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April 8th, 2013

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Bridesmaid? (Dinah/Enigma log, complete)

There was finally a lull in the seemingly nonstop action over the last few months. The Sherwood Florist had stayed open, but Dinah hadn’t had much time to actually work full days at the shop. She was glad that she had a rare day where she could drop by work and spend the day doing something that almost resembled normal. She was worried about how Dean and Sam were both coping in the aftermath of Sam getting his soul back, but she believed that the best thing she could do right now was give the two space.

Thus, time to work. The shop was buzzing with early orders for Mother’s day and the usual business. It seemed like everyone wanted flowers this week, which was good for business. There was something so cathartic about creating floral arrangements that would be used to express love, affection, or simply to beautify someone’s home or special event. This wasn’t just her cover story, but a job that she loved and Dinah was happy to throw herself back into it for now.

Once she’d done some of her arrangements, she thumbed through the appointment book and spotted a familiar name. She winced as she remembered the wedding invitation that she hadn’t yet RSVPed to. She really needed to talk to Enigma, though she still wasn’t sure how to react to the fact that the tip she’d followed from the younger woman had led to a less than pleasant confrontation with The Riddler. She didn’t know what Enigma’s part was in that and if she’d purposely sent Dinah into a trap or if it had just been coincidence, and Dinah had yet had the chance to figure out how to react to that and how to get the truth.

She supposed that this appointment would be as good of a time as any.

The request )