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Home for the Starfallen

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The Fall [06 Oct 2013|03:08pm]

You might at first wake up lying on stone pavement, facing an evening sky that blankets everything in its atmosphere. On either side of the street, all lights are out in the buildings, except for a few straggler windows still glowing along the path. It's dim, though, it hinders the notion you might have of getting around and somehow finding your way. Maybe panic is starting to set in.

One star falls just then.

It shoots across the dark blue and another follows. More do the same; brighter than any excuse for a streetlamp below. There are too many to be anything other than a kind of magic. It goes on this way, a storm with no wind or rain, persistent, illuminating the buildings that might have been otherwise hard to see at such an hour.

Every turn and alley brings up a new road, sometimes even wildly different from the last. There's no exit or end.

What are you going to find here tonight instead?

Mod notes:
To be found below )

Introduction Post [06 Oct 2013|02:09pm]

Welcome to the Home for the Starfallen!

We are pleased you have chosen to stay with us. To ensure the maximum level of comfort during your stay, please fill out this form, to introduce yourself to the other guests and to tell them which of your muses you are bringing to this wonderful city! You are also allowed to write a freeform comment as an introduction, if that is more comfortable to you than a pre-made form. We, the mods, welcome you and hope you have an enjoyable time! Please, feel free to return to this post at any time, either to add more characters or notify the others of any changes you feel are necessary for people to know. All new residents are asked to add their own comment after they have joined the city.

(Please remember comments and any fields in the form are totally optional and up to you how detailed or not you want it to be.)

Rules and FAQ [13 May 2013|11:37pm]


- Be nice. This is purely for fun, so don’t be rude and respect each other.
- Remember to add your character tag to any given post you tag with them!
- Warn for smut and triggers!
- If you have any questions, contact the mods either through plurk or skype.
- Most importantly, HAVE FUN!


Here be answers )

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