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May 8th, 2011

[info]i_liketartan in [info]we_coexist

Looking For Confirmation (Open to any demons or angels)

Aziraphale might consider Crowley something of a friend, but that didn't mean he trusted the old demon. He knew the serpent well enough, he supposed, to still question anything he said, even after that whole affair with young Adam. So the first thing he'd done when Crowley left was attempt to contact Up There. He'd taken every precaution, not wishing a repeat of the last time. It was enough to be in a strange place, and he had no intention of ending up bodiless as well. The doors were well bolted, and blocked by bookcases for good measure, but he might as well not have bothered. Despite all his pal's warnings, he'd been shocked and disappointed.

Silence )

[info]i_garden in [info]we_coexist

Fruit, Glorious Fruit! (Charlie, Ivy, to be continued in comments)

Ivy had spent the afternoon exploring the City. It was much like Gotham-dirty, polluted, filled with concrete that strangled any soil that might nourish plants. Unlike Gotham, the citizens of this City had yet to have someone teach them the error of their ways. She had a lot of work to do. And though she’d already punished a few offenders, her mood still hadn’t lifted.

Until she happened upon a sprawling yard that was extremely out of place amidst the sea of buildings. Somehow in the middle of the City, there was a mansion along with an ample yard. There were fruit trees in all colors, fully flowered and stretching up and out as though soaking up every bit of sun allowed into the yard, which was an oasis amidst the skyscrapers that clogged up the air and blocked sun from most other parts of the City.

Ivy approached the trees cautiously, taking a moment to commune with them and sense their emotions. They were content, and even well-cared for. While the person who had planted and kept them up might not have been an expert, he or she had certainly given the trees a lot more care than most humans might. She ran a hand along the trunk of one of the trees, lovingly caressing it as she reveled in this small bit of utopia amidst the hell that was the City’s streets and buildings.

And trees, glorious trees... )