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January 26th, 2014

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

Ribbit means...(Maxine)

Freedom! Wonderful, glorious, stupendous freedom! Marvelous, open-air, kind of dark, but she was never afraid of the dark, not really, no much freedom! Okay, who was she kidding there were things that ate frogs even if she wasn't normally a frog and currently seemed to be a very big frog freedom! Plus, there were now hunters and who knew what else after her that maybe didn't want to eat her freedom!

Fred's elation from finally getting out of that apartment was tempered quickly, possibly all too quickly, by the realization that she'd only been freed from it because there were two very large men with guns kicking down her door. The former-human now-frog Texan had some problems, and she didn't know even where to start in fixing them.

Rather than wallow though, Fred used her rather powerful back legs to start hopping, leaps and bounds. She know got exactly what that meant. It was sort of fun, but scary too. That sick thud squish sound didn't do much for her honestly. The sound wasn't all that pleasant, not even a little bit.

She finally found her way to a "pond"; Fred supposed that made sense that she'd want to be near moisture, but the pond turned out to be something stagnant and probably very bad for her and whatever other creature or plant that was near it. She settled down by the water's edge and looked into the water. It was pretty yet not at all right. She supposed she should have known better as it was sitting in front of some restaurant touting itself as a gallery for the senses. Thankfully she could still read in this state. For all her thinking as she sat there, she didn't once consider the dangers of sitting in front of place that might want to serve very big purple frog's legs.

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_coexist

Need a little help here (Dinah)

Dean was reluctant to let Sam go, but his little brother's logic made sense. They needed to find Fred or whatever had hurt her; he had to. He sighed softly as he got into the Impala and pulled out his phone to get a little help from his main squeeze. He knew she wasn't a fan of computers, but he didn't think Dinah would hold back helping him for a friend.

"Pick up, Dinah." It was a habit, talking to the phone and the person on the other end as if anything or one could hear him. He started up the car, hit speaker, and started driving toward the Clock Tower where he'd seen it last.

He continued driving, hoping that it wouldn't take long for the superhero that was his girlfriend to pick up. They'd find Fred; they'd save her. Dean wasn't letting one of his friends disappear again.

[info]i_lovereo in [info]we_coexist

Don't shoot the messenger (Jo/Zoe)

Jo stood outside the building where Zoe apparently worked. Wayne Enterprises. She didn't know what to think about that one, but there it was. In a City that housed Marvel and DC characters-not characters, people indiscriminately. And Zoe worked for one. In fact, she worked for arguably the most well-known comic book character ever.

That, however, was beside the point. She hadn't called ahead to make an appointment, so she just hoped that there was time in the schedule of this woman whose job she knew next to nothing about. This woman whom she'd heard bits and pieces about. She didn't really know what she would have said if she'd called. That she was the person who was living and raising a child with the woman's ex-husband, only it was in a completely platonic way? And that she had news about said ex-husband? Not exactly the way to get her foot in the door. Granted, she didn't really know what she was going to say when she got there either. That was a big part of the reason that she'd put this off for as long as she did. But she'd put it off long enough.

She didn't know how Zoe was going to react to this visit and from the way Wash talked up his ex-wife's toughness, she was fully expecting to get decked. Yet, she thought that the woman should know that her ex had crashed his spaceship in an attempt to end his life. She wasn't sure what she expected Zoe to do with that information, but if Jo had been in her shoes, she would have wanted to know.

Which was why she checked in at reception and gave her name and tried to impress upon the (less than impressed) receptionist that she had important news for the apparent head of security.