August 12th, 2007

[info]star_of_heaven in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: "Kiss Goodnight"

Title: Kiss Goodnight
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Characters: Aya, Sakura
Pairing: Aya/Sakura
Summary: It is just another cold night as Aya walks Sakura home.
Notes: Written for 30_kisses. Themes are #18 - "say ahh…," #20 - the road home, #22 - cradle, #24 - good-night, and #25 - fence.

( Kiss Goodnight )

[info]white_cross_b in [info]weiss_kreuz

Fic: Tangled

Title: Tangled: Chapter 1/?
Author: white_cross_b
Type: Fiction
Warnings: Violence
Beta: bunnysquee
Chapter One: Chloe's first meeting with Aya on the streets of New York

Chapter One

[[sorry if you're seeing this everywhere. I'm just now starting to make the move over to IJ]]