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Jan. 10th, 2006


i_snoop [Thread] - Nancy's arrival. Open

Dirving to Emerson to see Ned had never caused any sort of problem before - well, ecxluding any of the times Nancy found mysteries on campus that implicated any of Ned's friends. No, the drive itself was usually uneventful, and by now Nancy knew it like the back of her hand.

So that did not explain why she currently had no idea where she was. She knew for certain she hadn't missed a turn, or turned too soon, or headed the wrong direction or anything that might explain why she was nowhere near Emerson College now. Her fingers tightened on the steeringwhell of herblue Mustang Convertible as she looked around for anything that might seem familiar.

Nothing. In fact the more she drove, the more worried she grew, especially since the part of town she was in - whatever town it was - seemd as though there'd been some impressive gunplay just recently. Sharp eyes scanned the areas gliding by her window, alsmot as if memorizing details.

The first chance she got, she needed to find a slightly more safe neighborhood, and then, find someone to ask questions. A few minutes more down the road, she saw open park, not large or very inviting, but there were people walking about there. Maybe someone knew which way she should go to get back to the highway at least. She turned off the ignition and climbed out of the car, looking for someone to talk to.

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