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January 21st, 2021



Snowglobe Vallo Network Post

Hey so, we might've tuned the psychic radio with Vallo. The one that isn't a steaming pile of dogshit, that is. Anybody else feel the difference? Might go for anybody with magic, honestly. I'm not psychic but I can still feel it.

Anyway, I'm going to need something as close to an indestructible lunchbox as I can find so if you got the goods, hit me up.




Adam Parrish
Ronan Lynch
WHO Ronan Lynch & Adam Parrish
WHERE Cabeswater and... uh, Cabeswater.
WHEN Sometime in the early hours of Thursday morning, January 21
WHAT The greywaren and the magician go dreamwalking in Cabeswater, and use their combined magical abilities to connect the two Vallos together by passing off a piece of Vallo Prime to be dreamt into existence in Snowglobe Vallo.
STATUS Complete!
Note: Snowglobe Vallo and Vallo Prime are now magically connected! Those with the ability to send magic/psychic messages to others can now do so and will feel they are no longer blocked when they wake up Thursday morning.

Per the mod post: "Please wait on any network things until Ronan posts what happened to him which will kick start the Snowglobe tech team scrambling to try to test getting messages across that way and then tech on Vallo Prime's end will try to buff it there. There will be a post from there as the official linked network post."
“Goddamn it, Parrish. You just had to pick something fragile, huh?” Read more... )



armiger communication nyx ➸ noctis

( he had been able to feel Noctis since the day before, a weird sort of tether through the ring on his hand and he could only assume it was something with the magic that he probably would never understand. but figuring it out wasn't exactly a priority. after Ronan's post he started to wonder if he could expand on it. which lead him to scribbling a quick note on a piece of paper and securing it around a palm sized rock with some string.

Nyx held it hand and let out a breath. the how, well, that was a bit lost on him. but he figured there had to be a way. he focused on the rock, like he would if he was about to pull something into his armiger, but instead tried to focus on how he could feel his brother through the ring. he felt a bit silly really, standing there focusing on a rock and a ring and trying to manifest some picture in his mind of said rock and note bypassing his own armiger and ending up in Noctis'.

the rock vanished in a little flurry of blue. he tried to call it back from his own space, but found it - not there. whether it ended up where he wanted was another thing altogether but it wasn't with him.

No clue if this is going to get to you, but we're okay.



quick log (rapid response log idk?) - sabrina and dan

[His mind wandered. In that state between asleep and awake, that was when his astral form pushed outward, gliding beneath black velvet skies. Dan drifted, past the hedge maze confines and toward something else...

Yesterday it had been like a rubber band snapping back, as if he'd pushed too hard - he didn't get anywhere, even if he could feel the destination just out of reach. But this morning, it was different, he fell into the rabbit hole - and when he landed, he saw her. In the mortuary (darker and dreary, lacking the presence of a near-six-year-old who loved unicorns, for example), by the fireplace - he was drawn to the confidence of the flames]




[No Subject]

"She resisted the urge to make some kind of light-hearted joke like 'you poopin?'"
Read more... )



Psychic Conversation - Adam and Roz

[ The extend of her psychic communication was with Prudence, Agatha, and Mumbo Marie. This was new territory for Roz, but if she could follow the presence she first connected to Monday, now stronger than ever, it was worth a shot.


Roz sat on the floor of her room at the mortuary and focused on her power, and letting it reach out to Adam. ]

"Adam.", she thought gently, "Adam, can you hear me?"



Buried Deep in the Vallo Prime Network

[Visible to the Vallo Comms Tech Team]

Attention Vallo Prime

This is Vallo Dark

Trying to establish connection

Please respond



Combined Snowglobe and Prime Network Post

Hey, Vallo Prime and Vallo Dark - everybody should be able to see this on network-connected devices.

Thanks, whoever you folks who helped stabilize the connection on the Vallo Prime end are. I'm Dr. Morgan Yu, and I'm about to go full typhon because that shit was exhausting. Vallo Dark-area psychics, don't freak if you sense a weird white noise; my thoughts are always like that, but they tend to get a little louder when I'm not holding a human form.

