
Layout By

February 1st, 2020





Get your Sing On

WHEN: Saturday, February 1st
WHERE: Galahd; Vallo City
WHAT: Karaoke!
Karaoke night hosted by one Sirius Black. Magically any song someone might want to sing is available, regardless of the world it comes from. The drink for the night is the Karaoke Jack - Jack Daniels whiskey with amaretto liqueur, a dash of apple juice and a cherry garnish finished with a twist of lemon. Half price if you go up to sing. Drinking age in Vallo follows Alberta rules, it's 18 so have fun kids. © tessisamess



[No Subject]

I'm Gansey, I arrived yesterday, followed by two of my friends. I have unfortunately had time to drink coffee and contemplate the universe and my existence therein for twenty-four hours, now, which just leaves me with more questions that I know have no right answer.

But I do have a few that I hope will be answerable: Are there any rules and restrictions to exploring the forest? Are there areas that are off-limits? Does the same currency work in the forest as the city? I'm sure I'll come up with more, given half a chance, but I greatly appreciate the knowledge put forward already.

There's karaoke tonight, apparently. It's in the city, at a popular bar, and could be a good way to observe both locals and people stuck here like us.