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May 25th, 2012

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Questions and Answers (Zatanna)

Dinah hadn't called Zatanna immediately after the article and picture about Zatanna and the mayor had hit the City Voice. She'd wanted to, but she figured that her friend might need some time before she dealt with the deluge of questions.

For Dinah's part, she was a little hurt that Zee hadn't confided in her that something was going on with the mayor but it wasn't like she'd found the time to tell Zatanna about Dean yet. So if anything, when she did finally get over to Shadowcrest, it wasn't to yell or even to pry, but more to commiserate.

Dinah hoped that the rest of the Justice League wasn't giving Zatanna grief about her choice of companions, but she also hoped that Jack wasn't simply leading the mystic on or that he wouldn't suddenly revert to his views of superpowered crimefighters. Really, she wouldn't trust that he had truly change duntil she saw some sort of new legislation.

As a peace offering and a show that she wasn't upset, she brought Chinese food and a bottle of wine. She knocked on the door, hoping that her former teammate was home.

[info]cowboy_god in [info]we_coexist

A few questions (Lois)

Jesse was still overclocking himself. Only taking the one day off for the dinner with Dinah and Dean, the time spent since then had been continuing his deeds. Even with the City streets back on their regular routine, he felt like he was needed. Maybe it was because he'd already been doing it for so long, now everything felt kind of natural. It certainly wasn't because he'd changed his mind about responsibility.

What it all came down to in the end was that he was tired. Exhausted, really. He was back to falling asleep on Zoe. But the sleep wasn't the best. He woke up at odd hours and never seemed to reach that state of deep slumber that assured a really good rest. He was thinking too much about things, and never felt like the work was finished.

It was a growing problem, and he knew that he had to find a way to stop, or at the very least, cut back. The City was providing again. He'd made sure of that. Sending the City back the way it was supposed to be had been easy. All of it was easy, really. Just a toll on his energy. He wasn't so sure it should be so simple, any of it. Just making a decision and going with it.

Jesse was sitting in the park, half watching a game of soccer and half just thinking about these things.

[info]i_soldieron in [info]we_coexist

Texting can be dangerous (Jen)

Dean looked at his phone. His side was doing much better these days, and he was able to actually do more things than he had before. He was strongly considering something, especially if a certain someone kept checking on him. He knew he'd given into his considerations under more pain, or at least the idea of pain, but he'd been a pretty good boy, mostly.

He looked at himself in the mirror. The stitches could come out soon. He'd even go by a doctor eventually to let them look it over, maybe. He'd had worse without the help of a quack after all, or so he told himself. No matter how hard he tried, his mind kept going back to the phone and a question. Should he?

Finally, he gave in.

Free for a drink? It wasn't the same invite to the same restaurant, but it was a text that had started that particular adventure. If you are, meet me at O'Hare's. Usually at 45th and Vine.