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May 26th, 2015

[info]brainss in [info]we_coexist

This is your brain on tests. [Bruce]

Liv was hungry.

Her last meal was just a few cats short of full on animal control disaster. Thankfully the only neighbors that caught on had been more than understanding. She managed to forever homes and that was that. The next person she chose needed to be different, boring. The problem was no one was really boring. Everyone had their own little quirks and eccentricities; things that they loved, things they were good at, habits that made them unique. Liv had never eaten a boring person because as far as she could tell boring people didn't exist.

But that didn't mean she couldn't try, even if she was uniquely qualified to understand that such a brain probably didn't exist. On paper, quite a few of the bodies that came in sounded remarkably similar in their lack of remarkableness. It wasn't a pattern exactly, or perhaps Liv just refused to believe so. She picked the brain of a boring shop girl who died in a car accident and hoped for the best.

As far as she could tell, it seemed to be working. At her apartment, Liv found a message from Dr. Banner telling her to meet him at his office. She didn't notice anything off about the brains she'd eaten at first. The request seemed perfectly agreeable. It wasn't until she met him at Stark Tower, Liv had a vague notion that this brain was different from the others.

She had no strong feelings about Dr. Banner, about The City, about the people brought in or why. She would have described it as contentment, but it wasn't as deep of a feeling as that. It just was. She just was. She was at Stark Tower to have tests done. Because she was asked. The reasoning wasn't so important anymore. The spark in her eyes that differentiated her and the others brought into The City faded until it was barely visible.

If it weren't for Liv's pale skin and hair, she would have passed for native. Instead she looked more zombie than ever before.

She waited patiently in the lobby for Dr. Banner to be escorted through the secured areas of the building.