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February 25th, 2020



Netpost 25.02: Anders

Filter 1: Danny, Sabrina, Hawke, Atisha, Neria )


Filter 2: Dorian )



[No Subject]

I'm not used to this much time between global emergencies. No one's even knocked on my door in the middle of the night since I got here. If there's anything you need help with, even if it's just lifting something heavy, let me know.

Also, would anyone like to learn how to ride a hoverbike?

Oh my god, do I sound lonely



[No Subject]

Well this really does just top off a phenomenally awful day, now doesn’t it.

But no matter.

Greetings! I am Jaskier, bard extraordinaire. Where does one go to find a drink and maybe play a song?



Text Messages ➢ Gladio & Eddie

Texts to Gladio Amicitia  )




Did you still want me to scan your brain? I know that was a concern in the last world where we met. I'm hoping you're less anxious here.