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Ordinary Heroes: Bloodlines Xander/Dick R 9/? [Oct. 9th, 2008|03:08 pm]

Title: Bloodlines
Chapter Nine
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: Buffy tVS/DC Universe
Pairing: Xander Harris/Dick Grayson Pre-slash, Bat/Flash established relationship.
Rating: R
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks:Violence, death, people laughing themselves to death, and the use of the term tube socks.
Summary: Xander has a day off and goes to a mall in the nice area of Gotham City. Stuff happens.
Find all of Ordinary Heroes here.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you sweets!

Notes: Wow. I actually got something written for this verse! I may have a cow! It only took eight months! ~headdesk~

Previously, on Bloodlines:

Finally Xander got tired of lying in bed, his brain running around like a hamster on a wheel. He grabbed his crutches and left the sanctuary of his bedroom and hobbled down to the library. A guy like Bruce Wayne had to have a complete collection of classics. That meant there was probably H. G. Wells, Conan Doyle, King, Koontz and quiet possibly Chandler and Parker. There had to be something good he could read.

Not many people knew Xander liked to read. The problem is he got bored with school books, the boring books Giles used to research, and would rather spork his eyes out than read the romances Buffy and Willow were fond of. Despite living on a Hellmouth he still enjoyed a good old fashioned horror book that let his brain relax because everyone but the intrepid couple and their dog was going to die, possibly the younger brother/sister/child would survive, but that was it. He didn't have to worry about saving anyone or if it was real, and could sit back and enjoy it when the sanctimonious bastard character was shot/mauled/eaten by an assassin/dinosaur/demon/scientific experiment gone wrong.

By the time he'd hopped down the stairs to the library he was out of breath and his armpits hurt like hell. On the bright side, maybe his arms would get stronger after dragging his bum leg around. When he entered the large room though, he stopped. There, sitting behind the desk was ...

"Hello. I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Bruce Wayne."


And now, on with the show!

Bloodlines Chapter Nine )
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Ordinary Heroes: Bloodlines Xander/Dick R 8/? [Feb. 13th, 2008|02:29 pm]

Title: Bloodlines
Chapter Eight
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: Buffy tVS/DC Universe
Pairing: Xander Harris/Dick Grayson Pre-slash.
Rating: R
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks:Violence, death, people laughing themselves to death, and the use of the term tube socks.
Summary: Xander has a day off and goes to a mall in the nice area of Gotham City. Stuff happens.
Find all of Ordinary Heroes here.
Posted on my Insane Journal at [info]amejisuto , [info]the_playground and [info]we_love_dick on both IJ and LJ.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you sweets!

Notes: Sadly, this chapter is Dickless. Then again there isn't much Xander either. Make way for the background pairing. Bat/Flash slash anyone?

Chapter Eight.
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Ficlet: Catch Me When I Fall [Jan. 15th, 2008|02:26 pm]

title: Catch Me When I Fall
author: lisa roquin
rating: adult
fandom: DCU
characters/pairings: Roy Harper/Dick Grayson
disclaimer: all copyrighted characters and their "universes" belong to their respective authors, writers, creators, production companies, producers and long lists of people that are so very much not me. Quite simply, if you recognize it, it isn't mine. No profit made, no harm intended, just having fun.
summary: they've known each other since they were twelve, there's no need for questions, no need for words
warning: angst
author's note: intended for porn_battle prompt
DCU: Dick Grayson (Nightwing)/Roy Harper (Arsenal), old familiar heartbreak but there's no way what cropped up will fit into a comment's character-limit. This is what today's no kid quiet was spent on rather than a dozen things I should be doing.
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Ordinary Heroes: Bloodlines Xander/Dick R 7/? [Oct. 29th, 2007|08:38 pm]

Title: Bloodlines
Chapter Seven
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: Buffy tVS/DC Universe
Pairing: Xander Harris/Dick Grayson Pre-slash.
Rating: R
Disclaimer:Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks:Violence, death, people laughing themselves to death, and the use of the term tube socks.
Summary: Xander has a day off and goes to a mall in the nice area of Gotham City. Stuff happens.
Find all of Ordinary Heroes here.
Posted on my Insane Journal at [info]amejisuto , [info]the_playground and [info]we_love_dick on both IJ and LJ.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you sweets!

Notes: OMG it's been so long since I've wrote on this verse I've had to go back and reread and figure out what I was doing. I'm still not sure but I hope like hell I'm getting back into the swing of things. This isn't a huge chapter but I kinda like it, what with the mooning over Dick and all. And boy that sounds sorta hinky. HEE!

Previously, on Ordinary Heroes:

Xander shook his head and tried to forget about it. “So...what about you guys? I mean, who's safe to talk to and all that? Or is it just better to be paranoid?”

Kon and Bart both laughed but it was Kon that answered. “All of the BatClan are paranoid. They have booby traps on their costumes, even!”

Tim picked up one of the many pillows propping him up and threw it at Kon. “Yeah, and how many times have I been unconscious and someone's tried to figure out who I am? It's gotten to the point where we had to rig the taser built in to shock more than once because the bad guys were waiting for the first guy to get shocked stupid and then have someone else try to unmask us.”

“Hey, it's only paranoia if no one is out to get you, Kon. The list of people out to get us is miles long. There's a reason for all the caution.”

Bart laughed. “Still makes you Bats seem freaky. I mean, you guys are a bad X-Files episode waiting to happen. How Xander found out, I'll never know.”

Xander grinned. “Just put a few clues together. I have guesses about a certain Robin Hood type in the Pacific Northwest too. Oh, and Kon? Tell your boss or friend, whatever he is, not to let his paper put a big picture of Superman on the front page on the same day he has a picture with his byline. It's obvious who Superman is if you see them side by side.”

Kon's mouth flew open and Tim laughed and stuck a bread stick in it. “Close your mouth, you're catching flies. And see, paranoia isn't so bad now, isn't it?”

They all laughed, even Xander. He wasn't quite sure how paranoid these people were but the look on Kon's face had been priceless. Despite the fact that they were heroes on a bigger scale than the Scoobies had been back in Sunnydale, Xander had a feeling he was going to fit right in.


Bloodlines Chapter Seven.

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Grand Opening! [Sep. 1st, 2007|04:11 pm]

Okay people, we're opening for business!

Well, since more and more people have migrated to Insane Journal, Suki and I have decided to open the community up for business!

Now, normally here at [info]we_love_dick, it's all about Dick. Early days, while he was a member of the Titans, dating Roy, Tim, Barbra, Kory. We don't care. Stories, fan art, icons, it's all of the good.

Here on Insane Journal ONLY, we're opening this community up for anything DC, simply because there aren’t that many asylums on site for it. And now that we're over here, we have oodles of room for nifty new icons and stuff so we much encourage people!

So, post your Bruce/ Diana, Dinah/Ollie. Or better yet, your Bruce/Clark and Bruce/Wally. Bring on the Babs/Dinah and the Helena/Vic. It's all of the good. Just remember to play nicely with others, or else Alfred will find something suitably nasty to do to you.

And heck, even Batman is afraid of Alfred.
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