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July 3rd, 2012

[info]i_chasehearts in [info]we_coexist

A Meeting of the Minds (Oliver)

Jack had been patient with the Justice League, just like Zee had requested. Though he was worried about the state of the group, he had waited to hear from whomever would surface as the eventual leader. He wanted to hear that person out and see if they could come to an agreement.

While he had had his reservations about the Justice League in the beginning, Jack had come to see that having them in the City could be a benefit, if handled well. He didn't want people with superpowers to have carte blanche to ignore laws left and right, but the League didn't seem interested in doing that. They seemed to genuinely want to help people. So as far as Jack was concerned, it was just a matter of coming together and finding a way that they could help people in a manner that was sanctioned by the City.

When the Green Arrow had called to set up the meeting, Jack had scheduled it for a later time so he could make sure that the office was cleared out.

On the particular day in question, Jack waited in his office. There was a selection of food spread out and he had sodas ready in the mini-fridge in his office to offer, just in case the hero/vigilante (it seemed public opinion couldn't decide which label to use for Green Arrow and the rest of his team) was thirsty.