Mar. 8th, 2008



Signups are still open for the Percy Ficathon, and will remain so until I wake up tomorrow and sit down with a cup of tea to do assignments. I'm stretching the signup deadline a bit--Percy certainly would not approve.

If you have been thinking about signing up, do it now!

artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

Mar. 7th, 2008


Percy Ficathon!

artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

Go sign up for the Percy Ficathon, all you wonderfully talented writers and artists! Both gen and shippy fic and art are accepted, in all ratings. The fest will be hosted on Insanejournal, but links will be provided from Livejournal (and comments will also be enabled at both places)so that everyone has a chance to look at and comment on the submissions.

The more of you who sign up, the more wonderful Percyness we get to enjoy in June! The signup post is here and as you can see, we already have some really talented people signed up. So what are you waiting for? :D

Mar. 6th, 2008


Percy Ficathon Signups!

Only three more days to sign up for the [info]percy_ficathon! So if you haven't already, head over to the comm (just click the pretty banner below!) and sign up! It only takes a moment!

artwork by [info]reallyreally, banner by [info]swtalmnd

Signups run through Saturday, March 8th, and assignments will be sent out via email on Sunday, March 9th. Participants have until Saturday, May 31, to create their fic or art, and posting will begin on Monday, June 9th!

If you are not a writer or artist, but you have friends who are, please feel free to enable them--the more participants, the more Percy fic we all get to enjoy in June!

July 2014




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