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Aug. 20th, 2007


Cass Marshall prompt #10 [open]

Cassandra Marshall
World of Darkness: Vampire the Requiem
Prompt #10 My life would be much easier if…
(225 words)
No warnings needed

My live would be much easier if there were fewer hours of daylight. It isn’t as if my body needs the rest, it is only that the sun drains us. Occasionally I can force myself to stay up during the daylight hours but it is quite difficult and often pointless. Not only do I need to stay inside to avoid the light but the mere presence of t he sun in the sky even when I can not see it weighs heavy on me. Everything I do is limited. It is like swimming in mud.

Summer is the worst; so much sunlight equals so little time to do all that I wish to do. Winter can be quite nice though. I’m not asking that we have 24 hours of darkness. I’m thinking that 6-8 hours of daylight would be sufficient. That would give me 16-18 hours of night to work with. I could deal with that.

I’m not even talking about this for the entire world. I understand that there are farming and crops to consider. I know that humans need real food to survive, that is cool. I’m only asking this for Queensport, it isn’t like we grow anything here anyway. Of course then all the vampires would want to move here, that might be a little problematic. It still might be nice though.


Cass Marshall Prompt #9 [open]

Cassandra Marshall
World of Darkness: Vampire the Requiem
Prompt # 9 What Makes you laugh?
(184 words)
Warnings: violent themes

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Aug. 9th, 2007


Cass Prompt #8

Cassandra Marshall Prompt #8 when I'm feeling blue…"
World of Darkness: Vampire The Requiem
120 words

I don't really feel blue all that often, I am a vampire remember. I'm above that sort of thing. Okay, t hat isn't entirely true. I have my moments. I guess I have the tendency to run away and sulk a bit. Not for too long of course. The last time I was in a funk and wanted to escape I had a friend stake me and put me into torpor. It was kind of funny really. I told him it was for an experiment, poor Rick.

If I need cheering up though and I actually want to be cheered up hunting almost always does the job. Sex helps to. Blood and sex are two of my very favorite things.

Jul. 27th, 2007


Prompt #7 [open]

Cass Marshall
Prompt #7: What was your greatest loss?

I would have to say my life, of course. That was a pretty big loss and the trade off has been spectacular. Shrugging off that mortal coil was the best thing that ever happened to me. Oh, but you probably didn’t mean it like that, did you?

I suppose that I could say my innocence and all that, but really why bother? Everything thing that has happened has led me to this road. I am what I am because of all the events in my life and unlife, and I like this road, so why complain?

We have a saying in the Circle that tribulation brings enlightenment. We don’t pull away from the big struggles of life, we run towards them. It is what sets us apart from the herd.

Jul. 19th, 2007


Prompt #6 [open]

Cassandra Marshall
Prompt #6: What makes You Lose Your Temper?

cut for mention of violence )

Jul. 10th, 2007


Prompt #5/Cass's greatest fear

Cass Marshall Prompt #5: My greatest fear

What is my greatest fear? Tonight's answer is quite different from what it would have been long ago. So much has changed since my embrace. All for the better in my opinion. This life (and I do consider it a life) is powerful and interesting and filled with so much that I enjoy.

I have a true home now here in Queensport under Malcolm's rule. I have a place where I belong. I have friends and I have my coven. I have the Crone.

I'm avoiding the question. I did notice.

My greatest fear is something that I do not like to think about. I fear the loss of my lover, my Love. Spider is everything to me. Above all else he is mine and I am his. We belong with and to each other. I fear him facing final death of course but also I fear him succumbing to the long sleep, to torpor. He was embraced a century and a half before me and is very likely to face torpor long before I do.

While I will likely still have my friends, my coven, and my servants, without Spider I will be alone in a way that I have not been since before the embrace. That is truly my greatest fear.

(213 words)


Prompt #4

Cass Marshall Prompt #4

What song best describes you and why?

My friend Rick wrote a song about me a while back shortly after our embrace. It was called "Witch Angel". He played it at this big Circle of the Crone Samhain ritual we had both been invited to. He played the song and I danced. It's a nice song I guess.

My Dark Princess...
Divine Darkness...
Cold Cruel and Beautiful...

brief mentions of violence and blood )

(279 words)

Jun. 26th, 2007


Prompt #3 Cass's thoughts on love

Cassandra Marshall Prompt #3: What are your thoughts on Love? [open]

Love? I believe in love of course. Even for our kind yes. Many don't believe that the kindred can truly love, but I believe that they are wrong. I think some tend to be too hung up on what they think love is supposed to be based on what they thought it to be when they were human.

I know that I am not human so I try not to make those kinds of comparisons. I have love. It is a thing of raw beauty and hunger. It is pain and pleasure. It is joy and sorrow. It is steeped in blood and death. And it is ours.

You should have their faces when Spider and I revealed our relationship at the formal meeting of kindred in Queensport. That was over a year ago, which seems like such a small amount of time for our kind. It has been nearly my whole requiem though and I've been lucky to have someone to share it with.

Spider wasn't as lucky for the first 150 years of his. I'm glad to be here with him now. I plan to be here for however long we can make forever.

Jun. 20th, 2007


Cassandra Marshall: Prompt #2

Prompt #2 Family

Before my embrace I didn't have much of a family. My mother had kicked me out of the house when I was sixteen and I went to live with my Nana When Nana died I left California for the east coast.

I reinvented myself, became a whole new person. That's when Cassandra Marshall was born. Here in Queensport everything changed for me. Once my Nana had died I didn't have a family. I was a little lonely with my new life in Queensport but it would only be a couple of years before that too would change.

Two years after coming here I shed that weakness called life and I gained a new family.

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Jun. 11th, 2007


Promt #1: Who am I?

Who am I?

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