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July 29th, 2011

[info]i_diedtwice in [info]we_coexist

Going through the motions [Sam]

The City Park.

They probably weren't related. A giant wolf goes missing from the zoo and a man is spotted running naked through the park. If it'd been Sunnydale, they would have definitely been related. Except it would have been some magic curse. This? Because there were so many kinds of vampires, she had to assume the same was true of werewolves. Magic wasn't completely out of the question, however.

Either way, she was packing a tranquilizer gun. The stake would go hidden in her sleeve. The sword, which was her favorite slaying weapon for The City, would have to stay at home. Beheading was for killing and Buffy had a pretty strict no-kill werewolf policy.

It didn't occur to Buffy until she was already an hour into patrol that she could have asked Willow to help her research.

Huh. She'd been Scooby Gang-less for a long time.

Patrolling wasn't terribly exciting. There was a lot of uneventful walking involved. Eventually the five-foot-two blonde started to get bored. She thought about getting a day job as a security guard but decided against the polyester uniforms. At least she wasn't so bored that she talking to herself out loud. But right now would have been an excellent time for a stray, hungry vampire to come charging her way.

"Heerree wolfy, wolfy, wolfy. I'm small, practically defenseless, and look awfully tasty..."

[info]i_consume in [info]we_coexist

Cats! (Jake)

After Amy Pond left the hospital room that Hannibal had met her in, he took himself into his office to study the bites she'd left on his skin. They weren't deep. Enough to bleed. There was a little bit of pain, but it wasn't bad. He'd felt worse.

Quickly, he took bacterial samples and mounted them on slides. He picked up a scalpel and removed the edges of one of the punctures to study. He did everything he could think of, scientifically, medically, to have the ability to look at these things in comparison to what he might become. To see if he could see the changes before they happened. He would need somebody else to take samples later. Henry, more than likely. Hannibal would be unable to work any apparatus as an animal.

He expected to become a wolf, as Amy had been. He expected it to all happen fairly quickly, as the time between her bite and her transformation wasn't very long. The latter held true. The former, well.

As the night approached, Hannibal began to feel the symptoms that Amy had experienced. He felt the burning, the itching. It amazed him, but his sense of smell increased more. He could smell spots on his office carpet where Simon had stood, though it had been some time. He could smell River on his jacket. He couldn't have imagined being more gifted in that particular area, but he was now. His body hurt as he felt the bones change. Hannibal rode the tide of metamorphosis with the same eerie quiet that he always had. Not even his pulse rate changed.

But when it was all over, and Hannibal found himself looking at the world from a different angle, he was surprised what he discovered in the mirror he'd set down for this purpose. Instead of a great wolf, he was staring back at a cat. A jaguar. Black and sleek, though he could still see his spots. A cat, coming from a canine? It really made no sense. But he couldn't say that he was unhappy with it.

Hannibal easily found his way out of the hospital and into the City proper. He was going to find Lestat, this was something that the vampire needed to see.