and is now striking out on her own. As of yet she has not come into contact with the Grey Wardens, and due to a fairly sheltered life does not yet know of the growing danger of the Blight.

Maughlei is another warrior, trained to duel-wield with a short sword and a dagger. She also knows some poisons, so if any of you need to plan an assassination you know who to come to ;D

Anywhosit, I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you! Cheers!
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Hey everyone! [14 Dec 2009|11:53pm]
It's my turn, is it? Well hello there! My name is Kelsey and this skinny, young thing is Lalin. She is a elven rogue from Denerim with a knack for potions and poisons. Meaning she can heal you right up or make you vomit up blood, depending on her mood.

Her father walked out on her at birth, her mother a few years after that. She was raised by her grandmother, then, when her grandmother died, by her fellow street rats, then by a woman who expanded on her gift with herbs and taught her poisons. After that she was tumbled by a Alienage gang leader who honed thievery skills learned on the streets in her youth and taught her how to be sneaky, though not sneaky enough, apparently, considering her recent bout in the Denerim jail.

If there's anything the girl lacks in life, it's consistency.

She's a nice enough girl, who's life has taught her to roll with the punches and then get up and keep on going. Her "eh, whatever" attitude towards many of life's problems will likely get on your nerves at one time or another. She also has a tendency to ramble, inside her head and out and finds the silliest things hilarious, but give her a book or recipe or new fighting technique to study and this girl is all business.

She would like very much to get to know you. ;)
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