June 2008



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May. 17th, 2008


A hunting we will go...

Who: Cassius Lestrange & Antonin Dolohov
What: Cassius has a request for an old friend.
Where: Lestrange Manor, Cassius' personal office, England
When: 13th July, 1955
Status: On-going
Warnings: PG-13ish for bad language that is likely to ensue.

Cassius stood before the fireplace of his study, eyes focused on the flames. The cigarette burning half forgotten, with only a few occasional puffs taken. He had a dilemma, and he needed help to get out of it, no matter how much it irked him to do so. He had always been able to resolve problems on his own, but this was getting out of hand. At first he was fine with Eileen hiding from him, he had thought that after so long his parents would let the betrothal fade, but they have not. And now he is being told that he better get her to the altar soon and begin the process of fathering heirs, as was his duty. And that, he just would not do.

Which was why he was waiting on Dolohov to show up, at his request. Of all of his friends, Dolohov was the only one he was sure would be up to the task, perform it well, and to do it in a discreet manner. He was sure Dolohov would find what he needed to end this nonsense about him marrying Eileen.

Upon hearing his study door open her turned, hand raising to remove the cigarette from his lips. "Antonin, thank you for coming. Do you want a drink while we talk?"