While I'm napping, see what you can do about getting us all out of this foggy hellhole.



Combined Networks

I was going to write this as advice for those trapped with me here in Needs Work Frankly Vallo, but now that communications has been established, everyone can see it! Gosh, it's a little unnerving.

So Your Beloved Home Has Gone Dark and Ashy and Awful and Everything Wants to Kill You, Including Your Friends: A Primer
  • First, don't panic! Panicking does no one any good and only attracts monsters and bandits.
  • Secondly, assess your situation: are you in a safe area? If not, find one. Safe areas typically include a tidy little bonfire, friendly inhabitants, and a place to sharpen your blade. Unsafe areas include lava, trap-stuffed castles, poison swamps, dragon hoards, undead-filled towns, priests, and people who try to stab you.
  • How do you feel? Do you feel healthy, hale, and energetic? Or do you feel sluggish, foggy-brained, possibly cannibalistic? You might need to consider that you are changing to match your surroundings.
  • Do you have any healing items on you? If so, these are worth their weight in gold, but it's the apocalypse, so gold does fuck all. Nevertheless, healing items are very valuable! If you don't have any, try to find some, or barter for some, or get them off a corpse.
  • Determine what sentimental items you wish to carry to remind you of how things used to be, but ensure that they are lightweight. I have a special miracle caster given to me by a loved one before she passed that I always carry, along with a few rings. All these items are useful in addition to make me feel both happy and sad when I look at them too long.
  • Local animals may seem friendly, but approach them cautiously. Sometimes, they're cute because they want to eat you.
  • Feeling sad? Nostalgic for what you've lost? It's fine to have emotions about the past, but don't let it drag you down too deeply. Talk to your friends and colleagues about your feelings. They're your loved ones for a reason; I promise you don't annoy them by existing.
  • Feeling angry? That's perfectly understandable too! Try to use that aggression against monsters, not your friends and allies.
  • Feeling like a good roll in the hay? Also understandable! Everyone knows that funerals are the best places to pick up a date for the evening. Be respectful and courteous and if you're like me, take your shirt off a lot and things tend to work out for you, unless you're in a place where taking off your shirt isn't respectful and courteous, in which case don't do it you slug.
  • It's okay to take breaks! No one can be "on" all the time, and working yourself to exhaustion will only make it more depressing when you mess up and let your best friend get stepped on by a dragon. Hypothetically. (We worked it out.)
  • Do you want to blame someone? I understand the impulse, but it's not healthy or relevant while you're in danger. It's more important to make sure that you're safe and your friends are safe before you start blaming people, even bad people, for your current predicament. If you're religious, feel free to blame the gods. Chances are, they're totally responsible anyhow, and they don't tend to care when they're blamed because deep down, they know they're jerks. (Your experiences with gods may differ from mine.)
  • Finally, enjoy the little things. This apocalypse is your apocalypse, too! Tomorrow, you may get smashed in the head by a falling building and squished to unrecognizable paste. So give those compliments, tell your loved ones how special they are to you! They'll think of you more fondly if they should find your squishy corpse later.
I hope this was helpful! Please ask me any questions you might have, and I'll try to answer. Obviously most of this was from my own experience watching Lothric go to absolute shit, so not all experiences are universal experiences!



combined networks

As a note in case we're keeping notes, I haven't seen any evidence of serious illusion magic keeping things disguised from us. At least nothing like what Fogg had for his wonder team. I guess that's a good thing because it could have potentially murdered anyone poking at it, but that's life.

Hey, asshole.

Are you dead or something? Did you lose your hair and beard and fear showing your face again? I can understand. You'd look weird without hair or a beard. I've heard the demon goats are dangerous this time of year.

Anyway, your school's mine until further notice. Just thought I'd let you know. I might give it back. Maybe. I'll see how I'm feeling later.



Snowglobe Vallo

I have to admit, this is pretty creative.

[Private - Veronica Mars]

You doing okay?



[No Subject]

Who: Matthew Lynch
What: Ruminations on staying awake
Where: Around the Barns
When: Snowglobe Plot Day 1 & 2

You're awake. )