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June 15th, 2013

[info]i_figure in [info]we_coexist

Cheese anyone? (Hannibal)

Fred sat in an empty apartment, confused. Her hands rested on her lap as she tried to figure out what happened. She knew what had happened, but that didn’t mean she understood it. Why had the City taken away one of her friends? It did like taking her friends away, but she supposed everyone had lost someone. Or someones. She wasn’t the only one, and again, she knew this even if she couldn’t make herself accept it.

She’d been left the apartment, as if it was her new place of residence, but that didn’t make any sense. How could she live here? She couldn’t really afford it, could she? Not without taking cases again; she had been working on finding a new place to start the business, Angel Investigations.

“Thank you.” She sent out a soft word to Jack, wherever he was, and sucked it up. She stood and headed out to find dinner. There was also a set of offices that she wanted to peek at before actually walking through them. Once she found the offices, she stared into the small spot that wasn’t papered over, all after having walked around the building as much as she could. It was in a nice neighborhood - for now anyway. It seemed welcoming. It would do nicely if she could afford it.

With the building looked at, she started to look for something for dinner. Unfortunately, all she could find were high end boutique food shops. Gourmet all round, and while she could find something to eat, it felt odd going to such nice places. Plus, she wasn’t exactly known for her cooking. Though...some cheese could be nice.

“Cheese it is.” She started toward the cheese shop.

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