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Sep. 30th, 2009


WHO: Linde and Ethan
WHAT: Ethan causing trouble and seeing if Linde will join in
WHERE: Campus
WHEN: September 3rd, late evening, about eight PM

Ethan's tiny arms were full of bags. As he walked whatever was contained by the bags clanked and jangled together in a loud and somewhat annoying consistency. Ethan was grinning. He was grinning because he had a plan. It probably wasn't a fantastic one, by any means, but the day had been dreary and nasty, and aside from meeting that new blonde kid, he hadn't really done anything of interest. Now he approached Linde's door. He knew the other man pretty well, they weren't as close as say... he and Erin were, but the tiny brunette had noticed a definite lack of Linde around lately, and intended to fix it. With his full arms he was unable to knock at the other man's door so instead he kicked, small foot making a satisfying "thud" against solid wood. As the door opened Ethan lost his grip on one of the bags and it spilled, spray-paint cans rolling here and there. "Aw damn!" He declared and looked up at Linde. "Hey. How's it going? Wanna get into some trouble with me?"

Aug. 3rd, 2009


WHO: Professor Jason and OPEN
WHAT: Reaction to alarms
WHERE: The Academy, outside classrooms
WHEN: During the riot/attack on the M. Grid.

Jason was letting his students take a momentary break from work....ok, he was gimping his way down the hall to the professors’ lounge for coffee. It wasn’t a long day yet, but Jason wasn’t feeling his hottest. He’d been up all night Sunday, thinking and worrying. The usual.

Halfway to the lounge, alarms went off, startling Jason. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he ran back to the classroom and stuck his head inside. “Stay here!” He called to the training rangers before running down the hall. He hoped David was in his classroom, or that David or Aiden would be close. Jason didn’t know where the problem was, or what it was, but he needed to keep the students safe. “Fuck!” he muttered as he reached David’s classroom. His leg throbbed as he pounded on the door. Something bad –would- happen while the active rangers were gone. Which made Jason stop... It could be very bad.