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December 14th, 2012

[info]i_cantinker in [info]we_coexist

Making new friends....(Jack H.)

Tinker Bell had had an exciting last few days, fluttering around the floor of the building that she was living on with Rufio. They played, and she made him fly, and they had many adventures to remember together. It was nice, as well, to have a friend that actually could understand pixie, and could talk to her like a regular creature. She was a regular creature, right? She thought so, anyway, and she didn't know what she would do without her good friend Rufio. He was her Pan, and she was his fairy. That was the way things were supposed to be. She had made friends with a lovely woman named Christine, too, who had made her the dress she was wearing out of an old scarf! What a wonderful gesture that had been on Christine's part!

Tink was slowly learning, though, if she needed something badly enough it would be there, and she didn't know how or why those things happened, this place sure was strange, but she wasn't going to question it. It was hard being tiny, because there were never any clothes in your size, they didn't make hair brushes or jewelry for people so tiny, so having things there when she needed them was alright with her. She could only expect so much out of her friends, and she wasn't going to burden Rufio, he had a life here before she came along and while she was his fairy, she knew that he was big and big humans tended to have other big humans to play with and have adventures with. That was the way things went.

She had been missing the sun, and the grass, as pixies usually did being creatures of the Earth, so she had fluttered outside after Rufio had fallen asleep from having so much fun playing, going out to the park. That was the place she had come to when she first arrived in this city, and where she had met Christine. The park, as it was called, was a place of good memories. Tink flew over to a picnic table, landing on her feet on the painted wood, leaving a circle of golden fairy dust around her feet as she stood. Her wings paused for a moment, as she tilted her head to look all around at everything, enjoying the feeling of warm sun on her face. She was wearing the green dress that Christine had sewn for her, and her feet were bare. Slowly, she walked around on the table, wings beginning to flap very gently once more, though not hard enough to lift her from the table. She was careful to avoid the cracks, as she could easily fall through.

She noticed that a lady bug had landed on the table as well, not too far from where she stood, and she smiled warmly at it, pausing for a moment to study it. It may have been tiny to a human, but when you were only three inches tall, things like bugs could be massive. This lady bug was still small to Tink, but not as small as it would be to a human.

She sighed softly with delight, folding her arms over her chest, watching the lady bug scurry around on the table for a moment, satisfied by it.

It was perfect.