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November 4th, 2011

[info]i_shotanarrow in [info]we_coexist

League of Extraordinary Tabloids (Zee)

Ollie was, and at the same time wasn't surprised that Zatanna had contacted him. Oh, they'd face off a time or two in his world, but once she got over her necromancy kick, she wasn't so bad to be around. Of course, this Ollie obviously hadn't been hit by her magic champagne--things like that were always funnier when they happened to someone else.

He felt a little sorry for Dinah, but something told him that she'd had some quality time with her new beau that had been long overdue, and--not to sound like a cold bastard--but it was better her than him. Oliver Queen's Drunken Orgy would have been a much better--read: much worse--headline than Oliver Queen Parties With Would-Be Mayor. Granted, they'd all gotten a mention, but at least Dinah hadn't been entirely the main focus. That was...something.

Of course, now he was going to have to keep an eye out for the paparazzi, who were going to be convinced that he and Zatanna were an item. At least he had experience ducking the press.

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Is There a Doctor in the House? (Hank)

Putting together a new Justice League for the City was an exciting prospect. Dinah had missed working as part of a team and she truly believed that the City needed a more organized effort to protect people against the strange threats that lurked in the shadows.

She was running down the list of people that she trusted and that she thought might want to be involved. And when it came down to it, the team needed a doctor. The bank account with funds set aside for the Birds of Prey that had appeared or possibly been pre-existing on her arrival to the City seemed to have tripled in size, which Dinah took to mean that the City was okay with their plan to form a group of heroes to protect the City. It also meant that there were funds enough to pay a doctor to be on-call, and to upgrade the tech as needed.

There was only one doctor in the City that Dinah trusted, and so she'd called Hank to meet her for lunch.

When it came down to it, she'd been wanting to see Hank for awhile anyway. Things had been so busy that she hadn't seen him since Jake had attacked him. She'd left a few messages to give him updates, but getting that face-to-face time had been difficult with everything that had happened since they'd rescued Jake.

She perused the menu of the small cafe while she waited for the young doctor to join her.