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Jul. 18th, 2008


Prompt #38, #44 and #43

Prompt #44: What will they say about you after you're gone?

Prompt #38: Write about your muses favorite food.

Prompt #43: Reasons you do the job you do

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character

Jun. 14th, 2008


Prompt #41 Tell about one of the happiest moments in your life (Closed)

Happiest Moment of my life... )

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Prompt #31 : What have you done that you wish you could apologize for?

I am not so ashamed that i'd apologize for something that i've done, 98% of time. However, there has been one thing that I wish I had apologized for and okay, I have apologize over and over.

She know's who she is and she knows the situation. However, we've worked past it and our friendship continues to grow through the years. For that, I love her dearly for.

What it was? That is something i'll never share with another person other than those who already know and I trust they won't tell anyone either. It comes down to this: with each experience that I've had, I've learned something from it. In most cases, I don't feel bad having done what I've done and having the experiences that I've had. Course...some of them weren't the best choices but that can be said for everyone.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandon: Original Character

Jan. 29th, 2008


Prompt #29 - Write a letter to yourself at some point in the past.

Dear Me, )

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character


Jan. 4th, 2008


Prompts #4, #9, #13, #18

Prompt #4: What song best describes you and why?
Prompt #9: What makes you laugh?
Prompt #13: Are you superstitious?
Prompt #18 - What was your most embarrassing moment?

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character

Jan. 3rd, 2008


Prompt #7: What is your greatest loss?

When asked that question, everyone expects the answer to be the loss of their innocence. For me, that's not it. I guess my greatest loss could be the ability to actually care whether a sister died or my actual flesh and blood family cares more about what we are than who we are. Maybe that wouldn't count considering I actually don't care that I don't have those feelings anymore after everything they have put me through but in the grand scheme of things? That would be the greatest loss - the ability to care about those who you share blood with are less important than those who don't have to care but do and love you for who you are rather than what you are to the world.

My head hurts now...

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original
Words: 132


Prompt #6: What makes you lose your temper?

When I was in high school, a lot of things would piss me off - my stupid sister, stupid people, slow drivers, people who thought they could mess with my family and being treated like a paper doll. Today? My patience with people has improved and I try not to get as angry as I used to be.

What makes me lose my temper, today? Those who think they can use my friends/family and get away with it. Those who try to harm/use/talk bad about/try to kill my family will have the force of hell after your ass before you know it. Maybe I'm just a little too over protective but I won't take anyone messing with my friends and letting them get away with it.

I also tend to lose my temper when I don't know something that I know I should know and when I don't know why I feel the way that I do sometimes. It makes me feel less in control of myself and of my mind and that's one thing that I can't afford to lose anytime soon. Yeah that pisses me off.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original
Words: 125

Dec. 24th, 2007


Prompts #17, #23 and #24 (OPEN)

Prompt #17 What is the best -- or worst -- advice you have ever received? (Open)
Prompt #23 - Do you believe in an afterlife? (Open)
Prompt #24 - Snow (Open)

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original

Dec. 7th, 2007


Prompt #22 - Dear Mun

To the person who likes to think she controls me,

Alright, I know you've been busy with your school work and such and I understand, really I do but come on now! You're almost on break, why not play with me just a little more? Or, I don't know change my layout or get even more icons of me? I know I'd love it even if the others get jealous.

Secondly, let me interact with people! I know you're not used to playing me outside of the people in your and Holly's minds but I don't care. I want to get more contacts, meet different people from different worlds, learn all that I can. So let me be me and let me explore and do my thing. You know you love it or at least get some enjoyment out of it. I definitely know I enjoy it if anything.

Oh and because I "promised" to say something - his royal highness would like more attention too, but he's a attention whore so I say screw him. And, the other girl says she wants more time to bash on certain people because well in her mind it's "fun", which for me is highly amusing.

That's it. Think about it, will ya?



Nov. 5th, 2007


Prompt #19: In your time of need who will you turn to?

Who would I turn to?

Well, that has to be one of the easiest questions I've been asked lately.

