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January 16th, 2014

[info]i_eggstir in [info]we_coexist

Asking forgiveness instead of permission [Bruce]

In the first dream, Oswin relived early Christmas morning with Leto. Only when they kissed and she pleaded with him to stay with her, Leto smiled. It wasn't a nice smile, either. An eyestalk broke the surface of his forehead, his hands reached for her neck and--

In the second dream, Oswin sat up in her bed covered in sweat gasping for air. She hadn't dreamt in years and perhaps the first couple of nights would be unpleasant as she got used to it. She looked to the side of her large bed and smiled at Leto sleeping there peacefully. That was when the Dalek body she left behind became automated and shot it's way between their apartments. Leto shouted for Oswin to run before he was hit by a direct blast and crumpled to the floor dead. Oswin made it to the door before she heard the electronic chime of the blast and--

She woke up. For good this time. Her bed was empty and Oswin was glad that Leto hadn't been sleeping next to her to witness that. Oswin was fearful, trembling, but the terrors of the dream were slowly starting to fade away until she remembered--


There had been two bodies. Oswin's human form and the dalek. Now that Oswin was no longer controlling the dalek, it was impossible to say what kind of danger Leto was in. She ran out the door in cotton pajama pants and a tank top, ready to break down the young emperor's door if she had to, when she realized the apartment next to hers had vanished.


Oswin turned around wildly, expecting to see that The City had simply moved Leto's apartment elsewhere. When it wasn't obvious, she ran into her place, showered and got dressed.

She spent the rest of her night walking The City trying to find Leto's apartment to no avail. She tried hailing a taxi, but the driver claimed the address she gave didn't exist. Oswin tried looking in a phone book in a retro 1980s themed diner, still there was nothing. She needed something bigger to help her search, the best technology The City had to offer.

Oswin went to Stark Tower.

It was relatively easy breaking in, swiping a badge here, hacking her way past a security protocol there. She went to one of the only labs she remembered, one that belonged to a Dr. Bruce Banner, and made herself home at his desk, her fingers typing rapidly at his keyboard. Oswin had a mission.

And sometimes it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission.