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October 5th, 2011

[info]i_crylikeabird in [info]we_coexist

Raise Your Glass (Open to any and all)

Dinah was thrilled to have Zatanna in the City. She might have had her reservations about her old teammate's methods, but she was glad to have a friendly face. After everything that had happened over the past few months, she was really glad to have someone to just go out dancing with. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't exactly take her to a club-not unless they wanted to risk him shorting out the sound system or something along those lines. For that matter, she hadn't seen all that much of him since they'd patched things up. It wasn't that she didn't want to see him, but they were both busy and a part of her was still proceeding with caution until Murphy was moved out.

But tonight she wasn't going to worry about that or anything else, if she could help. She'd left messages for Fred, Jennifer and Barbara inviting them out. She'd even left a message for Murphy. It might have been an awkward thing to do, but she was still trying to make amends and smooth over the rocky start they'd gotten off to. For that matter, she owed Harry's best friend a thank you for pushing her to talk to him. Not that she was sure that the thank you would be well-received, but she was grateful.

Dinah entered the bar with Zatanna at her side. The two had gotten ready together, and of course Zee looked fantastic in her little black dress, but that was par for the course when going out on the town with the mystic.

OOC note: Dinah left messages inviting Fred, Jennifer, Barbara, and Murphy BUT that doesn't mean those characters have to join, nor does it mean that it only has to be those characters. As they're out at a bar, anyone, male or female is welcome to join. Also, let's just keep this thread as a free for all instead of worrying about posting orders :)

[info]cowboy_god in [info]we_coexist

Finding the culpret (Bababoy)

Jesse left the little blond Holy Knight with the understanding that she wouldn't charge into anything, and he would contact her if it was something that she could take care of. He hoped it was. He didn't really want to be in the middle of all this. For now he had to be. He could pinpoint the cause of the storm quicker than anybody, and keep tabs until he caught up with them. But he was praying that he wouldn't have to step in any further than that.

He was sad to discover that the power behind the wreckage was huge and easier to find than he'd though it would be. When he looked, he discovered that it hadn't just been a weather mutant, or some kind of extra special person. The power was something as big as his was. Older, too. Which meant that he probably shouldn't send Karrin after it, should - in fact - warn her to keep clear. Probably tell Harry to keep clear too. The guy had a good deal of power himself, but Jesse didn't feel confident about them enough to think that Harry could take on what was out there.

It wasn't the power alone that was old, either. The being carrying it was ancient. If it had just been a matter of the power itself, he could match that easily. But the fact that whoever was carrying it had been using it for a long time made things a little sketchy for him. It meant that they knew what they were doing with theirs. They weren't running on instinct like he was. There was absolute control there, no risk of accidents (Like having Buffy, Fray and a bunch of pudding show up in a room in the middle of the night).

Jesse kept focused on the power until he managed to appear right next to it. The face he found was not quite what he'd expected it to be. Young and male, when he'd gotten the distinct impression of old and female. And was, in fact, still getting that impression despite what he was looking at.

"You an' me, we gotta have a talk." He said calmly.

[info]i_zen in [info]we_coexist

The truth comes out at snack time (Jennifer)

(Happens the same day as this)

Detective Charlie Crews didn't settle down at his desk right away. He had the feeling that they were about to have some discussion, and he probably needed to focus. It wasn't that he couldn't follow conversations with his partner, but he knew there were times she couldn't always follow him. Or more she didn't want to follow him because it would mean she would have to think like him, and that bothered her a little. He was trying, see?

He poured hot water into the coffee press with the gourmet stuff waiting in the bottom to steep. He opened the box of fruit tarts they had picked up on the way back to the precinct, placing one pastry each on the two small plates. He then went to the trouble of getting out forks and napkins before setting them on the desks. He had an apple type confection and had gotten her whatever she'd wanted. Then after placing a nice clean mug beside each desk, setting the coffee press between them with the sugar and cream, he finally sat down.

"So, what did you think about the bunny pants? Seemed a little too obvious for a magician, don't you think?" Charlie thought that was a good opening. He hadn't thanked her exactly for getting them back to the office, but then he thought buying her a treat and setting up snack for whatever tete-a-tete they were about to have seemed like a good apology/thank you.