I'd turn to Dom - my soul mate and my best friend. He'd be there if only to hold me and to assure me that everything will be okay. He'd be there to listen to my ranting, rambling, crying or anything else I may in that time be experiencing. I can't imagine my life without him in my life and hope to never experience it.

I'd also turn to Scott, since as I've mentioned before, he typically knows when something is wrong with me before I do. I guess it's that connection that we've had since we were kids. I don't know, all I know is that I love him more and more for it. He, like Dom, would probably hold me and probably sing the song of his that he sang to me when I was younger, but would never admit to the outside world. He'd also tell me everything will be okay and that it's fine to cry - when sometimes that's the last thing I ever need.

If for some reason he wasn't around, I'd turn to Jordan. She's my best girl friend and a woman who I view more as a sister than anything else. She's been there for me through a lot and although we have different views on things, we're alway there for each other in the end.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Words: 243
Fandom: Original Character

Oct. 20th, 2007


Prompt #16- What moment from your life do you wish you could re-live again?

I've thought about this question a lot, honestly. )

Muse: Piper Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 358

Sep. 27th, 2007


Prompt #11 - What do you want?

Hm, what do I want?

I really want a lot of things, it's hard to choose just one.

I want to stop having seven o-clock meetings - waking up early sucks.

I want my friends and family to be happy.

I want a pizza - ham and pineapple specifically.

I want new CDs

I want to travel again...I love traveling.

I want to be able to get out of here early.

I want Dom.

I want Scott, too

Oh and I want a pony.

Yes, a pony.

Maybe some lo-mein too. Can't get enough of that stuff.
Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 98

Sep. 4th, 2007


Prompt #12 - Cooking [Open]

Adonis and the guys typically cook around here.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original
Words: 244

Aug. 24th, 2007


Prompt # 10 - My life would be easier...

That's a loaded question now isn't it?

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 256

Aug. 11th, 2007


Prompt #5: What is your greatest fear?

Hah, you're funny. Fear? Right - I don't fear anyone or anything. I can't show fear or weakness where I stand. Okay, so maybe there are a couple of things that I'm afraid will happen in the future, but I plan to never tell anyone about that. Plus, it's none of your business. I don't care how much you push or shove, I won't tell. After all, I have a reputation to uphold.

Muse: Piper "Les" Allison
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 73


Prompt #3: What are your thoughts on love?

I wouldn't be anywhere without love in my life. Or should I say, I wouldn't be anywhere without the loves of my life in my life. Yeah, I know what you're saying, she's the Queen of Hell why would she need love? Or - I thought evil can't love. I've never been your typical evil witch.

First there is Dom. He is my everything. The life experiences that I've experienced with him, the demon fighting that we did together before we both turned, the intimacy and the claiming has all shaped me to who I am today. Needless to say, I couldn't have gotten to where I am without him in my life. He is everything that I'm not and more. But, because of those differences we balance each other out. Dom has been there for me through it all, and although we've had our problems we continue to grow and love each other more with each passing day.

Then there is Scott. He's been my best friend since I was three. We've been through everything with each other. We protected and helped each other through some of the roughest times. He is everything that I've ever wanted in a man and more. He's my best friend, lover, confidant and protector.

It has made me so happy that the two men could find happiness with each other as well. They seem to work off each other quite well and have grown to love each other as much as they love me.

A little sentimental, right? So sue me.

Aug. 9th, 2007


Prompt #8: When I'm feeling blue (Open)

Getting touchy feeling now aren't we? I never did like talking about these kinds of feelings without alcohol.

... )

Jul. 27th, 2007


Prompt #2 - Family

Family - how complicated do you want this?

... )

Jul. 24th, 2007


Prompt #1 - Who Are You?

Who am I? I guess that depends on who you ask.

To demons/witches/magical beings alike I'm the queen of hell, an Enchanted, a witch and I've heard at least a few dozen times that i'm a bitch. None of that really phases me considering it is all true.

To friends and family? I'm their best friend, their sister, a pain in the ass, a lover, their mate and a free spirit. I'm also blunt, a smartass, sarcastic, honest, stubborn, independent and always up for a fight.

To me? I am an Enchanted, a witch, the mate to my soul mate and a sister. I am everything that I want to be, and I am perfectly happy with that.
