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May 10th, 2012

[info]i_jest in [info]we_coexist

Mayhem (Narrative, JLC attention needed)

Jack was disappointed when the City started moving again. He had very much liked the stillness. Not because it was easier. No. But because of the chaos it caused. He'd never seen people so upset. The citizens who were raised here like cattle were in absolute panic. It had been delicious and lovely to watch. He hadn't even needed to lift a hand.

Now, of course, now everybody was settled again. Happy.

He hadn't even gotten to go see that stupid conference where the City guy answered questions. He'd known that too many who knew his face would be there, and he wasn't quite ready for any kind of fight or confrontation. Not quite all the way healed from his time being dead. Again. But shortly after the streets began to move again, he decided he didn't care. His ribs hurt, but this place needed a shake up.

Jack stood in the street looking at the Wayne building. Bruce Wayne was not inside, he now knew. Bruce Wayne would have never tried to kill him. Bruce Wayne was too soft for that. Whoever was playing Batgames currently was not anybody he knew at all. They were a mystery to crack. A new foe to get to know and find the weakness of. All in all, not a completely bad deal. Perhaps a little lopsided, since the Batimpersonator seemed to have friends who knew him.

There were a couple of places he knew to look for them. Here was one of them, the clocktower was another. He would leave notes at both, he decided. That was the best way to get their attention. Short of letting all the animals out of the zoo, which was actually not a half bad idea. Maybe later.

Using the brightest green he could find in spray paint, Jack went at the wall of the Wayne building. He left "Come Play With Me" in the biggest letters he could manage on the ground, and then ran off toward the tower. There, he left the note "TAG! You're IT!"

They weren't his normal fare, no curse words, no taunting. But they were along the lines of the personal ad he'd left. If they were smart, they'd know exactly who had come to visit.

[info]i_bite in [info]we_coexist

Pizza Day in the Park (Toot)

His encounter with Lestat had left him wondering. He had not seen the other vampire since to ask him if there had been changes in his own life. Eric had not discovered any new powers himself yet. It would make him very angry if he'd done all that and gone through the pathetic and annoying moments of lust for nothing.

He supposed he was going to have to test things.

If he was going to test things, he would need Baba there, just in case. Not to mention, she would probably have better ideas of what to test.

For now, though, he was taking another day just for the sun. Things were back to normal, it seemed. As normal as normal could get in this place, anyway. There had been no threats to his person, despite what Baba had told him, and he hadn't been able to happen upon Hank himself to ask or explore other options.

In his stroll through the park, Eric discovered a strange thing. There seemed to be a celebration going on, complete with a temporary pizza cart. There was a big, but portable oven, and a counter on wheels. The crowd seemed to be excited by this, as there were many of them crushed up in a haphazard line. Pizza in the park. It was amazing the things that humans found fun.

He began to turn toward it, to get closer to the crowd to observe them.