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Aug. 20th, 2007


prompt #7, Casey Z. [closed]

Casey Z.
Original Character
Prompt #7: What is your greatest loss?
72 words
Warnings: adult language

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Jul. 23rd, 2007


Prompt #6 [open]

Casey Z. Prompt #6

What makes me lose my temper?

Maybe what you should be asking me is what doesn’t make me lose my temper. Seriously, I have a bit of a control issue when it comes to my temper. So many things piss me off though.

The state of the world pisses me off. People piss me off, most of them anyway. Reality TV makes me what to smash the television with a sledgehammer. I only did that once. It wasn’t my television though and it wasn’t really a sledgehammer either but the end result was a smashed set and a happy me.

Stupid drivers piss me off, crappy weather, really you name it and at some point I’m sure I’ve lost my temper about it. It’s who I am. I was worse when I was a teenager of course. In comparison, these days I’m positively mellow.

Jul. 20th, 2007


Prompt #5/Casey's biggest fear

Casey Z.
Prompt #5: Greatest Fear… [private]

cut for swearing )

Jul. 9th, 2007


Casey Z. Prompt #3 [open]

Casey Z.
Prompt #3 Love

cut for mild language )

(66 words)

Jul. 4th, 2007


Prompt #2 Family

Casey Z. [OC] Prompt #2 Family [Open]

To me, true family is the one you make yourself. It is the one you choose, not the one that fate or chance thrusts upon you. My family is the group I hang with. My friends are my family, my tribe.

My other family? The ones who “raised me” (if you could call it that). I don’t like to talk about them. I left that life years ago. Even before I was able to physically leave, I had already detached myself emotionally from them. Assuming I was ever very attached to them in the first place. I doubt they were ever really attached to me.

Oh, sure they were attached to that whole “son” label. But that wasn’t me. That could have been anyone they might have spawned. Me as an actual thinking individual? No, they were never all that fond of that boy.

But I said I wasn’t going to talk about them, so that’s it about that.

Jul. 2nd, 2007


Casey Z. Prompt #1

Casey Z. Prompt #1: Who are you?

Cut for language )

273 words
original character
