Weasley Twins 100

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Weasley Twins 100


February 15th, 2008

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:

The colour red

February 7th, 2008

A prompt!

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I admit that I have been horrible about posting prompts! I am really sorry about that, and promise to not abandon this asylum any more.

So, a prompt!

Forgetting something important

I think that's appropriate. :)

- Harleen

December 30th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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The past few weeks have been crazy, for which I apologize! I'll be getting back on track now, I promise.

Time for this week's prompt, which is:


- Harleen

December 14th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


- Harleen

December 1st, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:

Bows and wrapping paper

- Harleen

November 22nd, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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I'm sorry I missed last week, things have been crazy for me. They're settling down now though.

So anyway:

Time for this week's prompt, which is:

Sneaking around

- Harleen

November 9th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


- Harleen

November 2nd, 2007

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


- Harleen

October 26th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


Anything to do with family at all. ;)

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

October 19th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


Have fun!

- Harleen

October 12th, 2007

This Week's Prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


Anything from playing the game, to watching it, to Quidditch toned thighs. ;)

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

October 5th, 2007

This week's prompt

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Time for this week's prompt, which is:


Anything having to do with rain at all.

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

September 28th, 2007

This week's prompt

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For our first 'real' prompt, we will be going with:


It can be the first anything, for either twin or both twins together. Post as many as you want this week, and have fun with it. :)

- Harleen

Also, remember: any non-prompt drabbles are also fine, so long as it involves the twins.

September 21st, 2007

This week's prompt

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This week will be a bit different. Instead of a regular prompt, it's a first week free for all!

Go ahead and post any drabbles you come up with involving the twins, whether it's one or several, and have fun!

- Harleen
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